Project Name:
This is the Eclipse Project name — the name of the directory that will contain the project files.
Application Name:
This is the human-readable title for your application — the name that will appear on the Android device.
Package Name:
This is the package namespace (following the same rules as for packages in the Java programming language) that you want all your source code to reside under. This also sets the package name under which the stub Activity will be generated.
Your package name must be unique across all packages installed on the Android system; for this reason, it's very important to use a standard domain-style package for your applications. The example above uses the "com.example" namespace, which is a namespace reserved for example documentation — when you develop your own applications, you should use a namespace that's appropriate to your organization or entity.
Create Activity:
This is the name for the class stub that will be generated by the plugin. This will be a subclass of Android's Activity class. An Activity is simply a class that can run and do work. It can create a UI if it chooses, but it doesn't need to. As the checkbox suggests, this is optional, but an Activity is almost always used as the basis for an application.
Min SDK Version:
This value specifies the minimum API Level required by your application. If the API Level entered here matches the API Level provided by one of the available targets, then that Build Target will be automatically selected (in this case, entering "2" as the API Level will select the Android 1.1 target). With each new version of the Android system image and Android SDK, there have likely been additions or changes made to the APIs. When this occurs, a new API Level is assigned to the system image to regulate which applications are allowed to be run. If an application requires an API Level that is higher than the level supported by the device, then the application will not be installed.
Basic4android 开发教程实用.pdf 本文档提供了 Basic4android 开发教程的实用指南,旨在帮助开发者快速上手 Basic4android 开发。该教程涵盖了从建立模拟器到生成第一个 Hello world 程序的整个过程。 一、建立...
Basic4android 是一个简单但功能强大的 Android 应用开发环境。Basic4android 语言跟 Visual Basic 语言类似,支持更多的对象。Basic4android 将代码编译成 Android 原生应用,无需其他运行环境的支持。该工具完全...
Basic4android(B4A)是一款基于Android的编程工具,它允许开发者使用简单的Basic语言进行Android应用开发。这款工具的核心理念是提供一个易于理解和使用的编程环境,使得即使是初学者也能快速上手。B4A 提供了丰富...
Basic4android 是一个简单但功能强大的 Android 应用开发环境。Basic4android 语言跟 Visual Basic 语言类似,支持更多的对象。Basic4android 将代码编译成 Android 原生应用,无需其他运行环境的支持。该工具完全...
Basic4android 是一个简单但功能强大的 Android 应用开发环境。Basic4android 语言跟 Visual Basic 予以类似,支持更多的对象。Basic4android 将代码编译成 Android 原生应用,无需其他运行环境的支持。这个就是2020...
《深入解析Android Camera2Basic-master源码》 在Android应用开发中,相机功能是一个不可或缺的部分。随着技术的发展,Android系统提供了Camera2 API,为开发者提供了更高级、更灵活的相机控制。本文将深入剖析...
BasicSamples - a set of basic samples, including a convenience library (BaseGameUtils): BaseGameUtils. Utilities used on all samples, which you can use in your projects too. This is not a stand-...
Basic4android 是一个简单但功能强大的 Android 应用开发环境。Basic4android 语言跟 Visual Basic 予以类似,支持更多的对象。Basic4android 将代码编译成 Android 原生应用,无需其他运行环境的支持。这个就是2020...
### Basic4Android新手指南 #### 一、Basic4Android简介 **Basic4Android**是一款专为Android设备设计的集成开发环境(IDE),它提供了一种简单而强大的方式来开发应用程序。该工具支持多种语言特性,其中语法类似...
Basic4android 是一个简单但功能强大的 Android 应用开发环境。Basic4android 语言跟 Visual Basic 予以类似,支持更多的对象。Basic4android 将代码编译成 Android 原生应用,无需其他运行环境的支持。原作者已经将...
**BASIC4Android数据库范例源代码详解** BASIC4Android(简称B4A)是一款专为Android平台设计的编程工具,它允许开发者使用简化版的Basic语言进行应用程序开发。在移动应用中,数据库通常用于存储和管理数据,SQL...
Basic4android(简称B4A)是一个简单然而功能非常强大的Android应用开发环境。Basic4android语言类似于Visual Basic语言,支持更多的对象。Basic4android将代码编译成Android原生(native)应用,无需其它运行环境的...