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tomcat控制浏览器不缓存 -
我只想说牛逼,就我接触过的那点云计算的东西,仔细想想还真是这么 ...
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endpoint="/Hello/messagebr ...
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Flex 与 Spring 集成 -
Browser supports changing page font size with C+/- and Ctrl+scrolling, but Flex applications are not affected by this. People with failing sight can not use such applications.
Work with StyleManager and set "fontSize" at runtime.
Detailed explanation
There is a simple way to change font size in the Flex application. This works through styles without any serious restrictions (+ view source). For CSS classes that use greater or smaller font size "fontSizeDelta" style should be specified with the delta for example 2 or -1:
fontSizeDelta: 3;
Code that actually changes the font size:
private function applyFontSize(fontSize:Number):void
// Loop through all styles and set
// new "fontSize" value based
// on new size and "fontSizeDelta" style
var selectors:Array = StyleManager.selectors;
for each (var selector:String in selectors)
var declaration:CSSStyleDeclaration =
var delta:Number = declaration.getStyle("fontSizeDelta");
if (delta)
declaration.setStyle("fontSize", fontSize + delta);
StyleManager.setStyleDeclaration(selector, declaration,
// global style is applied to all Flex visual components
var global:CSSStyleDeclaration =
if (!global)
global = new CSSStyleDeclaration("global");
global.setStyle("fontSize", fontSize);
// update styles only on last change
StyleManager.setStyleDeclaration("global", global, true);
private function addedToStageHandler():void
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, my_keyUpHandler);
private function my_keyUpHandler(event:KeyboardEvent):void
if (event.ctrlKey)
var keyCode:uint = event.keyCode;
// Ctrl +/up
if (keyCode == 107 || keyCode == 187 || keyCode == 38)
// Ctrl -/down
else if (keyCode == 109 || keyCode == 189 || keyCode == 40)
In order to make Ctrl+/- rigth after application starts (without clicking on it to give focus), set focus automatically:
<body scroll='no'
Browser supports changing page font size with C+/- and Ctrl+scrolling, but Flex applications are not affected by this. People with failing sight can not use such applications.
Work with StyleManager and set "fontSize" at runtime.
Detailed explanation
There is a simple way to change font size in the Flex application. This works through styles without any serious restrictions (+ view source). For CSS classes that use greater or smaller font size "fontSizeDelta" style should be specified with the delta for example 2 or -1:
fontSizeDelta: 3;
Code that actually changes the font size:
private function applyFontSize(fontSize:Number):void
// Loop through all styles and set
// new "fontSize" value based
// on new size and "fontSizeDelta" style
var selectors:Array = StyleManager.selectors;
for each (var selector:String in selectors)
var declaration:CSSStyleDeclaration =
var delta:Number = declaration.getStyle("fontSizeDelta");
if (delta)
declaration.setStyle("fontSize", fontSize + delta);
StyleManager.setStyleDeclaration(selector, declaration,
// global style is applied to all Flex visual components
var global:CSSStyleDeclaration =
if (!global)
global = new CSSStyleDeclaration("global");
global.setStyle("fontSize", fontSize);
// update styles only on last change
StyleManager.setStyleDeclaration("global", global, true);
private function addedToStageHandler():void
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, my_keyUpHandler);
private function my_keyUpHandler(event:KeyboardEvent):void
if (event.ctrlKey)
var keyCode:uint = event.keyCode;
// Ctrl +/up
if (keyCode == 107 || keyCode == 187 || keyCode == 38)
// Ctrl -/down
else if (keyCode == 109 || keyCode == 189 || keyCode == 40)
In order to make Ctrl+/- rigth after application starts (without clicking on it to give focus), set focus automatically:
<body scroll='no'
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2009-12-02 09:08 1631http://lkfnn.iteye.com/blog/506 ... -
2009-11-19 16:32 1165http://dougmccune.com/360Flex_A ... -
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2009-10-10 11:15 2564问题描述: 有个程序需要调用我的flex页面,需要给我传 ... -
flex delete关键词和类成员
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Flex HTTPService如何给后台传递参数
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FLEX Builder compiler arguments 的设置
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2009-09-23 16:55 2710这个问题的解决其实在flex之外 修改index.templa ... -
2009-09-23 15:31 3292如果你是一个整体系统用了同一个标题:可以修改模板页index. ... -
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2009-09-17 17:29 2340http://www.flexer.cn/blog/?p=64 ...
+--------------+------------------+----------------------------------+ | table_name | expected_records | expected_crc | +--------------+------------------+----------------------------------+ | ...
Along the way, you�ll dig deep into detailed case studies with source code and documentation and explore best practices for team development, planning for change, and tool choice.
**Ctrl + M - 改变编辑器大小(Change Editor Size)** - **用途**:调整编辑器窗口的大小。 - **应用场景**:根据个人喜好或当前工作需求调整编辑器窗口的尺寸,便于查看代码。 #### 10. **Ctrl + . / Ctrl + 1 ...
We strongly recommend that you read the following information about this release. 1) IRPTrace Components ===================== README.TXT - This file HOWTOREG.TXT - How to register IRPTrace and ...
- **图纸尺寸调整:** F4 (Change Sheet Size) - **图纸属性查看:** FP (Sheet Properties) - **图纸层管理:** FO (Sheet Layers) - **图纸层显示:** FS (Show Sheet) - **图纸层隐藏:** FH (Hide Sheet) ##### 4. ...
/+-- bin/+-- boot/+-- dev/+-- etc/|+-- alternatives/|+-- ...|+-- network/||+-- if-down.d/||+-- ...||+-- if-pre-up.d/|||+-- change-mac ** :: When the lo interace is loading on boot, change the
+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 0000796: DBGrid: Render bug when Column color is clWindow and project is created with 0.82 - 0000795: Grid:...
- **Change Font Size (Ctrl+Shift+NumPad+/-)**:改变字体大小。 - **Move Line Up/Down (Alt+Up/Down)**:移动行上/下。 - **Split Editor Horizontally (Ctrl+] )**:水平分割编辑器。 - **Split Editor ...
Java drastically changed with the introduction of Java 8, and this change has been elevated to a whole new level with the new version, Java 9. Java has a well-established past, being more than 20 ...
Modern web technologies are still improving at lightning-fast speed, with an increasing, perceptible, and measurable interest being in the client-side aspects of the game. Angular, React, and VueJS ...
-----+--------------------+-------------+-------------+ | | | | V V | | +---------+ n0, n1 +----------+ | | | Model 1 |--------->| Mixer 1 |\ p | | +---------+ \ / | | \ V V \ / +----------+ \ ...
// change for your purposes. // 注意,下面的温度设置是以我的T61为例,特别是蓝牙EDR设置为1,第五个传感器名称改为no5,并且忽略这个传感器的温度显示.在T4X,R5X机器上,温度设置要高个10°,总之以你自己实测的效果来...
- fixed bug with lost of focus in font size combo-box in designer - fixed bug with truncate of font size combo-box in Windows Vista/7 in designer (lost of vertical scroll bar) - fixed bug when lost ...
Although I’d taken a lot of programming classes in college, I never fully appreciated programming until I had a job that involved a lot of repetitive tasks. After amusing myself by automating much of...
Keeping up with the fast pace of surveillance and data collection is one of the main political challenges of our time. We are dealing here with a phenomenon that is so massive, that changes so quickly...
- Displaying the list of GameObjects in the form of a tree - Option to add right indent (useful if you use other plugins that add another icons to the hierarchy window) - Any feature can be disabled ...
- **操作**:选择`Mouse`选项卡下的`Change font size with Ctrl + Mouse Wheel`进行设置。 - **作用**:通过此设置,用户可以通过Ctrl键与鼠标滚轮结合使用来调整编辑器中的字体大小,提高编程时的视觉舒适度。 **...
例如:They debated with experts about the impact of climate change.(他们与专家就气候变化的影响进行了辩论。) - `beyond debate` 表示“无可争论,毋庸置疑”,常用来强调事实的确定性。例如:It is beyond ...