I've looked at hundreds of Linux distributions over the years. Some of them have been awful. Many have been OK. Few have been great. Based on my early look at Karmic Koala, Ubuntu 9.10, I think we've got a very strong Linux desktop distribution coming down the way.
Before jumping into my early review, let me say that while I like Ubuntu, I'm not an Ubuntu fanboy. I also like Fedora, openSUSE, Mint, and MEPIS to name a few Linux distributions that I use on a regular basis.
What caught my eye with this version of Ubuntu is that, especially for a beta, it's a remarkably attractive and smooth-running Linux distribution. I first installed it as a virtual machine with Sun's VirtualBox on a Gateway DX4710-09. The computer uses an Intel Dual Core 2.5GHz E5200 processor. I have the 64-bit version of the new Ubuntu, 2GBs of RAM and a 10GB virtual drive. In addition, I installed Koala on a Dell Inspiron 530S. This low-end PC is powered by a 2.2-GHz Intel Pentium E2200 dual-core processor with an 800-MHz front-side bus. The test machine had 4GB of RAM, a 500GB SATA (Serial ATA) drive, and an Integrated Intel 3100 GMA (Graphics Media Accelerator) chip set.
On both systems, I was very impressed by installation program. Not only did it look great, but it also automatically detected and set-up all the hardware. Linux distributions, in general, have gotten much better with this kind of thing, but Ubuntu 9.10 worked great both at taking a PC from a lifeless pile of chips to something living and useful, and looking good doing so.
It was also fast. How fast? On both my systems, I went from the hard-drive starting its spin to a working desktop in less than 20 seconds. Let me remind you, this is beta software running in a virtual system on a not especially-fast PC.
The interface itself is the brand-spanking new GNOME 2.28. While generally speaking I prefer KDE, this updated GNOME with Ubuntu has a nice, clean look that I and many others will like.
Along with the update interface, Ubuntu uses GNOME's vastly improved Empathy IM client and my favorite e-mail/groupware client, Evolution. Those, along with Firefox 3.5.3 for Web browsing, give you all the first class Internet tools you'll need.
This distributions runs on top of the latest Linux kernel, Linux 2.6.31. This also includes the Ext4 file-system, which delivers excellent hard drive performance.
Another real nice addition to this distribution for new users is the Ubuntu Software Center. This take on an app store makes it mindlessly easy for people to find and install software, though experienced Linux users won't need it. For them, the Synaptic package manager and all the other usual package installation programs are there. This is a great feature if you have a friend who's just getting their feet wet in Linux.
Is this edition of Ubuntu going to be the best one ever? Well, this is only a beta, so I can't say that as a sure thing, but it's sure looking great so far. Check it out. I think you'll be happy with what you find.
### Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) 软件源配置详解 #### 一、前言 Ubuntu 9.10,代号为 Karmic Koala,是 Ubuntu 发行版的一个版本,发布于2009年10月。此版本在系统稳定性、性能以及用户体验上都有显著提升,特别...
- **Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala** - 2009年10月29日发布 未来版本号的确定方式将继续沿用此规则。 ##### 1.2 分支项目 **问题**: Kubuntu、Edubuntu、Xubuntu是Ubuntu的分支吗? **解答**: 不是。它们都是基于...
Ubuntu 9.10,代号Karmic Koala,虽然已不是主流版本,但在特定领域或老硬件支持上仍然具备一定的价值。本文将详细介绍适用于Ubuntu 9.10的各种软件源配置方法,帮助用户更好地管理和更新系统。 #### 二、理解...
Ubuntu国内大学源列表 知识点1: 什么是Ubuntu源列表? Ubuntu源列表是指在Ubuntu操作系统中用于更新和安装软件的服务器列表。这些服务器提供了Ubuntu软件仓库的镜像,用户可以根据自己的网络情况选择合适的源,从而...
Ubuntu 9.10是一款基于Debian的Linux发行版,其名称为Karmic Koala(善感的考拉),发布于2009年10月29日。作为一款流行的操作系统,Ubuntu 9.10以其易用性和对新手友好的特性而闻名。本教程旨在为用户提供一个详尽...
Ubuntu 9.10(代号Karmic Koala)是Ubuntu Linux发行版的一个版本,发布于2009年10月22日。此版本在系统性能、用户体验以及软件包更新方面进行了多项改进,例如更快的启动速度、改进的网络连接管理以及支持新硬件等...
Ubuntu 9.10(Karmic Koala)是2009年发布的Ubuntu发行版,它提供了最新的软件和系统改进,对硬件支持进行了增强,尤其是对于笔记本电脑和移动设备。 描述中的“用虚拟机在移动硬盘上安装Ubuntu 9.10 视频”表明这...
- **代号**: Karmic Koala(慈悲的考拉)。 - **改进与更新**: - 提升了系统的稳定性和性能。 - 增强了硬件识别能力,包括网络适配器、声卡等。 - 加入了更多本地化支持,尤其是中文环境的支持更为完善。 - 用户...
Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) Fedora 13 Mac OS X OpenSUSE 11.3 Scientific Linux 5.3 Solaris 10, OpenSolaris 介绍内容来自:http://blog.nosqlfan.com/html/3017.html 标签:Build
- **影响**:Karmic Koala的发布标志着Ubuntu系统的一次重大升级,带来了诸多新功能和改进,对于Ubuntu用户来说是一个重要的里程碑。 ### 8. **写作工具Top5** - **内容**:本期杂志中的“Top5”专栏聚焦于写作...
Ubuntu 9.10(代号Karmic Koala)是一款非常受欢迎的操作系统版本,它于2009年发布,并在之后的几年内得到了广泛的应用和支持。 #### 更新源配置的重要性 对于任何基于Linux的操作系统而言,保持系统的最新状态是...
Ubuntu 9.10,代号“Karmic Koala”,是Ubuntu Linux发行版的一个重要版本,发布于2009年10月。本教程指南旨在帮助用户熟悉这个操作系统,提供安装、配置、安全性和日常使用的详细指导。下面将对Ubuntu 9.10的关键...
- **Ubuntu 9.10(Karmic Koala)**:作为2009年的版本,Karmic Koala加强了对移动设备的支持,包括更快的启动速度和更好的电源管理,使其成为笔记本电脑的理想选择。 #### 下载源与镜像类型 除了官方的releases....
Debian GNU Linux 4.0 Etch/5.0 Lenny/6.0 Squeeze/7.0 Wheezy/8.0 Jessie/9.0 Stretch/10.0 Buster, Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron/8.10 Intrepid Ibex/9.04 Jaunty Jackalope/9.10 Karmic Koala/10.4 Lucid Lynx/10.10 ...
《Ubuntu Unleashed 2010 Edition》是一本全面覆盖Ubuntu 9.10(Karmic Koala)及后续版本10.04 LTS(Lucid Lynx)的操作系统学习指南。本书由Andrew Hudson、Paul Hudson、Matthew Helmke和Ryan Troy共同编写,由...
Ubuntu 9.10是2009年发布的版本,代号为“Karmic Koala”,相比早期版本,在用户体验、性能优化等方面都有显著提升。 - **Ubuntu与Windows的对比**:Ubuntu作为一款免费且开源的操作系统,与微软的Windows相比,具有...
`Ubuntu 9.10`,也被称为“Karmic Koala”,是Ubuntu Linux发行版的一个版本,于2009年10月推出。它引入了许多新特性和改进,包括更新的应用程序和内核,以及对硬件支持的增强。然而,这个版本的生命周期相对较短,...
The "Ubuntu Unleashed 2010 Edition" is a comprehensive guide designed to help users get started and fully utilize the capabilities of Ubuntu, particularly versions 9.10 (Karmic Koala) and 10.04 (Lucid...
为此,Tiny6410开发板适配了特定的Ubuntu 9.10版本(代号Karmic Koala),该版本经过特殊编译以支持ARMv6架构。 #### 二、Tiny6410上运行Ubuntu的推荐方式 ##### 2.1 使用SD卡运行Ubuntu - **优点**:使用SD卡...