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楼主讲了实话啊,中国程序员的现状,也是只见中国程序员拼死拼活的 ...
中国的程序员为什么这么辛苦 -
国内ASP.NET下功能比较完善,优化比较好的Spacebui ...
国内外开源sns源码大全 -
敢问兰州的大哥,Prism 现在在12.04LTS上可用么?我 ...
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兄弟,卫星通信不是这么简单的,单向接收卫星广播信号不需要太大的 ...
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IE中使用Google Chrome Frame运行HTML 5
Marina Orlova
This 28 year-old Russian vixen doesn’t spend her time bouncing around in front of a camera just for kicks — she’s out to educate in the process. Originally an etymologist, Marina found that applying her considerable knowledge in an unorthodox fashion was a quick way to beat the economy, and in 2007 Hot for Words was born. Averaging at over two million views per video, Marina pretty much owns YouTube. She’s been singled out by Wired, G4, and Cosmopolitan as one the world’s sexiest geek girls, and we’re tipping our hats as well.
Jade Raymond
She may be one quarter Aussie, a quarter Chinese, and half Canadian, but this geek girl is 100% awesome. She produced Assassin’s Creed in 2007, and she’s the sequel’s executive producer this year. She’s spent time working for Sony Online and Electronic Arts, two of the biggest names in the industry. One thing’s for certain; Ubisoft is one lucky gaming company to have her guiding their code.
Marissa Mayer
She may be called The Cupcake Princess, but Marissa Mayer is no joke. She’s Vice President of Search Product and User Experience at Google. What’s that mean? It means within the walls of Google, what she says goes. She studied artificial intelligence at Stanford, and before she became the first woman to work at Google, she worked for UBS in a Zurich lab.
Veronica Belmont
Gorgeous and aptly named Veronica Belmont began her career as an A/V nerd out of Boston’s Emerson College. She’s since hopped coasts and now spends her time in San Francisco, attending tech events and hosting tech shows for people like Sony and Revision3. That’s when she’s not busy podcasting, or logging hours on her PS3.
Jolie O’Dell
Jolie has a pretty solid history as a writer and journalist, and though she’s technically freelance, spends most of her time these days over at Read Write Web. Unlike most geeky goddesses, this redhead is actually pretty down to earth, even downright girl next door in the way she interacts with people. Add this girl to your reading list — You won’t be sorry.
Olivia Munn
No man can make it through a day in the life of a modern geek without the sight of Olivia Munn somewhere in his periphery. Whether she’s in a Wonder Woman outfit, or a Princess Leia bikini, she’s everywhere. And for good reason — She’s gorgeous. She’s become the face of not only G4, but all geekery as well, due to her long-running success as co-host of Attack of the Show.
Jessica Chobot
Born Jessica Lynn Horn, it’s understandable that Ms. Chobot prefers a pseudonym. With looks like hers, the constant threat of bad punnery must have been stressful, to say the least. She’s a huge anime nerd on top of being a staff-writer for IGN, and if that’s not enough, she dabbles in Maxim and FHM in her spare time. She’s been on G4’s Attack of the Show several times, and is most noted for licking what is arguably the luckiest PSP ever built.
Morgan Webb
Morgan’s shown her resilience matches her geekiness by outlasting nearly every other employee who worked alongside her at TechTV before it merged with G4 in 2004. Since then, she’s steadily cemented her fame by not only hosting X-Play, but also making appearances in nearly every other tech show and convention possible. She’s even spent time writing for FHM, responding to despondent, horny gamer nerds once a month in her own column.
Amber MacArthur
Another Canadian, Amber came down from the deep north to work for Microsoft, and even spent time in San Francisco working for Razorfish. She hangs out with Leo Laporte on a regular basis, and she’s hosted or made appearances on a laundry list of tech shows and podcasts over the years.
Felicia Day
Felicia may have started off in the realm of pure acting, but she drifted into something much deeper when she helped create The Guild. Geeks everywhere suddenly became aware of the notoriously pale, gorgeous internet-star when episodes of the severely under-funded show began popping up in their inboxes. She’s now a full-blown web-celebrity now, and unlike many, works hard to earn her place in geeky lists everywhere.
Natali Del Conte
This native Californian now hangs out in New York, and she’s serious business. She’s one of CNET’s senior editors, and she’s worked with Wired, TechCrunch, PC Magazine and a host of newspapers and other publications. She’s an experienced podcaster, and she’s made appearances on numerous other tech shows and broadcasts, including G4’s Attack of the Show.
Leah Culver
Leah Culver was a co-founder of Pownce (now defunct), and now codes for Six Apart. She’s largely responsible for OAuth, which you probably used on at least one website today. She’s obscenely cute, and codes better than you do. She’s got a thing for old VW’s and Diet Coke, which pretty much makes her awesome.
2010-03-20 08:55 11661.吃了辣的东西,感觉 ... -
2010-03-13 10:22 1025LW of a Perl programmer: I do ... -
2010-03-12 08:03 946一、 内 科 1、 初起感 ... -
2010-03-05 07:17 1274在早些时候星际2Beta单机模式惨遭破解之后,从国内著名破解组 ... -
2010-02-28 18:40 1363TT: 哭的表情。 像一双闭上的眼睛垂下两行眼泪。 G ... -
2010-02-25 09:09 790虽然说SNS中的偷菜人数已经超过暴雪网游《魔兽世界》的玩家数, ... -
2010-02-16 23:05 935我有一个同学DOTA玩神经 ... -
2010-02-09 11:08 8131、鸟笼逻辑 挂一个漂亮的鸟笼在房间里最显眼的地方, ... -
2010-02-09 10:59 781目前为止,任何一家网游公司只要宣称其发行的任何一款网络游戏将会 ... -
旧电脑 新用途
2010-02-09 10:55 2625新闻来源:极速网 以旧 ... -
2010-02-08 09:03 2445字母 baidu.com google. ... -
2010-02-06 07:06 9121.开场歌舞《虎跃龙腾贺春来》 2.群口相声《和谁说相声》演 ... -
2010-02-06 07:00 8801.拳头按压 释放疲惫 ... -
2010-01-27 09:55 852坐班一族,一整天下来,真是腰酸背痛,周身疲惫(特别是程序员), ... -
2010-01-19 14:52 855如果20世纪的中国是一个富裕和统一的国家,我们会有一个完 ... -
2010-01-01 12:41 927衷心地祝愿您在新的一年里:所有的期待都能出现,所有的梦想都能 ... -
2010-01-01 09:27 991缓解近视的15个偏方( ... -
2009-12-27 15:49 842金橘 能理气、解郁、 ... -
2009-12-26 08:43 841在求职过程中,若是不 ... -
2009-12-10 23:07 815北京市中医管理局副局长屠志涛介绍说,北京市投入1000万元进行 ...
"embeded android hottest!!!" 这个标题暗示我们将深入探讨嵌入式Android系统的最新趋势和技术,这对于想要解决Android相关问题的开发者来说无疑是一份宝贵的资源。描述中的"try this to solve your puzzles on ...
"CCNA.Network.Visualizer.5.0.09模拟器 Web hottest videos personal player"就是这样一款强大的工具,它结合了直观的网络可视化和丰富的教学资源,为学习CCNA的旅程提供了极大的便利。 这款模拟器的核心功能在于...
在这个名为“Hottest_Topics_in_Machine_Learning:数据营项目”的压缩包文件中,我们可以找到一个Jupyter Notebook,它提供了一个探索和理解机器学习热点话题的平台。Jupyter Notebook是一个交互式环境,允许用户...
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题目12则出现了最高级"the hottest",表示最热的。 3. **介词搭配**:"close to"表示接近,如题目5所示;"in the south of"表示在...的南部,如题目6。 4. **疑问词的选择**:题目3询问最好的电影院在哪里,使用了...
最热泉 此自述文件概述了在此 Ember 应用程序上进行协作的详细信息。 这个应用程序的简短介绍可以很容易地转到这里。 先决条件 您将需要在您的计算机上正确安装以下东西。 (带有 NPM) 安装 git clone 这个仓库 ...
在机器学习中最热门的话题 神经信息处理系统(NIPS)是发布突破性工作的全球顶级机器学习会议之一。 在这个项目中,我们将分析过去十年中大量的NIPS研究论文,以发现机器学习的最新趋势。 我们将在NIPS论文上使用...
语言:English (United States) 在您的朋友之前发现发展最快的Roblox游戏(每天更新) 在每个选项卡中发现一个新的Roblox游戏。 让我们的算法完成艰苦的工作; 我们会监控数百万个Roblox游戏,以查找您错过的宝石...
语言:English OneClick可以在Amazon和AliExpress上查看畅销产品和今日交易产品。 我们能为您提供什么帮助? 此扩展程序在诸如Amazon,AliExpress等热门购物网站上收集了最畅销和最高折扣的产品。...
The ultimate guide to WordPress Themes – one of the hottest topics on the web today. * WordPress is so much more than a blogging platform, and Smashing WordPress Themes teaches readers how to make ...
12. 愿意:willing 13. 音乐的:musical 14. 最著名的:the most famous 15. 最热的:hottest 16. 愉快的:pleasant 17. 微笑的:smiling 18. 更远的:farther/further 19. 无聊的:bored 20. 歌手的:singers' 二...
"hottest"是hot的最高级,用来形容夏季的极端温度。 4. 句子结构分析:"I find him very excited"属于"S+V+O+OC"结构,即主语(S)+谓语动词(V)+宾语(O)+宾语补足语(OC)。"him"是宾语,"very excited"是宾语补足语,...
"hottest" 是形容词 "hot" 的最高级形式,表示“最热的”。 4. 题目分析句子结构"I find him very excited",其中 "I" 是主语 (S),"find" 是谓语 (V),"him" 是宾语 (O),"very excited" 是宾补 (OC),符合 "S+V+O...
Ember-cli-codeschool-app 此自述文件概述了在此 Ember 应用程序上进行协作的详细信息。 这个应用程序的简短介绍可以很容易地转到这里。先决条件您将需要在您的计算机上正确安装以下东西。 (带有 NPM)安装git ...
13. **比较级和最高级**:形容词的比较级和最高级变化,如 `dry` 的比较级和最高级是 `drier` 和 `driest`,`hot` 的比较级和最高级是 `hotter` 和 `hottest`,`thin` 的比较级和最高级是 `thinner` 和 `thinnest`。...
在选择填空部分,学生需要根据语境选择正确的介词(如in/on the tree)、动词时态(如gets/warmer and warmer)、季节顺序(如Spring is the first season...)、主谓一致(如The girls are looking for shells...)...
" 选项D "the hottest" 正确,表示一年中最热的月份。 8. 第八题考察最高级和名词复数。"Xi’an is one of ________ capital ________ in China." 选项D "the oldest; cities" 正确,西安是中国最古老的城市之一。 ...
9. hottest (最热的):第9题中,"hottest words"指热门词汇,所以A选项正确,表示去年网络上最热门的词汇。 10. spare (空闲的):在第10题里,"in his spare time"意为空余时间,所以B选项正确。 11. much lower ...