From: Jean-Etienne’s blog
Following a comment from Alexandre
a previous post
, I included SQLite
in my performance test of database
engines running under Java.
What prevented me from using SQLite in the previous
test is that it’s not a pure Java database and one have to use third-party JDBC
driver and implementation classes in order to manage this database engine. IMHO,
I also dislike another fact: SQLite does not enforce data type constraints (and it’s a feature, not a bug
) so
everything is stored as ASCII string, even if you have very few other “artificial” data
In order to include SQLite in my test, I have to
rely on a third-party libraries: David Crawshaw’s JDBC driver for SQLite
. Some minor
adaptations also had to be done to the code (see the SqliteTest class in the
source code below). Brandon T. provides a good tutorial on how to use this
driver on MS-Windows here
The result? SQLite performances are worst than Derby! In this case, the
slowest step is the data insertion: more than 11s for 100 insertions (see graph
below). The database creation step is also slower than with H2 or HSQL (but much
faster than Derby). If you compare the whole process (initialisation + creation
+ insertion + retrieval), SQLite (and its JDBC driver) is the worst database
engine. The only good point is that it only creates one file (the other engines
creates at least 2 files) and this file is only 5kb.
to show the normal size graph.
A graph with a log y-axis is available here
Protocol. Same as
in the previous post
except that
now I have 4 engines to rotate. Source code is here
(4kb) and the jar file + libraries is here
赠送jar包:sqlite-jdbc-3.34.0.jar; 赠送原API文档:sqlite-jdbc-3.34.0-javadoc.jar; 赠送源代码:sqlite-jdbc-3.34.0-sources.jar; 赠送Maven依赖信息文件:sqlite-jdbc-3.34.0.pom; 包含翻译后的API文档:...
赠送jar包:sqlite-jdbc-3.15.1.jar; 赠送原API文档:sqlite-jdbc-3.15.1-javadoc.jar; 赠送源代码:sqlite-jdbc-3.15.1-sources.jar; 赠送Maven依赖信息文件:sqlite-jdbc-3.15.1.pom; 包含翻译后的API文档:...
SQLite JDBC 是一个开源的 Java 驱动程序,允许 Java 应用程序通过 JDBC API 连接到 SQLite 数据库。SQLite 是一个轻量级、自包含的数据库引擎,无需单独的服务器进程,非常适合嵌入式应用或者对小型项目的数据存储...
SQLite JDBC驱动程序是Java开发者用来在Java应用程序中与SQLite数据库进行交互的重要工具。SQLite是一款轻量级、开源的关系型数据库管理系统,它不需要单独的服务器进程,可以直接嵌入到各种应用中。而`sqlite-jdbc-...
在标签中,“SQLite”是数据库系统的名字,“sqlite3”是其命令行工具,“sqlitejdbc”则特指SQLite的JDBC驱动。这些标签帮助用户快速识别资源的内容和用途。 至于"SQLite Expert Professional",这是一款强大的...
SQLite JDBC驱动程序则允许Java开发者通过JDBC接口与SQLite数据库进行交互,这样就可以在Java应用中轻松地操作SQLite数据库。"sqlite-jdbc-"是这个驱动程序的特定版本,它包含了用于连接SQLite数据库的...
在本案例中,“”是一个包含SQLite JDBC驱动的压缩包,版本号为3.31.1,用于在Java环境中通过JDBC方式连接和操作加密后的SQLite数据库。 首先,我们需要了解如何在Java项目中使用sqlite-jdbc...
使用 flask+sqlite+python的学生管理系统源码.zip,含有代码注释,新手也可看懂,个人手打98分项目,导师非常认可的高分项目,毕业设计、期末大作业和课程设计高分必看,下载下来,简单部署,就可以使用。...
SQLite JDBC驱动程序是Java开发人员用来在Java应用程序中与SQLite数据库进行交互的一种工具。这个压缩包包含两个版本的sqlite-jdbc驱动,分别是`sqlite-jdbc-3.7.2.jar`和`sqlite-jdbc-`。这两个JAR文件...
毕业设计+Python+基于OpenCV的交通路口红绿灯控制系统设计+Sqlite +PyCharm.zip毕业设计+Python+基于OpenCV的交通路口红绿灯控制系统设计+Sqlite +PyCharm.zip毕业设计+Python+基于OpenCV的交通路口红绿灯控制系统...
sqlite-jdbc- 最新吧2021 8月底更新
SQLite JDBC驱动包是Java开发者用来连接SQLite数据库的重要工具。SQLite是一款轻量级的、自包含的、无服务器的、零配置的SQL数据库引擎,适用于多种操作系统,包括Windows、Linux、Mac OS X等。SQLite JDBC驱动使得...
sqlite-jdbc-3.20.1.jar 连接Java和sqlite的最新驱动!
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sqlite3 JDBC 驱动文件。我自己用到的文件。放这里用到得。
SQLite JDBC驱动程序是Java开发人员用来连接SQLite数据库的桥梁,标题中的"sqlite-jdbc-"就是这个特定版本的驱动程序。SQLite是一款轻量级的关系型数据库管理系统,广泛应用于嵌入式系统和移动应用中,...
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sqlite driver jdbc驱动文件。 SQLite JDBC 是一个用于在 Java 中访问和创建 SQLite 数据库文件的库。 我们的 SQLite JDBC 库无需配置,因为适用于包括 Windows、macOS、Linux 等主流操作系统的原生库都已整合到一个...
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