centosplus是centos的一部分,这个仓库的存在是为了保证centos对新软件的支持,当然这个仓库里面的软件也不是很新,它只是一个折中的方案。要使用这个仓库里面的软件请使用yum –enablerepo=centosplus在此次yum中打开这个仓库。如果你对yum的配置文件比较熟悉的话可以去/etc/yum.repos.d
The CentOS Plus Repository
This repository is for items that actually upgrade certain base CentOS
componets. This repo will change CentOS to not be exactly like the
upstream providers content.
The CentOS developement team has tested every item in this repo, and
they build and work under CentOS-4. They have not been tested by the
upstream provider, and are not available in the upstream products.
You should understand that use of these components removes the 100%
binary compatibility with the upstream products. That said, here is
what is available in this repo.
In the below descriptions, the exact versioning has been replaced with
x’s … as this is generic information. See the actual RPM directories
in the ARCH that you are interested in for the latest version of each
of the packages for that specific ARCH.
Every effort will be made to keep these files updated, BUT the main
CentOS distro will be updated first, and these files will be updated
after the main distro updates have been completed and pushed. This
should not cause a considerable delay, and normally updates should
be completed on the same day as in the main distro. You might want
to exclude any packages from the [base] and [updates] section of your
/etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo file like this:
exclude=php* kernel* postfix*
If you do that to the [updates] and [base] section for packages you
install from the CentOS Plus repo, you won’t accidentally get updates
from the main tree.
This is php-5 for CentOS-4. It replaces the php-4.3.9 that is currently
in CentOS-4. In order to upgrade a current php-4 install, you must
remove php-domxml first and then d
yum –enablerepo=centosplus upgrade php*
or to do and install, use this command:
yum –enablerepo=centosplus –exclude=php-domxml install php*
(or install individually the files that you need)
This is Postfix compiled with mysql support so that you can use a MySQL
database for both usernames and to hold mail. If you need mysql support
for your postfix mail server, you can upgrade a currently installed
version like this:
yum –enablerepo=centosplus upgrade postfix*
or do an install like this:
yum –enablerepo=centosplus install postfix*
This is a kernel that has many of the options and modules turned on which
are turned off by default in the upstream providers kernels. A list of
some of the items that this Kernel includes are:
File Systems:
NTFS (read and write)
XFS (read and write)
JFS (read and write)
ReiserFS (read and write)
UFS {BSD default FS} (read only)
BeOS FS (read only)
AFS (read only)
Hardware Modules:
All Firewire
Video4 Linux and all Video, Audio and Radio modules
IPX, DECNET, netware file mount support, ability to write to a Windows
Dynamic Partition. There are other items as well. See this link for
the actual config files used to build the latest unsupported kernel:
Note: Starting with kernel-2.6.9-42.x.x.plus.c4, xfs-kernel-modules is
provided for the centosplus kernels and the standard centos kernels.
These modules are newer XFS code from SGI than the standard 2.6.9
modules included in the CentOS kernel.
File System Utilities
Because of the added file system support for the above kernel, we have
also added tools to create XFS, JFS and ReiserFS partitions and make
file systems on those partitions. Here are the packages for each FS:
The CentOS Development Team
### CentOS 6.2 更新 YUM 源详解 #### 一、背景介绍 CentOS 6.2 是一个基于 Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 6.2 的开源操作系统版本,广泛应用于服务器环境中。YUM(Yellowdog Updater Modified)是 CentOS 和...
Red Hat 使用 CentOS 的 YUM 问题解决方案 在 Linux 操作系统中,YUM(Yellow dog Updater, Modified)是 Red Hat 系列操作系统中的一个软件包管理器,它可以帮助用户轻松地安装、更新和卸载软件包。但在 Red Hat ...
Redhat 使用CentOS的yum源进行升级或软件安装 分类: linux 2012-07-19 15:54 1113人阅读 评论(0) 收藏 举报 Redhat默认的源不但速度不给力,而且软件版本陈旧,今天试着将Redhat默认源替换为CentOS的163源,发现...
baseurl=http://mirrors.163.com/centos/7/centosplus/$basearch/ gpgcheck=1 enabled=0 gpgkey=http://mirrors.163.com/centos/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-7 每一个baseurl的centos后都改成自己系统的版本号 6.执行命令 ...
在使用Linux操作系统,尤其是CentOS 6.2版本时,可能会遇到系统自带的YUM仓库中可用的RPM软件包不足以满足所有需求的情况。本文主要介绍如何通过添加第三方YUM源来扩展软件包的安装范围,以解决在CentOS 6.2中无法...
1.1 使用以下命令备份当前的`CentOS-Base.repo`: ``` cd /etc/yum.repos.d/ cp CentOS-Base.repo CentOS-Base.repo.bak ``` 1.2 然后使用`vi`编辑器打开`CentOS-Base.repo`文件,清空内容,粘贴以下内容: ``` ...
- 编辑 `/etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo` 文件来启用 `contrib` 和 `centosplus` 存储库。这允许安装更多可用的软件包。 ```bash [base] exclude=postfix [update] exclude=postfix [centosplus] ...
然后,我们使用 vi 编辑器打开 CentOS-Base.repo 文件,并将内容清空,然后将以下内容复制进去,并保存: `[base]` `name=CentOS-5 - Base` `baseurl=http://centos.ustc.edu.cn/centos/5/os/$basearch/` `...
现在,你的RHEL 6系统已经配置了CentOS的yum源,可以使用`yum`命令来更新和安装软件包了。请注意,虽然这种方法可以节省成本,但可能无法获得RHEL的官方支持和服务。如果遇到问题,建议寻求社区支持或专业Linux管理...
在本文中,我们将深入探讨如何在RHEL 6.3系统上安装并使用CentOS 6.3的YUM(Yellowdog Updater, Modified)工具。YUM是Red Hat Enterprise Linux(RHEL)和相关发行版如CentOS中的包管理器,它允许用户方便地安装、...
通过这种方式,你能够在RHEL 6.4上使用CentOS 6.4的软件源,获得更广泛的软件支持和更新。这种方法对于那些没有购买RHEL官方支持但又希望保持系统安全性和稳定性的用户来说非常有用。然而,需要注意的是,这可能会...
- 在此文件中定义了多个YUM仓库,包括`base`(基础仓库)、`updates`(更新仓库)和`extras`(额外仓库),以及一个可选的`centosplus`(扩展功能仓库)。每个仓库都指定了名称、失败重定向方法、基本URL和GPG验证...
asmlib针对linux centos 6.5版本包,包括...http://mirror.centos.org/centos/6/centosplus/x86_64/Packages/ http://mirror.centos.org/centos-6/6/updates/x86_64/Packages/kmod-oracleasm-2.0.8-4.el6_6.x86_64.rpm
在Linux世界中,CentOS是一个广泛使用的开源操作系统,它基于Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)。对于初学者或系统管理员来说,`yum`(Yellowdog Updater, Modified)是一个非常重要的工具,因为它提供了一种方便的方式...
首先,我们需要确保系统的 yum 源是最新且可靠的,因此我们将配置上海交通大学提供的 CentOS 更新源。 ### 一、配置 Yum 源 配置 yum 源是安装软件的基础,尤其是对于较旧版本的 CentOS 如 5.5。执行以下步骤: 1...
本文将详细介绍如何在Red Hat 7系统上安装CentOS 7的YUM源,以便用户能够更加方便地管理和更新系统中的软件包。 #### 二、检查YUM安装状态 首先,需要确保Red Hat 7系统中未安装默认的YUM。这一步非常重要,因为...
在Linux操作系统中,尤其是Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)及其衍生版如CentOS,`yum`是用于管理和安装软件包的重要工具。然而,默认的yum源可能位于国外,导致下载速度较慢,影响了系统的更新和维护效率。因此,将...