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The emergence of social media as a crucial paradigm in virtually all sectors of the economy has led to countless assumptions and new ideas about consumer behavior and marketing activities. Yet many of these concepts, when implemented and examined closely, have led to surprising conclusions--many of which contradict the validity and relevance of these ideas in the first place and have been examined previously for decades.
While we are now living in what some call the "golden age of data," this is not the dawn of a new age of related theory. "Many social commerce problems have been addressed previously, and massive amounts of data will not change the continuing need for the understanding of basic and primitive customer behavior which provides the correct lens to view social media data," says Eric T. Bradlow, co-director of the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton Interactive Media Initiative.
Bradlow, along with 150 or so B2B marketing and advertising professionals, is in Atlanta today and tomorrow for the Lift Summit--a two-day conference presented by OfficeArrow and WIMI, where real-world examples of social commerce strategies and tactics that are said to drive sales lift, increase customer loyalty, and produce actionable metrics and measurable results are on display. Bradlow opened the first-ever B2B social commerce summit by presenting the following 10 paradoxes of social/interactive media:
Myth No. 1: Today is the golden age of media metrics. While it's true that we can now measure nearly any media metric we want, don't believe for a second that academics and others haven't been working on answering key ROI questions for decades. While this is the golden age of data, do not confuse that with the golden age of knowledge!
No. 2: The rise of data mining suggests you do not need any substantive data knowledge; you just need data. Data will never trump simple theory, and simple models of behavior outperform complex models out-of-sample time and time again. Most phenomena and human behavior is fairly simple.
Myth No. 3: Customer engagement is always good thing. Some people believe engaging your website visitors--not just informing them--is the next critical metric marketers must measure. The truth is, many customers are just looking for a "quickie." Need proof? Visit Weather.com and see how many clicks it takes you get a 10-day forecast for Atlanta! Click stream data tells us more people simply want to gather information or place an order and move on.
Tip: Be careful of the metrics that you optimize against. There is no single metric, and there certainly is no single metric that is correct all of the time (especially when it comes to engagement). Optimize for engagement purposes only the right areas of your site--not all.
Myth No. 4: One-on-one marketing is the future of B2B and B2C Markets. Unlimited targetability is the promise of both business-to-business and business-to-consumer social media marketing, but here's the problem with unlimited targetability: Customers are too "antsy" (i.e., unpredictable) for it to succeed. Grouping similar customers based on behavior as scale is obtained makes money. 1 to 1 is great conceptually but difficult to pull off.
Myth No. 5: Focus on ethnic/gender/lifestyle marketing. The cross-group differences are often "mean"ingless. No one is at the mean; all the action is in the variability of the group. Do not chase (mean)ingless differences.
Myth No. 6: Viral marketing is where it's at. The truth: Viral marketing usually creates nothing more than a sniffle. While it is true that viral marketing is tremendously effective for some companies right out of the gate, when you compute the ROI--how much product you move--it usually does not work. Viral marketing is effective for business-to-business marketers with concentrated markets, but less so for business-to-consumer organizations. Need proof? Check out JibJab.com and see what they're up to these days!
Myth No. 7: Mass marketing is dead. Mass marketing is far from dead and is equally effective as ever; it is just really hard to do with all the different media channels available today. If you drop mass marketing in favor of social media marketing, beware because you need a butt load of people in social media to use your product and share recommendations for you to be able to move the needle in a significant way.
Myth No. 8: The Long Tail rules! If you're unfamiliar with the term "Long Tail," look at a sales chart of all items sold, and you quickly see that a relatively small number of popular products account for a high percentage of sales, while a large number of not-so-popular products also accounts for a substantial percentage of sales. The wide assortment of less popular products comprises what is called the "Long Tail." The problem with focusing so much of your time and effort on the Long Tail is that the presence of more media channels is not leading to cannibalization. Rather, heavy users use each channel heavily, and the heavy users are consuming more product! Invest in heavy users; do not radically alter blockbuster resource allocation or product portfolio management strategies to chase the long tail. A few winners will still go a long way--probably even further than before.
Myth No. 9: Ad creation is a delicate art form. True, somewhat, but modeling/statistical science is a good place to start. Predictive modeling is good art!
Myth No. 10: Content is king. If content is king, then distribution would have to be the ace! Putting content in front of the right consumers and many consumers is key! There is no question content is important but the power is controlled by the distributors. For small companies with low volumes of website traffic, this means getting links from successful sites... if you have no traffic then all of your content will go to waste. Wide distribution is needed for significant impact. Referral programs allow for your content to spread wide.
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The Myths of Security(英文版)
本书名为《安全的神话》(Myths of Security),旨在揭示计算机安全领域中普遍存在的误解与误区。作者John Viega作为信息安全领域的专家,通过本书挑战了传统安全观念,并揭露了行业内不希望公众知晓的真相。 #### ...
When the term “big data” first came on the scene, bestselling author Tom Davenport (Competing on Analytics, Analytics at Work) thought it was just another example of technology hype. But his ...
Collaboration Cloud是按需建造的网络,旨在公司内部和公司之间提供高质量、高安全性和可靠的协作体验。这本书为任何一位有兴趣在IT战略、趋势,业务和技术上进行创新的读者服务。...10 Debunking Collaboration Myths
Lippman dispells the misinformation and myths about the overhead and complexity associated with C++, while pointing out areas in which costs and trade offs, sometimes hidden, do exist. He then ...
They uncover the myths of male sexuality, and poke fun at the names we call it and the things it does. The book presents the facts in a manner easily accessible and relevant to all ages, and answers ...
Lippman dispells the misinformation and myths about the overhead and complexity associated with C++, while pointing out areas in which costs and trade offs, sometimes hidden, do exist. He then ...
Lippman dispells the misinformation and myths about the overhead and complexity associated with C++, while pointing out areas in which costs and trade offs, sometimes hidden, do exist. He then ...
Myths surrounding erroneous state encodings, full-case and parallel-case usage are also discussed. Compliance and enhancements related to the IEEE 1364-2001 Verilog Standard, the proposed IEEE 1364.1...
Typically between 10-30MB + size of Registry. For more information regarding “limits,” see also… Inside Windows 2000,Third Edition, pp. 403-404. Stack Each thread has two stacks, one for kernel...
Lippman dispells the misinformation and myths about the overhead and complexity associated with C++, while pointing out areas in which costs and trade offs, sometimes hidden, do exist. He then ...
The Myths of Security – What the Computer Security Industry
It debunks some of the myths of assembly language, and provides a basis for understanding how to use assembly language with high- level languages. Chapter 2, “The IA-32 Platform,” provides a ...
(Chapters 10 through 12) is an introduction to high‐frequency trading, the infrastructure that supports such high‐speed trading, and some truths and myths regarding this controversial activity. Part...