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BugMash Cheat Sheet


Here's a list of handy shortcuts for BugMashers.

Required software

If you're having trouble getting the Rails source code set up on your computer, use our Pre-flight Checklist as a guide, or drop by #railsbridge on Freenode IRC to ask for help.

Generating a Rails app on master branch

You can generate a quick sample application from the Rails source code tree by

cd railties
rake dev

This will create a new application named rails at the root of your Rails repository. (NOTE: As of Sept 26, rake dev appears to be busted. https://rails.lighthouseapp.com/projects/8994-ruby-on-rails/tickets/3261-rake-dev-not-working-on-master has a fix.)

Testing Active Record

If you wish to test patches on Active Record, you'll have to generate test databases for MySQL. Otherwise, most of the Active Record tests won't pass. You should run these tasks in the activerecord directory.

rake mysql:build_databases

There is also a PostgreSQL task for doing the same job given you have PostgreSQL installed on your system.

rake postgresql:build_databases

When you're done testing patches, you can delete the generated databases.

rake mysql:drop_databases
rake postgresql:drop_databases

There are also useful tasks for deleting and regenerating databases if you need to refresh.

rake mysql:rebuild_databases
rake postgresql:rebuild_databases

If you're writing new tests for ActiveRecord, please try to reuse the existing test models instead of adding new ones.

Testing specified frameworks only

Running the whole test suite takes a lot of time? You can run tests in the individual Rails frameworks also. Just cd into the library you wish to test and rake test.

cd activesupport
rake test

Testing Active Record

Running rake test for Active Record will run tests for MySQL, SQLite3 and PostgreSQL. To run test individually based on different adapters:

rake test_mysql
rake test_postgresql
rake test_sqlite3

You should test all three of these widely-used database adapters if you're contributing to Active Record. See rake -T for all the adapters Rails supports, as this is only a fraction of them.

Testing Individual Files

Better yet, you can test a separate file for a speed boost.

rake test TEST=test/ordered_options_test.rb

If testing ActiveRecord and you've changed the schema, you have to initialize the database before running the test:

rake test_mysql TEST=test/cases/aaa_create_tables_test.rb # update the schema
rake test_mysql

Working with Rails and git

Getting the Rails source:
git clone git://github.com/rails/rails.git
cd rails
git checkout -b 2-3-stable origin/2-3-stable # this will leave you on the 2-3-stable branch
(you can also do: git checkout -t origin/2-3-stable # this will also leave you on the 2-3-stable branch)
Working on the master (3.0) branch:
git checkout master
Working on the 2-3-stable branch:
git checkout 2-3-stable
Creating your own feature branch:
git checkout -b my_feature_branch
Apply a patch:
git apply <patch file>
Creating a patch:
git checkout master
git checkout -b my_feature_branch
(write and test code)
git commit -a -m "This is my great patch" 
git checkout master
git pull
git checkout my_feature_branch
git rebase master
rake (to be sure tests still patch)
git format-patch master --stdout > my_great_patch.diff
Patching both master and 2-3-stable:

First, follow above to create a patch for master. If the same patch applies cleanly to 2-3-stable, just say so in the Lighthouse ticket and the committer will apply it to both. Otherwise, you'll need to generate a separate patch for 2-3-stable (assuming that this issue should be patched on both branches). The first thing to try is just cherry-picking your patch over to 2-3-stable:

git checkout -b my-feature-2-3 2-3-stable
git cherry-pick <revision of change made to master>
rake test
git format-patch 2-3-stable --stdout > my_great_patch_for_rails23.diff

As a last resort, you can write a completely separate patch for 2.3:

git checkout 2-3-stable
git checkout -b my_feature_branch
(write and test code)
git commit -a -m "This is my great patch" 
git checkout 2-3-stable
git pull
git checkout my_feature_branch
git rebase 2-3-stable
rake (to be sure tests still patch)
git format-patch 2-3-stable --stdout > my_great_patch.diff


Please keep in mind the core workflow here for Rails itself:

  • All active development happens on master
  • Changes targeting the stable release are made to master and flow back to 2.3
  • Development on 2.3 with forward port to master causes log jams and is strongly discouraged

    Editing someone else's patch:

First, apply the existing patch:

git checkout stable
git apply <patch file>

Then if you need to make changes to the patch (perhaps because Rails has moved on), follow this advice from core:

For updating others' patches: preserving authorship is a common courtesy we encourage. The simplest is to assign authorship of the fixed commit to the original author and sign off on it. You can git commit --author "Foo Bar &lt;foobar@example.com&gt;" --signoff to make a commit this way, or even git commit --amend --author ... --signoff to change the author and add a signoff to the previous commit.

Another scenario is building on an incomplete patch. Rather than apply the patch and commit it as yourself, apply it as the original author. Then do subsequent commits as yourself. This preserves the full history and authorship.



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