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  • Ruby
7 楼 Hooopo 2009-08-26  
6 楼 Hooopo 2009-08-26  
5 楼 Hooopo 2009-08-26  

# == dRuby internals
# dRuby is implemented using three main components: a remote method
# call marshaller/unmarshaller; a transport protocol; and an
# ID-to-object mapper.  The latter two can be directly, and the first
# indirectly, replaced, in order to provide different behaviour and
# capabilities.
# Marshalling and unmarshalling of remote method calls is performed by
# a DRb::DRbMessage instance.  This uses the Marshal module to dump
# the method call before sending it over the transport layer, then
# reconstitute it at the other end.  There is normally no need to
# replace this component, and no direct way is provided to do so.
# However, it is possible to implement an alternative marshalling
# scheme as part of an implementation of the transport layer.
# The transport layer is responsible for opening client and server
# network connections and forwarding dRuby request across them.
# Normally, it uses DRb::DRbMessage internally to manage marshalling
# and unmarshalling.  The transport layer is managed by
# DRb::DRbProtocol.  Multiple protocols can be installed in
# DRbProtocol at the one time; selection between them is determined by
# the scheme of a dRuby URI.  The default transport protocol is
# selected by the scheme 'druby:', and implemented by
# DRb::DRbTCPSocket.  This uses plain TCP/IP sockets for
# communication.  An alternative protocol, using UNIX domain sockets,
# is implemented by DRb::DRbUNIXSocket in the file drb/unix.rb, and
# selected by the scheme 'drbunix:'.  A sample implementation over
# HTTP can be found in the samples accompanying the main dRuby
# distribution.
# The ID-to-object mapping component maps dRuby object ids to the
# objects they refer to, and vice versa.  The implementation to use
# can be specified as part of a DRb::DRbServer's configuration.  The
# default implementation is provided by DRb::DRbIdConv.  It uses an
# object's ObjectSpace id as its dRuby id.  This means that the dRuby
# reference to that object only remains meaningful for the lifetime of
# the object's process and the lifetime of the object within that
# process.  A modified implementation is provided by DRb::TimerIdConv
# in the file drb/timeridconv.rb.  This implementation retains a local
# reference to all objects exported over dRuby for a configurable
# period of time (defaulting to ten minutes), to prevent them being
# garbage-collected within this time.  Another sample implementation
# is provided in sample/name.rb in the main dRuby distribution.  This
# allows objects to specify their own id or "name".  A dRuby reference
# can be made persistent across processes by having each process
# register an object using the same dRuby name.
4 楼 Hooopo 2009-08-26  

 !!! UNSAFE CODE !!!  
    ro = DRbObject::new_with_uri("druby://your.server.com:8989")  
    class << ro  
      undef :instance_eval  # force call to be passed to remote object  
    ro.instance_eval("`rm -rf *`")  

3 楼 Hooopo 2009-08-26  
# == Security
# As with all network services, security needs to be considered when
# using dRuby.  By allowing external access to a Ruby object, you are
# not only allowing outside clients to call the methods you have
# defined for that object, but by default to execute arbitrary Ruby
# code on your server.  Consider the following:
#    # !!! UNSAFE CODE !!!
#    ro = DRbObject::new_with_uri("druby://your.server.com:8989")
#    class << ro
#      undef :instance_eval  # force call to be passed to remote object
#    end
#    ro.instance_eval("`rm -rf *`")
# The dangers posed by instance_eval and friends are such that a
# DRbServer should generally be run with $SAFE set to at least 
# level 1.  This will disable eval() and related calls on strings 
# passed across the wire.  The sample usage code given above follows 
# this practice.
# A DRbServer can be configured with an access control list to
# selectively allow or deny access from specified IP addresses.  The
# main druby distribution provides the ACL class for this purpose.  In
# general, this mechanism should only be used alongside, rather than
# as a replacement for, a good firewall.
2 楼 Hooopo 2009-08-26  
# == Examples of usage
# For more dRuby samples, see the +samples+ directory in the full
# dRuby distribution.
# === dRuby in client/server mode
# This illustrates setting up a simple client-server drb
# system.  Run the server and client code in different terminals,
# starting the server code first.
# ==== Server code
#   require 'drb/drb'
#   # The URI for the server to connect to
#   URI="druby://localhost:8787" 
#   class TimeServer
#     def get_current_time
#       return Time.now
#     end
#   end
#   # The object that handles requests on the server
#   FRONT_OBJECT=TimeServer.new
#   $SAFE = 1   # disable eval() and friends
#   DRb.start_service(URI, FRONT_OBJECT)
#   # Wait for the drb server thread to finish before exiting.
#   DRb.thread.join
# ==== Client code
#   require 'drb/drb'
#   # The URI to connect to
#   SERVER_URI="druby://localhost:8787"
#   # Start a local DRbServer to handle callbacks.
#   #
#   # Not necessary for this small example, but will be required
#   # as soon as we pass a non-marshallable object as an argument
#   # to a dRuby call.
#   DRb.start_service
#   timeserver = DRbObject.new_with_uri(SERVER_URI)
#   puts timeserver.get_current_time 
# === Remote objects under dRuby
# This example illustrates returning a reference to an object
# from a dRuby call.  The Logger instances live in the server
# process.  References to them are returned to the client process,
# where methods can be invoked upon them.  These methods are 
# executed in the server process.
# ==== Server code
#   require 'drb/drb'
#   URI="druby://localhost:8787"
#   class Logger
#       # Make dRuby send Logger instances as dRuby references,
#       # not copies.
#       include DRb::DRbUndumped
#       def initialize(n, fname)
#           @name = n
#           @filename = fname
#       end
#       def log(message)
#           File.open(@filename, "a") do |f|
#               f.puts("#{Time.now}: #{@name}: #{message}")
#           end
#       end
#   end
#   # We have a central object for creating and retrieving loggers.
#   # This retains a local reference to all loggers created.  This
#   # is so an existing logger can be looked up by name, but also
#   # to prevent loggers from being garbage collected.  A dRuby
#   # reference to an object is not sufficient to prevent it being
#   # garbage collected!
#   class LoggerFactory
#       def initialize(bdir)
#           @basedir = bdir
#           @loggers = {}
#       end
#       def get_logger(name)
#           if !@loggers.has_key? name
#               # make the filename safe, then declare it to be so
#               fname = name.gsub(/[.\/]/, "_").untaint
#               @loggers[name] = Logger.new(name, @basedir + "/" + fname)
#           end
#           return @loggers[name]
#       end
#   end
#   FRONT_OBJECT=LoggerFactory.new("/tmp/dlog")
#   $SAFE = 1   # disable eval() and friends
#   DRb.start_service(URI, FRONT_OBJECT)
#   DRb.thread.join
# ==== Client code
#   require 'drb/drb'
#   SERVER_URI="druby://localhost:8787"
#   DRb.start_service
#   log_service=DRbObject.new_with_uri(SERVER_URI)
#   ["loga", "logb", "logc"].each do |logname|
#       logger=log_service.get_logger(logname)
#       logger.log("Hello, world!")
#       logger.log("Goodbye, world!")
#       logger.log("=== EOT ===")
#   end
# == Security
# As with all network services, security needs to be considered when
# using dRuby.  By allowing external access to a Ruby object, you are
# not only allowing outside clients to call the methods you have
# defined for that object, but by default to execute arbitrary Ruby
# code on your server.  Consider the following:
#    # !!! UNSAFE CODE !!!
#    ro = DRbObject::new_with_uri("druby://your.server.com:8989")
#    class << ro
#      undef :instance_eval  # force call to be passed to remote object
#    end
#    ro.instance_eval("`rm -rf *`")
# The dangers posed by instance_eval and friends are such that a
# DRbServer should generally be run with $SAFE set to at least 
# level 1.  This will disable eval() and related calls on strings 
# passed across the wire.  The sample usage code given above follows 
# this practice.
# A DRbServer can be configured with an access control list to
# selectively allow or deny access from specified IP addresses.  The
# main druby distribution provides the ACL class for this purpose.  In
# general, this mechanism should only be used alongside, rather than
# as a replacement for, a good firewall.
# == dRuby internals
# dRuby is implemented using three main components: a remote method
# call marshaller/unmarshaller; a transport protocol; and an
# ID-to-object mapper.  The latter two can be directly, and the first
# indirectly, replaced, in order to provide different behaviour and
# capabilities.
# Marshalling and unmarshalling of remote method calls is performed by
# a DRb::DRbMessage instance.  This uses the Marshal module to dump
# the method call before sending it over the transport layer, then
# reconstitute it at the other end.  There is normally no need to
# replace this component, and no direct way is provided to do so.
# However, it is possible to implement an alternative marshalling
# scheme as part of an implementation of the transport layer.
# The transport layer is responsible for opening client and server
# network connections and forwarding dRuby request across them.
# Normally, it uses DRb::DRbMessage internally to manage marshalling
# and unmarshalling.  The transport layer is managed by
# DRb::DRbProtocol.  Multiple protocols can be installed in
# DRbProtocol at the one time; selection between them is determined by
# the scheme of a dRuby URI.  The default transport protocol is
# selected by the scheme 'druby:', and implemented by
# DRb::DRbTCPSocket.  This uses plain TCP/IP sockets for
# communication.  An alternative protocol, using UNIX domain sockets,
# is implemented by DRb::DRbUNIXSocket in the file drb/unix.rb, and
# selected by the scheme 'drbunix:'.  A sample implementation over
# HTTP can be found in the samples accompanying the main dRuby
# distribution.
# The ID-to-object mapping component maps dRuby object ids to the
# objects they refer to, and vice versa.  The implementation to use
# can be specified as part of a DRb::DRbServer's configuration.  The
# default implementation is provided by DRb::DRbIdConv.  It uses an
# object's ObjectSpace id as its dRuby id.  This means that the dRuby
# reference to that object only remains meaningful for the lifetime of
# the object's process and the lifetime of the object within that
# process.  A modified implementation is provided by DRb::TimerIdConv
# in the file drb/timeridconv.rb.  This implementation retains a local
# reference to all objects exported over dRuby for a configurable
# period of time (defaulting to ten minutes), to prevent them being
# garbage-collected within this time.  Another sample implementation
# is provided in sample/name.rb in the main dRuby distribution.  This
# allows objects to specify their own id or "name".  A dRuby reference
# can be made persistent across processes by having each process
# register an object using the same dRuby name.
1 楼 Hooopo 2009-08-26  
== Overview
# dRuby is a distributed object system for Ruby.  It allows an object in one
# Ruby process to invoke methods on an object in another Ruby process on the
# same or a different machine.
# The Ruby standard library contains the core classes of the dRuby package.
# However, the full package also includes access control lists and the
# Rinda tuple-space distributed task management system, as well as a 
# large number of samples.  The full dRuby package can be downloaded from
# the dRuby home page (see *References*).
# For an introduction and examples of usage see the documentation to the
# DRb module.
# == References
# [http://www2a.biglobe.ne.jp/~seki/ruby/druby.html]
#    The dRuby home page, in Japanese.  Contains the full dRuby package
#    and links to other Japanese-language sources.
# [http://www2a.biglobe.ne.jp/~seki/ruby/druby.en.html]
#    The English version of the dRuby home page.
# [http://www.chadfowler.com/ruby/drb.html]
#    A quick tutorial introduction to using dRuby by Chad Fowler.
# [http://www.linux-mag.com/2002-09/ruby_05.html]
#   A tutorial introduction to dRuby in Linux Magazine by Dave Thomas.
#   Includes a discussion of Rinda.
# [http://www.eng.cse.dmu.ac.uk/~hgs/ruby/dRuby/]
#   Links to English-language Ruby material collected by Hugh Sasse.
# [http://www.rubycentral.com/book/ospace.html]
#   The chapter from *Programming* *Ruby* by Dave Thomas and Andy Hunt
#   which discusses dRuby.
# [http://www.clio.ne.jp/home/web-i31s/Flotuard/Ruby/PRC2K_seki/dRuby.en.html]
#   Translation of presentation on Ruby by Masatoshi Seki.


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