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Sometimes to best way to get up to speed with a new technology is to learn by example. Here is a list of fully featured, production ready example applications I have compiled that I consider to be of very decent quality. Most are RESTful and all have good test coverage. I listed componenets like the authentication, templating, and testing frameworks they employ – perhaps useful if you are looking for examples of say cucumber stories, or maybe how to use haml markup. Also listed are some of the gems and plugins they leverage that I think are either useful or popular and worth checking out if you are not already familiar with them. If you know of others just let me know in the comments section and I will add them. So here they are in no particular order – Enjoy! You’ve probably seen his excellent video tutorials, but did you know Ryan Bates also gives away the code that powers his site? Plugins: redcloth, acts-as-list, will_paginate, whenever Crowdsourcing and Crowdfunding local news stories. Authentication: restful-authentication An excellent base to build ecommerce sites from. Authentication: authlogic This is a pretty cutting edge rails app. Follows ThoughtBot’s best practices. Authentication: clearance An web directory of professional Rails development firms. Good example for dealing the internationalization(I18N) and localization(L10n). Also many cucumber features. Authentication: authlogic An OpenSource social network platform in Rails Authentication: restful-authentication, open_id_authentication Homepage: http://wiki.github.com/jamis/bucketwise A simple web based personal finance application. A pretty straight forward application that doesn’t leverage many plugins. Testing: test unit(unit, functional) Homepage: http://fatfreecrm.com/ Fat Free CRM is an open source Ruby on Rails-based customer relationship management platform. Out of the box it features group collaboration, campaign and lead management, contact lists, and opportunity tracking. Authentication: authlogic
Homepage: http://railscasts.com/
Github: http://github.com/ryanb/railscasts
Templates: ERB
Testing: RSpec(controllers, helpers, models)
Search: ThinkingSphinx
Homepage: http://www.spot.us/
Github: http://github.com/spot-us/spot-us
E-Commerce: active_merchant, ssl_requirement
Plugins: acts_as_state_machine(aasm), fastercsv, attribute_fu, paperclip, subdomain_fu
Templates: haml (no sass), compass
Testing: RSpec(models, views, controllers, helpers), Factory Girl
Homepage: http://spreecommerce.com/
Github: http://github.com/railsdog/spree
E-Commerce: active_merchant, ssl_requirement
Plugins: pluginaweek-state_machine, will_paginate, whenever, chronic, acts-as-list,attribute_fu, awesome_nested_set, paperclip
Templating: haml, compass, sass
Testing: RSpec(controllers, models), test unit(functional, unit)
Homepage: http://bostonrb.org/
Github: http://github.com/bostonrb/bostonrb
Plugins: inherited_resources, acts_as_versioned, autochronic, geokit, jrails
Templating: haml, sass
Testing: mocha, shoulda, cucumber, Factory Girl, webrat, fakeweb
Homepage: http://www.railsdevelopment.com/
Github: http://github.com/engineyard/rails_dev_directory
Authorization: can_has
Plugins: acts_as_state_machine(aasm), acts-as-list, paperclip, recaptcha, redcloth,shortcode_url, ssl_requirement, will_paginate, xss_terminate, jrails
Search: ThinkingSphinx
Testing: RSpec(controllers, helpers, models), cucumber, Factory Girl
Homepage: http://dogfood.insoshi.com/
Github: http://github.com/insoshi/insoshi
Plugins: acts-as-list, annotate_models, attachment_fu, jrails
Search: ultrasphinx
Testing: RSpec(controllers, helpers, models, views)Bucketwise
Github: http://github.com/jamis/bucketwiseFat Free CRM
Github: http://github.com/michaeldv/fat_free_crm
Plugins: acts_as_commentable, advanced_errors, annotate_models, paperclip,will_paginate
Search: simple_column_search
Templating: haml, sass
Testing: RSpec(controllers, helpers, models, routing, views), faker, Factory Girl
Rails 3 Beta版本月将出 Merb融合带来选择
2010-01-11 09:48 1436Rails 3,目前流行Web开发框架Rails的一个升级版 ... -
2010-01-11 09:43 921Merb中要加入类似Django的Admin功能早有传闻,如今 ... -
rails cms
2009-12-28 20:29 1688Rails CMS alternatives ======= ... -
Generating Thousands of PDFs on EC2 with Ruby
2009-12-24 18:01 1071The Problem For about two mont ... -
Shrink your JavaScript with the Google Compiler Rails Plugin
2009-11-16 11:27 954Like it or not, JavaScript has ... -
Thank you, Rails
2009-11-06 18:21 581It’s fashionable, or perhaps in ... -
Top 50 Ruby on Rails Websites
2009-10-31 15:18 960We’re big fans of Ruby on Rails ... -
Let a human test your app, not (just) unit tests
2009-10-31 09:26 890I’m a big believer in unit test ... -
Heroku Gets Add-Ons: Serious Ruby Webapp Hosting Made Easy
2009-10-30 07:37 930Heroku is a Ruby webapp hosti ... -
Rails + Google Analytics = easy goal tracking
2009-10-29 20:38 913Google Analytics is an indis ... -
Integrating Flickr into your rails website
2009-10-29 20:37 1090In this post I’m going to show ... -
Ruby on Rails Roadshow in Austin Thursday
2009-10-29 14:25 822Justin Britten founded Prefine ... -
Ruby on Rails and the importance of being stupid
2009-10-21 08:13 831A tale of two servers… Server ... -
How a 1-Engineer Rails Site Scaled to 10 Million Requests Per Day
2009-10-20 14:49 791Ravelry is an online knitting ... -
Installing Rails on CentOS 5
2009-10-20 14:24 1218Note: Since this post origina ... -
2009-10-20 14:22 1142lighttpd版本:1.4.18 fastcgi版本: ... -
2009-10-20 09:17 1137cells "将使得面向组 ... -
Install Passenger on Ubuntu
2009-10-07 10:17 825Phusion Passenger is one of the ... -
Installing Ruby on Rails with Apache on Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty)
2009-10-07 10:00 1041Installing Passenger and Depe ... -
Ruby on Rails with Nginx on Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty)
2009-10-07 09:57 1083Install Required Packages ...
《Ruby on Rails Tutorial》中文版(原书第2版,涵盖 Rails 4) Ruby 是一门很美的计算机语言,其设计原则就是“让编程人员快乐”。David Heinemeier Hansson 就是看重了这一点,才在开发 Rails 框架时选择了 Ruby...
### Ruby on Rails 101:深入理解与实践 #### 引言 《Ruby on Rails 101》是一本介绍Ruby on Rails(简称RoR或ROR)的基础书籍,旨在为初学者提供一个全面而深入的学习框架。本书由Peter Marklund编写,包含了五天...
Ruby on Rails,简称Rails,是基于Ruby编程语言的一个开源Web应用程序框架,它遵循MVC(模型-视图-控制器)架构模式,旨在提高开发效率和代码的可读性。Rails以其“约定优于配置”(Convention over Configuration)...
Ruby on Rails是一款基于Ruby语言的开源Web开发框架,它遵循MVC(模型-视图-控制器)架构模式,简化了Web应用的开发流程。在Linux环境下安装Ruby on Rails需要一系列的依赖包和步骤,本资源包提供了所需的所有组件,...
《Ruby on Rails 3 Tutorial》是一本专门为初学者设计的指南,旨在帮助读者快速掌握Ruby on Rails这一强大的Web开发框架。Ruby on Rails(简称Rails)是基于Ruby语言的一个开源框架,它采用MVC(Model-View-...
Ruby on Rails,简称Rails,是一款基于Ruby语言的开源Web应用框架,它遵循MVC(Model-View-Controller)架构模式,旨在简化Web应用程序的开发。Rails由David Heinemeier Hansson于2004年创建,它提倡“约定优于配置...
### Ruby on Rails Guides v2 - Ruby on Rails 4.2.5 #### 一、重要概念及基础假设 - **重要概念**:本指南旨在帮助读者深入理解Ruby on Rails(以下简称Rails)4.2.5版本的核心功能与最佳实践。 - **基础假设**:...
《Ruby on Rails for Dummies》是一本专门为初学者设计的Ruby on Rails教程,它旨在帮助新手快速理解并掌握这个强大的Web开发框架。Ruby on Rails(简称Rails)是基于Ruby编程语言构建的一个开源Web应用程序框架,它...
《Ruby on Rails入门权威经典》是一本专门为初学者设计的指南,旨在帮助读者全面掌握Ruby on Rails这一强大的Web开发框架。Ruby on Rails(简称Rails)是基于Ruby编程语言的开源框架,以其“DRY(Don't Repeat ...
Ruby on Rails,简称Rails,是基于Ruby语言的一个开源Web应用程序框架,它遵循MVC(Model-View-Controller)架构模式,旨在使Web开发过程更加高效、简洁。本压缩包中的"Ruby on Rails入门经典代码"提供了新手学习...
本书教您如何使用Ruby on Rails开发和部署真正的,具有工业实力的Web应用程序,Ruby on Rails是为诸如Twitter,Hulu,GitHub和Yellow Pages等顶级网站提供支持的开源Web框架。
Ruby on Rails,简称Rails,是由David Heinemeier Hansson基于Ruby语言开发的一个开源Web应用程序框架。这个框架遵循“约定优于配置”(Convention over Configuration)的原则,致力于简化Web应用的开发流程,提高...
Ruby on Rails,简称Rails,是一款基于Ruby语言的开源Web应用框架,它遵循MVC(Model-View-Controller)架构模式,旨在提升开发效率和代码的可读性。Rails以其“约定优于配置”的设计理念,以及“DRY(Don't Repeat ...
Ruby on Rails,简称Rails,是基于Ruby语言的开源Web应用框架,它遵循MVC(Model-View-Controller)架构模式,旨在使开发过程更加简洁高效。这个“ruby on rails 教程源码”很可能是为了辅助学习者深入理解Rails的...
Ruby On Rails 框架自它提出之日起就受到广泛关注,在“不要重复自己”,“约定优于配置”等思想的指导下,Rails 带给 Web 开发者的是极高的开发效率。 ActiveRecord 的灵活让你再也不用配置繁琐的 Hibernate 即可...
Ruby on Rails 4 Tutorial 是一本深受开发者欢迎的书籍,它详细介绍了如何使用Ruby on Rails这一强大的Web开发框架。Ruby on Rails(简称Rails)是基于Ruby语言的开源框架,以其“约定优于配置”(Convention over ...
### Ruby on Rails与Java框架对比分析 #### 一、引言 随着互联网技术的迅猛发展,Web开发领域也迎来了各种各样的开发框架和技术栈。在众多的开发框架中,Ruby on Rails (RoR) 和 Java 的相关框架尤其受到关注。本文...