Chapter 2 Overview of JVM architecture, Section 2 Runtime Data Areas in JVM
JVM data area:
1. Method area
2. Heap
3. PC Register
4. Java Stack
5. Native Method Stack
Method area: Shared among all JVM thread
1. name
2. super class
3. class/interface
4. modifier
5. list of super interfaces
6. Other:
a. Constant pool
b. field info
c. method info
d. class var
e. ref to Classloader
f. ref to Class
1. Handle pool: pointer to object(in object pool) & class(in method area)
2. Object pool (instances)
Such design is for the avoiding fragmentation
Stach: 2 types
1. Frame for func activation
2. Operand for instructions, arg & ret of JVM instruction
Java Stack Component
1. local var
2. execution env
3. operand stack
JDK -- JRE -- JVM -- bytecode Interpreter, GC, Class manager, ...
\ \
classlib -- byte code
首先,"Chapter 1 Introduction to Java Virtual Machine"会介绍JVM的基本概念和历史背景,包括它在Java平台中的地位以及如何为跨平台提供支持。读者可以了解到JVM是如何通过解释和编译字节码来实现“一次编写,到处...
With the emergence of multiplatform production systems and network-centric computing, the software industry has witnessed the resurgence of the virtual machine. Rather than committing to any single ...
《Working with Ruby Threads》这本书深入探讨了Ruby语言中的线程机制,对于希望利用Ruby进行高效并发编程的开发者来说是一本不可多得的资源。 #### Ruby为什么值得关注? Ruby作为一种动态类型、解释型语言,在...
This book will appeal to anyone with a serious interest in topics in Data Science or those already working in related areas: ideally, intermediate-level data analysts and data scientists with ...
这个主题“Retrofit Love Working with APIs on Android”深入探讨了如何利用Retrofit来构建强大的网络功能。 Retrofit是由Square公司开发的一个类型安全的HTTP客户端,它允许开发者通过简单的接口定义来创建网络...
Machine Learning with TensorFlow gives readers a solid foundation in machine-learning concepts plus hands-on experience coding TensorFlow with Python. Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook...
Java: High-Performance Apps with Java 9: Boost your application’s performance with the new features of Java 9 By 作者: Mayur Ramgir – Nick Samoylov ISBN-10 书号: 1789130514 ISBN-13 书号: ...
addition to offering a hands-on experience with machine learning using the Python programming languages and Python-based machine learning libraries, this book introduces the mathematical concepts ...
What is a Java Virtual Machine?. 32 Developing software. 39 What is an integrated development environment?. 40 CHAPTER 3: Using the Basic Building Blocks. 43 Speaking the Java Language . 43 The ...
Machine Learning with TensorFlow gives readers a solid foundation in machine-learning concepts plus hands-on experience coding TensorFlow with Python. Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook...
"Working With Ruby Threads"这本书全面深入地探讨了这个主题,提供了关于Ruby线程的详尽知识。 在Ruby中,线程允许程序同时执行多个任务,从而提高了效率。Ruby的线程模型基于两种主要实现:MRI(Matz's Ruby ...
第四章 Working with Reusable Components(重用的组件)..241 第五章 Handling Exceptions(异常的处理)243 第六章 Advanced Topics(高级主题)..........243 第七章 Custom Tags(自定义标记) .246 第八章 EL元素...
在“Working with XML”这个PPT中,我们可以期待深入学习XML的基础概念、结构以及它在ASP.NET中的应用。 XML的核心是其自描述性,这意味着每个元素和属性都有明确的含义。它的结构由开始标签 `和结束标签 `>` 包围...
This book is primarily intended for beginners who wants to learn various aspects of software engineering and building web applications using Java programming language. There are many good books ...
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