Install MySQL Server
Install MySQL Server 5.1.30 in the machine where you want to store the StoreGrid Backup Server's metadata.
1. Download the MySQL server (mysql-5.1.30.tar.gz) file from the URL
2. Extract the tar file by executing 'tar -xzvf mysql-5.1.30.tar.gz'
3. Go the extracted folder by executing 'cd mysql-5.1.30'
4. Execute './configure --enable-thread-safe-client --with-plugins=max --with-gnu-ld' (Assuming you have all the appropriate stuff like gcc, g++, make, etc.,)
5. Execute 'make'
6. Execute 'make install' as root user. By default, this will install MySQL in /usr/local.
7. Copy the MySQL configuration file by executing 'cp support-files/my-medium.cnf /etc/my.cnf' as root user.
8. Open the '/etc/my.cnf' file and edit the settings as follows :
slow_query_log = 1
innodb_log_file_size = 512M
transaction-isolation = READ-COMMITTED
9. Execute 'mysql_install_db' to install and set up the system tables.
10. Copy the MySQL daemon script file by executing the command 'cp support-files/mysql.server /etc/init.d/mysql' as root user.
11. Change mode for the daemon file by executing the command 'chmod 755 /etc/init.d/mysql' as root user.
12. Add the MySQL daemon by executing the command '/sbin/chkconfig --add mysql' as root.
13. Start MySQL Server by executing '/etc/init.d/mysql start'.
14. Set the root password for MySQL Server by executing 'mysqladmin -u root password [mysql_root_password]' where [mysql_root_password] is the password for the MySQL root user.
Install MySQL Client
StoreGrid Backup server uses the MySQL client program to connect to the MySQL Server. Hence, you need to install the MySQL 5.1.30 client in the backup server.
Note: If you have installed the MySQL Server in your StoreGrid backup server machine itself, then please ignore this step.
For backup/replication server running in 32 bit machine :
1. Extract the MySQL installer file by executing 'tar -xzvf mysql-5.1.30.tar.gz'
2. Go to the extracted folder by executing 'cd mysql-5.1.30'
3. Execute the command './configure --enable-thread-safe-client --enable-gui=no --without-server --with-plugins=max --with-gnu-ld'
4. Execute 'make'
5. Execute 'make install' as root user
For backup/replication server running in 64 bit machine :
1. Login as root user and execute yum install mysql.i386
2. This will install 32 bit MySQL client in your 64 bit machine.
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/php5 --with-config-file-path=/usr/local/php5/etc \ --with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache2.2/bin/apxs --with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql \ --with-iconv-dir=/usr/local/libiconv --...
sudo wget -qO- | sudo dpkg -i sudo apt update sudo apt install mysql-server ``` 3. **手动编译安装**: 这种方式适合于对系统有深度控制的...
### 使用InstallAnywhere 2009 打包 Tomcat、JDK 和 MySQL 在软件部署过程中,使用InstallAnywhere这样的工具可以极大地简化安装流程,并确保所有依赖项被正确配置。本文将详细介绍如何使用InstallAnywhere 2009来...
Django连接MySQL数据库需要依赖第三方库mysqlclient,然而服务器通过pip3 install mysqlclient 命令安装第三方库mysqlclient时会经常报错: ERROR: Command errored out with exit status 1: command: /home/bright...
my_config.h: No such file or directory. 解决办法:1)mysql版本太高,可降低版本 --此路一般不会考虑 2)注意下载的mysql-python的版本是否符和当前版本兼容 2)下载附件中的文件,放至/usr/include目录下,重新...
- 添加`CONFIG+=debug_and_release`,这样可以同时编译调试和发布版本。 - 注释掉`#QMAKE_USE += mysql`,因为我们不使用默认的设置。 - 添加`INCLUDEPATH += /usr/local/mysql/include`,将MySQL的头文件路径...
call %1%\mysql\bin\mysqld --install mysql5 sc config mysql5 start= auto net start mysql5 call %mysql_home%\bin\mysqladmin -h localhost -u root password 123 call %mysql_home%\bin\mysql -hlocalhost -u...
因为pip在线安装会报错找不到文件EnvironmentError: mysql_config not found ;折腾来很久才装上,我已经修改了解压之后,cd进MySQL-python-1.2.5文件夹内 sudo python install 安装即可。
- 首先,启用 MySQL 社区存储库:`sudo yum-config-manager --enable mysql80-community` - 然后,安装依赖:`sudo yum install -y epel-release` - 安装提供的 RPM 包:`sudo rpm -Uvh mysql-community-...
sudo apt install mysql-server ``` 在安装过程中,系统会提示你设置MySQL的root用户的密码。请确保选择一个安全且容易记住的密码。 安装完成后,启动MySQL服务并设置它在开机时自动启动: ```bash sudo ...
sudo apt install mysql-server ``` 安装过程中,系统会提示设置MySQL的root用户的密码。请确保选择一个安全且易于记忆的密码。 安装完成后,你需要启动MySQL服务并检查其状态: ```shell sudo systemctl start ...
3. 添加MySQL官方GPG密钥:`wget -qO- | sudo dpkg -i` 4. 更新软件源:`sudo apt-get update` 5. 安装MySQL 5.7:`sudo apt-get install mysql-...
下载 MySQL 可以使用以下命令:`yum install mysql-server` 关闭 SELinux SELinux(Security-Enhanced Linux)是一种 Linux 内核安全模块。关闭 SELinux 可以让用户避免一些无关紧要的安全限制。在这个实验中,...
解压后,你会找到如mysqld、mysql.exe(命令行客户端)、mysql_config等关键文件。安装过程包括: 1. 解压缩文件到指定目录。 2. 创建数据存储目录(如`C:\ProgramData\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0`)。 3. 使用命令行或...
cmake -DWITH_MYSQL_CONFIG=/usr/bin/mysql_config .. ``` 3. **编译和安装**:接着执行`make`进行编译,然后使用`sudo make install`进行安装。 4. **在项目中使用**:在你的C++代码工程中,包含所需的头文件,...
sudo apt-get install mysql-server ``` 在安装过程中,系统会提示你设置root用户的密码。请确保选择一个安全且易于记忆的密码。 如果使用的是RHEL、CentOS或Fedora,你需要先启用MySQL的Yum存储库: ```bash ...
DBD-mysql-3.0008 DBD-mysql-3.0008 mysqlhotcopy 需要的这个文件 问题:mysqlhotcopy备份报错 /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqlhotcopy -u ...perl Makefile.PL --mysql_config=/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql_config make
宝塔 PHP7+安装 mysql拓展 包括资源文件和安装方法 ... 在扩展解压后的文件夹里执行下面命令 ...4.make && make install 这一步结束后,系统会提示: Installing shared extensions: /www/server/php/74/lib/p