This book will guide you through the Google Cloud Platform starting from the basics all the way through successfully designing, building, and running modern and scalable web applications in Python ...
If you are a Java programmer, this book offers you a Java approach to beginning Google App Engine. You will explore the runtime environment, front-end technologies like Google Web Toolkit, Adobe Flex...
中文名: 基于Google App Engine(GAE)的Java和GWT应用开发 原名: Google App Engine Java and GWT Application Development 作者: Daniel Guermeur, Amy Unruh 资源格式: PDF 版本: 文字版 出版社: Packt ...
Google App Engine Managed VMs Google Cloud SQL Google Cloud Storage Google Cloud Datastore Google BigQuery Google Cloud Dataflow Google Cloud DNS Google Cloud Pub/Sub Google Cloud Endpoints Google ...
GKE, AppEngine and Cloud Functions Google Cloud Storage: Fishing in a Bucket Relational Database NoSQL Databases BigQuery Identity and Access Management Managed Hadoop With Dataproc Load Balancing ...
In the third part, the author describes how several of these games are distributed on platforms, such as the Chrome Web Store, Apple iOS App Store, Google Play Store, and Facebook.
Harness the power of App Engine, Compute Engine, Containers on the Kubernetes Engine, and Cloud Functions Pick the right managed service for your data needs, choosing intelligently between Datastore, ...
Get a feel for app deployment using Docker and Google App Engine Table of Contents Chapter 1: Chat Application with Web Sockets Chapter 2: Adding User Accounts Chapter 3: Three Ways to Implement ...
Korn, or Z-Shell, * Integrate Cloud Computing into your infrastructure, and learn to write a Google App Engine Application, * Solve unique data backup challenges with customized scripts, * Interact ...
The Google App Engine PaaS Chapter 3. Authorizing Your Glassware Chapter 4. Building the Timeline Chapter 5. Tracking Movement and User Responses Chapter 6. Making Glass Social Chapter 7. Designing ...
A good book to learn Google App Engine.
This book will guide you through the Google Cloud Platform starting from the basics all the way through successfully designing, building, and running modern and scalable web applications in Python ...
If you are a Java programmer, this book offers you a Java approach to beginning Google App Engine. You will explore the runtime environment, front-end technologies like Google Web Toolkit, Adobe Flex...
Good introductory book on cloud computing with Google App Engine.
中文名: 基于Google App Engine(GAE)的Java和GWT应用开发 原名: Google App Engine Java and GWT Application Development 作者: Daniel Guermeur, Amy Unruh 资源格式: PDF 版本: 文字版 出版社: Packt ...
二是一系列用于Google App Engine的Go SDK代码,可实现与Google Cloud Datastore和日志服务的交互,处理App Engine环境中的网络通信、数据存储、日志记录等功能。 ## 项目的主要特性和功能 ### maxbook2程序 自动...
Google App Engine Managed VMs Google Cloud SQL Google Cloud Storage Google Cloud Datastore Google BigQuery Google Cloud Dataflow Google Cloud DNS Google Cloud Pub/Sub Google Cloud Endpoints Google ...
GKE, AppEngine and Cloud Functions Google Cloud Storage: Fishing in a Bucket Relational Database NoSQL Databases BigQuery Identity and Access Management Managed Hadoop With Dataproc Load Balancing ...
In the third part, the author describes how several of these games are distributed on platforms, such as the Chrome Web Store, Apple iOS App Store, Google Play Store, and Facebook.
Harness the power of App Engine, Compute Engine, Containers on the Kubernetes Engine, and Cloud Functions Pick the right managed service for your data needs, choosing intelligently between Datastore, ...
Get a feel for app deployment using Docker and Google App Engine Table of Contents Chapter 1: Chat Application with Web Sockets Chapter 2: Adding User Accounts Chapter 3: Three Ways to Implement ...
Korn, or Z-Shell, * Integrate Cloud Computing into your infrastructure, and learn to write a Google App Engine Application, * Solve unique data backup challenges with customized scripts, * Interact ...
年鉴ID检查器 允许WLMS学生通过对照Google表格中的列表检查学生ID来... 部署在Google App Engine上。 Google Cloud SDK命令 初始设置 gcloud init 创建App Engine应用 gcloud app create 部署应用 gcloud app deploy
The Google App Engine PaaS Chapter 3. Authorizing Your Glassware Chapter 4. Building the Timeline Chapter 5. Tracking Movement and User Responses Chapter 6. Making Glass Social Chapter 7. Designing ...