Serial port that modem is connected to []? cuad0
Hmm, there does not appear to be an fuser command on your machine.
This means that I am unable to ensure that all processes using the
modem have been killed.I will keep going, but beware that you may
have competition for the modem.
Now we are going to probe the tty port to figure out the type
of modem that is attached.This takes a few seconds, so be patient.
Note that if you do not have the modem cabled to the port, or the
modem is turned off, this may hang (just go and cable up the modem
or turn it on, or whatever).
Probing for best speed to talk to modem: 38400 OK.
About fax classes:
The difference between fax classes has to do with how HylaFAX interacts
with the modem and the fax protocol features that are used when sending
or receiving faxes.One class isn't inherently better than another;
however, one probably will suit a user's needs better than others.
Class 1 relies on HylaFAX to perform the bulk of the fax protocol.
Class 2 relies on the modem to perform the bulk of the fax protocol.
Class 2.0 is similar to Class 2 but may include more features.
Class 1.0 is similar to Class 1 but may add V.34-fax capability.
Class 2.1 is similar to Class 2.0 but adds V.34-fax capability.
HylaFAX generally will have more features when using Class 1/1.0 than
when using most modems' Class 2 or Class 2.0 implementations.Generally
any problems encountered in Class 1/1.0 can be resolved by modifications
to HylaFAX, but usually any problems encountered in Class 2/2.0/2.1 will
require the modem manufacturer to resolve it.
If you're unsure and your modem supports it, use Class 1.
Hmm, this looks like a Class 1 modem.
Hmm, something seems to be hung, check your modem eh?
Product code (ATI0) is "1.0".
Hmm, something seems to be hung, check your modem eh?
Other information (ATI3) is "MD56xx".
DTE-DCE flow control scheme [default]?
Hmm, something seems to be hung, check your modem eh?
然后系统就一直提示Hmm, something seems to be hung, check your modem eh?这句话,我看到其他人在freebsd 5.X上也有这个问题,解决不了。
重要的是,这个同样的modem,在debian 3和hylafax的系统上顺利通过。
现在faxaddmodem可以通过,参考网上的一些信息,我做了个补丁patch-etc-faxaddmodem.sh.in,放在/usr/ports/comms/hylafax/files下面,收发传真的测试成功。 对应的版本为hylafax-4.3.2
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