
The MQ Scheme和MQ Service 配置的条目含义



Message Queue client runtime makes an HTTP connection to an Message Queue tunnel servlet at the specified URL. (The broker must be configured to access the HTTP tunnel servlet, as described in the Message Queue Administrator’s Guide.)
提到了一个 Message Queue tunnel servlet。放狗,找到了这篇文章:http://www.patentstorm.us/patents/7117267/description.html

下面这段有对于Message Queue tunnel servlet作用的说明

A Web server may then receive the one or more transport protocol packets. The Web server may then forward the received transport protocol packets to the broker. In one embodiment, the packets may be forwarded to the broker via a TCP connectionserving as one segment of the transport protocol tunnel connection between the Web server and the broker. In one embodiment, a transport protocol tunnel servlet on the Web server node may serve as an interface between the Web server and the TCPconnection.

The broker may receive the transport protocol packets from the Web server. In one embodiment, a broker-side transport protocol tunnel driver may receive the packets. In one embodiment, the broker may extract the messaging system messages fromthe transport protocol packets and store the messages in a broker-side receive buffer. In another embodiment, the entire transport protocol packet may be stored in the broker-side receive buffer.

Message Queue tunnel servlet是在web server上,位于web server与messaging broker之间,通过tunnel与broker交互,相当于一个web gate,客户端可以通过http或者https访问web server,web server的Message Queue tunnel servlet与broker交互。


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