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Ubuntu 9.04 repositories contain both Ruby 1.9 and Ruby 1.8. Unfortunately, the jaunty repositories contain Ruby 1.8.7 when we actually want Ruby 1.8.6.
To fix this we need to add the Hardy repository to our sources and pin Ruby libraries to the Hardy repository
Open up the terminal (Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal) and type: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list. Scroll down (Page Down key) to the bottom of this file and paste (press Shit + Control + V) the following:
- #Hardy Repos for Ruby 1.8.6
- deb http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hardy restricted main multiverse universe
- deb-src http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hardy restricted main multiverse universe
#Hardy Repos for Ruby 1.8.6 deb http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hardy restricted main multiverse universe deb-src http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hardy restricted main multiverse universe
Press Control + X to save. Type sudo nano /etc/apt/preferences and paste (Shift + Control + V) the following:
- Package: ruby
- Pin: release a=hardy
- Pin-Priority: 900
- Package: ruby1.8
- Pin: release a=hardy
- Pin-Priority: 900
- Package: libruby1.8
- Pin: release a=hardy
- Pin-Priority: 900
- Package: rdoc1.8
- Pin: release a=hardy
- Pin-Priority: 900
- Package: ri1.8
- Pin: release a=hardy
- Pin-Priority: 900
- Package: libgtk2-ruby1.8
- Pin: release a=hardy
- Pin-Priority: 900
- Package: libdbd-sqlite3-ruby1.8
- Pin: release a=hardy
- Pin-Priority: 900
- Package: libopenssl-ruby1.8
- Pin: release a=hardy
- Pin-Priority: 900
- Package: libsqlite3-ruby1.8
- Pin: release a=hardy
- Pin-Priority: 900
- Package: ruby1.8-dev
- Pin: release a=hardy
- Pin-Priority: 900
- Package: libdbi-ruby1.8
- Pin: release a=hardy
- Pin-Priority: 900
- Package: libatk1-ruby1.8
- Pin: release a=hardy
- Pin-Priority: 900
- Package: libpango1-ruby1.8
- Pin: release a=hardy
- Pin-Priority: 900
- Package: libatk1-ruby1.8
- Pin: release a=hardy
- Pin-Priority: 900
- Package: libgdk-pixbuf2-ruby1.8
- Pin: release a=hardy
- Pin-Priority: 900
- Package: libglib2-ruby1.8
- Pin: release a=hardy
- Pin-Priority: 900
- Package: libcairo-ruby1.8
- Pin: release a=hardy
- Pin-Priority: 900
- Package: irb1.8
- Pin: release a=hardy
- Pin-Priority: 900
- Package: libreadline-ruby1.8
- Pin: release a=hardy
- Pin-Priority: 900
- Package: libncurses-ruby1.8
- Pin: release a=hardy
- Pin-Priority: 900
Package: ruby Pin: release a=hardy Pin-Priority: 900 Package: ruby1.8 Pin: release a=hardy Pin-Priority: 900 Package: libruby1.8 Pin: release a=hardy Pin-Priority: 900 Package: rdoc1.8 Pin: release a=hardy Pin-Priority: 900 Package: ri1.8 Pin: release a=hardy Pin-Priority: 900 Package: libgtk2-ruby1.8 Pin: release a=hardy Pin-Priority: 900 Package: libdbd-sqlite3-ruby1.8 Pin: release a=hardy Pin-Priority: 900 Package: libopenssl-ruby1.8 Pin: release a=hardy Pin-Priority: 900 Package: libsqlite3-ruby1.8 Pin: release a=hardy Pin-Priority: 900 Package: ruby1.8-dev Pin: release a=hardy Pin-Priority: 900 Package: libdbi-ruby1.8 Pin: release a=hardy Pin-Priority: 900 Package: libatk1-ruby1.8 Pin: release a=hardy Pin-Priority: 900 Package: libpango1-ruby1.8 Pin: release a=hardy Pin-Priority: 900 Package: libatk1-ruby1.8 Pin: release a=hardy Pin-Priority: 900 Package: libgdk-pixbuf2-ruby1.8 Pin: release a=hardy Pin-Priority: 900 Package: libglib2-ruby1.8 Pin: release a=hardy Pin-Priority: 900 Package: libcairo-ruby1.8 Pin: release a=hardy Pin-Priority: 900 Package: irb1.8 Pin: release a=hardy Pin-Priority: 900 Package: libreadline-ruby1.8 Pin: release a=hardy Pin-Priority: 900 Package: libncurses-ruby1.8 Pin: release a=hardy Pin-Priority: 900
This effectively pins all Ruby related packages to hardy. Type sudo apt-get update followed by sudo aptitude install ruby rdoc irb libyaml-ruby libzlib-ruby ri libopenssl-ruby ruby1.8-dev to install Ruby 1.8.6. Confirm by typing ruby -v at the prompt:
The above process can also be used to pin Ruby to 1.8.6 on Ubuntu Server.
- na@na-desktop:~$ ruby -v
- ruby 1.8.6 (2007-09-24 patchlevel 111) [i486-linux]
na@na-desktop:~$ ruby -v ruby 1.8.6 (2007-09-24 patchlevel 111) [i486-linux]
9. Install Ruby Gems and Rails
Although Ubuntu does package GEM in its repositories it is my preference that GEM be installed from source. There is some controversy over whether Ubuntu should maintain Gems or RubyGems should. Personally, I would prefer it that Gems be maintained by RubyGems and not Ubuntu
To install RubyGem MySQL and Rails:
- cd ~
- mkdir gems && cd gems
- wget http://rubyforge.org/frs/download.php/55066/rubygems-1.3.2.tgz
- tar xf rubygems-1.3.2.tgz
- cd rubygems-1.3.2/
- sudo ruby setup.rb
- sudo ln -s /usr/bin/gem1.8 /usr/bin/gem
- sudo gem update --system
- sudo gem install rails
- sudo gem install mongrel
- sudo apt-get install mysql-server libmysqlclient15-dev
- sudo gem install mysql
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### Ruby 1.8.6 与 Rails 2.1.0 的安装指南 #### 安装背景 本文档旨在指导用户如何在 Windows 操作系统上安装 Ruby 1.8.6 版本以及 Rails 2.1.0 版本,并确保其正确运行。这些版本虽然已经比较老旧,但在某些特定...
标题与描述中的关键词“ruby1.8.6”指向了Ruby编程语言的一个特定版本,即Ruby 1.8.6。这一版本在2007年发布,是Ruby语言发展历史上的一个重要里程碑,它在性能、稳定性和安全性方面相较于之前的版本有了显著提升,...
Ruby1.8.6 One-Click Installer
在本文中,我们将深入探讨如何在您的计算机上安装和配置Ruby 1.8.6、Rails 2.0.2、RadRails 0.7.2 IDE以及MySQL数据库。这是一个适用于初学者和有一定经验的开发者的技术指南,旨在帮助您创建一个稳定的开发环境,...
Ruby 1.8.6 是一个古老的 Ruby 语言版本,发布于2009年,主要为Windows用户提供安装程序。这个版本在当时是许多开发者和项目依赖的基础,它包含了对Ruby编程语言的基本特性以及对Windows操作系统的兼容性优化。本文...
Ruby 1.8.6 是一个古老的 Ruby 语言版本,发布于2009年,是许多开发者早期学习和构建应用程序的重要版本。Ruby 是一种面向对象的、动态类型的编程语言,以其简洁、清晰的语法和强大的元编程能力而受到欢迎。在 Ruby ...
Ruby-doc is a project dedicated to creating and collecting documentation on Ruby. You can find collections of articles and other resources at the website. stdlib-doc is a RubyForge project that ...
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Ruby1.8.6 One-Click Installer
4. **Enterprise Features(企业级特性)**:REE还包含了一些额外的库和工具,如 Passenger(又名Mod_Ruby,一个流行的Ruby on Rails部署解决方案),这些工具和库旨在简化服务器部署和管理,提高生产环境的稳定性。...
Ruby1.8.6 One-Click Installer带SciTE
随着互联网的快速发展,Ruby on Rails作为一种流行的Web开发框架,在开发领域得到了广泛的应用。它的简易性与高效性让许多开发者为之青睐。而想要在本地环境搭建Ruby on Rails的开发环境,掌握正确的安装步骤是基础...
4. **安装**:使用`sudo make install`将编译好的Ruby二进制文件安装到系统的适当位置。 标签中提到了"j2ee"和"net",这可能意味着Ruby可以与Java(J2EE)和.NET平台进行集成。Ruby可以通过Rack中间件与Java的...
6. **Rails框架**:Ruby 1.8.6时期的Ruby on Rails是一个非常流行的Web开发框架,它极大地简化了Web应用的构建过程,使得开发者能够快速开发出功能丰富的应用。虽然现在最新的Rails版本不再支持Ruby 1.8.6,但在当时...
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synergy是结合你的桌面设备在一个连贯的体验。这是软件在多台计算机之间...for ubuntu 7B76313B70726F3B6A6F736570682077616E673B313B636E6A6F77616E6740676D61696C2E636F6D3B6B6164616E67206E6574776F726B733B303B307D
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[root@test ~]# yum -y install ruby ruby-devel ruby-libs ruby-irb ruby-rdoc ruby-mysql 三、安装 RubyGems RubyGems 是一个 Ruby 软件包管理工具,用于安装 Ruby 软件包。需要安装 RubyGems 1.3.7 或更高版本...
例如,安装Ruby 1.8.6,你可能会运行`rvm install 1.8.6`(如果是RVM)或`gem install ruby-1.8.6`(如果使用chruby)。 - **验证安装**:安装完成后,运行`ruby -v`检查Ruby是否成功安装并显示正确版本。 4. **...