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SnmpHibernate Developer Guide(1.0Beta)

  • JAVA
SnmpHibernate is a MIB/Object Mapping framework inspired by Hibernate Project(O/R Mapping framework). It will release EMS/NMS developer from coding tedious SNMP Client code.

Tell Something about the history of the project. I have been developing EMS/NMS products for about 4 years, and most of the products are based on SNMP protocol. I meet many different and proprietary Framework to ease the SNMP client side development, but I am not satisfied with them still. When I using the Hibernate (www.hibernate.org) to code O/R mapping someday, I am very impressed by its simplicity. I decided to use the same architecture to implement MIB/Object mapping for I find a mib table is the same to a database table, and then the project is born in one weekend:)

The project location: SnmpHibernate on Sourceforge

The SNMP Client API we used: SNMP4J project.

License of the project: Apache 2.0 License(Same to SNMP4J project)

The most efficient way to introduce something is to show samples.

Get/Set MIB2.System Scalars:

1. Write the SystemInfo class and annotate properties of the class with MIB defination.

import java.io.Serializable;

import net.sourceforge.snmphibernate.api.SmiType;
import net.sourceforge.snmphibernate.api.annotation.MibObjectType;
import net.sourceforge.snmphibernate.api.annotation.MibObjectType.Access;

public class SystemInfo implements Serializable {

    @MibObjectType(oid = "", smiType = SmiType.DISPLAY_STRING, access = Access.READ)
    public String sysDesc;

    @MibObjectType(oid = "", smiType = SmiType.OID, access = Access.READ)
    public String sysObjectID;

    @MibObjectType(oid = "", smiType = SmiType.TIMETICKS, access = Access.READ)
    public long sysUpTime;

    @MibObjectType(oid = "", smiType = SmiType.DISPLAY_STRING, access = Access.WRITE)
    public String sysContact;

    @MibObjectType(oid = "", smiType = SmiType.DISPLAY_STRING, access = Access.WRITE)
    public String sysName;

    @MibObjectType(oid = "", smiType = SmiType.DISPLAY_STRING, access = Access.WRITE)
    public String sysLocation;

    public String getSysContact() {
        return sysContact;

    public void setSysContact(String sysContact) {
        this.sysContact = sysContact;

    public String getSysDesc() {
        return sysDesc;

    public void setSysDesc(String sysDesc) {
        this.sysDesc = sysDesc;

    public String getSysLocation() {
        return sysLocation;

    public void setSysLocation(String sysLocation) {
        this.sysLocation = sysLocation;

    public String getSysName() {
        return sysName;

    public void setSysName(String sysName) {
        this.sysName = sysName;

    public String getSysObjectID() {
        return sysObjectID;

    public void setSysObjectID(String sysObjectID) {
        this.sysObjectID = sysObjectID;

    public long getSysUpTime() {
        return sysUpTime;

    public void setSysUpTime(long sysUpTime) {
        this.sysUpTime = sysUpTime;


2. Create the ISnmpSession API, and execute Get/Set operation.
ISnmpSession session = null;
try {
    ISnmpClientFacade facade = new Snmp4JClientFacade();
    ISnmpSessionFactory sessionFactory = facade.getSnmpSessionFactory();
    ISnmpTargetFactory targetFactory = facade.getSnmpTargetFactory();
    session = sessionFactory.newSnmpSession(targetFactory.newSnmpTarget("", 161));
    SystemInfo sysMIB = session.get(SystemInfo.class);
} finally {
    if(session != null) session.close();

Get IfTable

1. Write the IfEntry class first

import java.io.Serializable;

import net.sourceforge.snmphibernate.api.SmiType;
import net.sourceforge.snmphibernate.api.annotation.MibIndex;
import net.sourceforge.snmphibernate.api.annotation.MibObjectType;
import net.sourceforge.snmphibernate.api.annotation.MibTable;
import net.sourceforge.snmphibernate.api.annotation.MibObjectType.Access;

public class IfEntry implements Serializable {

    @MibIndex(no = 0, length = 1)
    @MibObjectType(oid = "", smiType = SmiType.INTEGER32, access = Access.READ)
    public int ifIndex;

    @MibObjectType(oid = "", smiType = SmiType.DISPLAY_STRING, access = Access.READ)
    public String ifDescr;

    @MibObjectType(oid = "", smiType = SmiType.INTEGER32, access = Access.READ)
    public int ifType;

    @MibObjectType(oid = "", smiType = SmiType.INTEGER32, access = Access.READ)
    public int ifMtu;

    @MibObjectType(oid = "", smiType = SmiType.GAUGE32, access = Access.READ)
    public long ifSpeed;

    @MibObjectType(oid = "", smiType = SmiType.OCTET_STRING, access = Access.READ)
    public byte[] ifPhysAddress;

    @MibObjectType(oid = "", smiType = SmiType.INTEGER32, access = Access.READ)
    public int ifAdminStatus;

    @MibObjectType(oid = "", smiType = SmiType.INTEGER32, access = Access.READ)
    public int ifOperStatus;

    @MibObjectType(oid = "", smiType = SmiType.TIMETICKS, access = Access.READ)
    public long ifLastChange;

    @MibObjectType(oid = "", smiType = SmiType.COUNTER32, access = Access.READ)
    public long ifInOctets;

    @MibObjectType(oid = "", smiType = SmiType.COUNTER32, access = Access.READ)
    public long ifInUcastPkts;

    @MibObjectType(oid = "", smiType = SmiType.COUNTER32, access = Access.READ)
    public long ifInNUcastPkts;

    @MibObjectType(oid = "", smiType = SmiType.COUNTER32, access = Access.READ)
    public long ifInDiscards;

    @MibObjectType(oid = "", smiType = SmiType.COUNTER32, access = Access.READ)
    public long ifInErrors;

    @MibObjectType(oid = "", smiType = SmiType.COUNTER32, access = Access.READ)
    public long ifInUnknownProtos;

    @MibObjectType(oid = "", smiType = SmiType.COUNTER32, access = Access.READ)
    public long ifOutOctets;

    @MibObjectType(oid = "", smiType = SmiType.COUNTER32, access = Access.READ)
    public long ifOutUcastPkts;

    @MibObjectType(oid = "", smiType = SmiType.COUNTER32, access = Access.READ)
    public long ifOutNUcastPkts;

    @MibObjectType(oid = "", smiType = SmiType.COUNTER32, access = Access.READ)
    public long ifOutDiscards;

    @MibObjectType(oid = "", smiType = SmiType.COUNTER32, access = Access.READ)
    public long ifOutErrors;

    public IfEntry() {}
    public IfEntry(int index) {
        this.ifIndex = index;

    public boolean isLoopback() {
        return ifType == 24;

    public int getIfAdminStatus() {
        return ifAdminStatus;

    public void setIfAdminStatus(int ifAdminStatus) {
        this.ifAdminStatus = ifAdminStatus;

    public String getIfDescr() {
        return ifDescr;

    public void setIfDescr(String ifDescr) {
        this.ifDescr = ifDescr;

    public int getIfIndex() {
        return ifIndex;

    public void setIfIndex(int ifIndex) {
        this.ifIndex = ifIndex;

    public long getIfInDiscards() {
        return ifInDiscards;

    public void setIfInDiscards(long ifInDiscards) {
        this.ifInDiscards = ifInDiscards;

    public long getIfInErrors() {
        return ifInErrors;

    public void setIfInErrors(long ifInErrors) {
        this.ifInErrors = ifInErrors;

    public long getIfInNUcastPkts() {
        return ifInNUcastPkts;

    public void setIfInNUcastPkts(long ifInNUcastPkts) {
        this.ifInNUcastPkts = ifInNUcastPkts;

    public long getIfInOctets() {
        return ifInOctets;

    public void setIfInOctets(long ifInOctets) {
        this.ifInOctets = ifInOctets;

    public long getIfInUcastPkts() {
        return ifInUcastPkts;

    public void setIfInUcastPkts(long ifInUcastPkts) {
        this.ifInUcastPkts = ifInUcastPkts;

    public long getIfInUnknownProtos() {
        return ifInUnknownProtos;

    public void setIfInUnknownProtos(long ifInUnknownProtos) {
        this.ifInUnknownProtos = ifInUnknownProtos;

    public long getIfLastChange() {
        return ifLastChange;

    public void setIfLastChange(long ifLastChange) {
        this.ifLastChange = ifLastChange;

    public int getIfMtu() {
        return ifMtu;

    public void setIfMtu(int ifMtu) {
        this.ifMtu = ifMtu;

    public int getIfOperStatus() {
        return ifOperStatus;

    public void setIfOperStatus(int ifOperStatus) {
        this.ifOperStatus = ifOperStatus;

    public long getIfOutDiscards() {
        return ifOutDiscards;

    public void setIfOutDiscards(long ifOutDiscards) {
        this.ifOutDiscards = ifOutDiscards;

    public long getIfOutErrors() {
        return ifOutErrors;

    public void setIfOutErrors(long ifOutErrors) {
        this.ifOutErrors = ifOutErrors;

    public long getIfOutNUcastPkts() {
        return ifOutNUcastPkts;

    public void setIfOutNUcastPkts(long ifOutNUcastPkts) {
        this.ifOutNUcastPkts = ifOutNUcastPkts;

    public long getIfOutOctets() {
        return ifOutOctets;

    public void setIfOutOctets(long ifOutOctets) {
        this.ifOutOctets = ifOutOctets;

    public long getIfOutUcastPkts() {
        return ifOutUcastPkts;

    public void setIfOutUcastPkts(long ifOutUcastPkts) {
        this.ifOutUcastPkts = ifOutUcastPkts;

    public byte[] getIfPhysAddress() {
        return ifPhysAddress;

    public void setIfPhysAddress(byte[] ifPhysAddress) {
        this.ifPhysAddress = ifPhysAddress;

    public long getIfSpeed() {
        return ifSpeed;

    public void setIfSpeed(long ifSpeed) {
        this.ifSpeed = ifSpeed;

    public int getIfType() {
        return ifType;

    public void setIfType(int ifType) {
        this.ifType = ifType;


2. Get "IfTable",

ISnmpSession session = null;
try {
    ISnmpClientFacade facade = new Snmp4JClientFacade();
    ISnmpSessionFactory sessionFactory = facade.getSnmpSessionFactory();
    ISnmpTargetFactory targetFactory = facade.getSnmpTargetFactory();  
    ISnmpSession session = sessionFactory.newSnmpSession(targetFactory.newSnmpTarget("", 161));
    //Get the whole table
    List<IfEntry> list = session.getTable(IfEntry.class);
    //Get the one interface entry by index
    IfEntry entry = session.getByIndex(IfEntry.class, 1);
    //Only get the "ifDescr" property of one entry.
    IfEntry entryWithDescr = session.getByIndex(IfEntry.class, 1, new String[] { "ifDescr" });
} finally {
    if(session != null) session.close();

Code Structure
There are two binary jars:

The API jar: net.sourceforge.snmphibernate.api_1.1.0.jar
The SNMP4J implementation jar: net.sourceforge.snmphibernate.impl.snmp4j_1.1.0.jar

Your code should only depend on the API jar.

API Introduction
All API interfaces are defined in the package "net.sourceforge.snmphibernate.api" package.  Introduce the important ones below.

ISnmpClientFacade: Facade of the whole SnmpHibernate framework.
//Create SNMP Session Factory.
ISnmpSessionFactory getSnmpSessionFactory();

//Create SNMP Target Factory.
ISnmpTargetFactory getSnmpTargetFactory();

ISnmpSessionFactory: Factory of ISnmpSession

//Create a SNMP Session.
ISnmpSession newSnmpSession(ISnmpTarget target) throws IOException;

ISnmpTargetFactory: Factory of ISnmpTarget

//Create a SNMP Target by Ip
ISnmpTarget newSnmpTarget(String ip);

//Create a SNMP Target by Ip and port. 
ISnmpTarget newSnmpTarget(String ip, int port);

ISnmpTarget: A SNMP Agent hosted on the managed device.

    //SNMP protocol version enums
    int V1 = 0;

    int V2C = 1;

    int V3 = 3;

    //Get SNMP Read Community.
    String getCommunity();

    //Set SNMP read community.
    void setCommunity(String community);

    //Get IP of the managed device.
    String getIp();

    //Set IP of the managed device.
    void setIp(String ip);

    //Get SNMP Port, default is 161
    int getPort();

    //Set SNMP Port, default is 161
    void setPort(int port);

    //Get SNMP protocol version the agent supports.
    int getVersion();

    //Set SNMP protocol version the agent supports.
    void setVersion(int version);

    //Get SNMP write community.
    String getWriteCommunity();

    //Set SNMP write community.
    void setWriteCommunity(String writeCommunity);

ISnmpSession: Core API of SnmpHiberate that is used to execute SNMP operations.
     * Get scalar group.
     * @param scalarClass class of the Java Value Object that represents one scalar group.
     * @return Return an instance of the class.
     * @throws IOException When IO errors occured while communicating.
     * @throws SnmpException When SNMP errors occured.
     * @throws SnmpAnnotationException Annotaction Error for your Java Value Object.
    <T> T get(Class<T> scalarClass) throws IOException,
            SnmpException, SnmpAnnotationException;

     * Get specified fields of a scalar group.
     * @param scalarClass class of the Java Value Object that represents one scalar group.
     * @param fields specified fields of the scalar object.
     * @return Return an instance of the class that only has the specified attributes
     * @throws IOException When IO errors occured while communicating.
     * @throws SnmpException When SNMP errors occured.
     * @throws SnmpAnnotationException Annotaction Error for your Java Value Object.
    <T> T get(Class<T> scalarClass, String[] fields)
        throws IOException, SnmpException, SnmpAnnotationException;
     * Get a whole mib table.
     * @param entryClass Class of the Java Value Object that represents one mib entry.
     * @return a list of instances of the class.
     * @throws IOException When IO errors occured while communicating.
     * @throws SnmpException When SNMP errors occured.
     * @throws SnmpAnnotationException Annotaction Error for your Java Value Object.
    <T> List<T> getTable(Class<T> entryClass) throws IOException,
            SnmpException, SnmpAnnotationException;
     * Get a mib entry by index.
     * @param entryClass Class of the Java Value Object that represents one mib entry.
     * @param indices If there is only one index, this param is the just the object;
     * if there are multiple indices, this param is an array.
     * @return a mib entry with whole properties.
     * @throws IOException When IO errors occured while communicating.
     * @throws SnmpException When SNMP errors occured.
     * @throws SnmpAnnotationException Annotaction Error for your Java Value Object.
    <T> T getByIndex(Class<T> entryClass, Serializable indices)
        throws IOException, SnmpException, SnmpAnnotationException;

     * Get specified fields of a mib entry by index.
     * @param entryClass Class of the Java Value Object that represents one mib entry.
     * @param indices If there is only one index, this param is the just the object;
     * if there are multiple indices, this param is an array.
     * @param fileds specified fields of the mib entry object.
     * @throws IOException When IO errors occured while communicating.
     * @throws SnmpException When SNMP errors occured.
     * @throws SnmpAnnotationException Annotaction Error for your Java Value Object.
    <T> T getByIndex(Class<T> entryClass, Serializable indices, String[] fields)
        throws IOException, SnmpException, SnmpAnnotationException;

     * Set a scalar group or a mib entry.
     * @param object a Java Value Object represents a scalar group or a mib entry.
     * @throws IOException When IO errors occured while communicating.
     * @throws SnmpException When SNMP errors occured.
     * @throws SnmpAnnotationException Annotaction Error for your Java Value Object.
    void set(Object object) throws IOException,
            SnmpException,  SnmpAnnotationException;

     * Create a mib entry.
     * @param entry a mib entry.
     * @throws IOException When IO errors occured while communicating.
     * @throws SnmpException When SNMP errors occured.
     * @throws SnmpAnnotationException Annotaction Error for your Java Value Object.
    void create(Object entry) throws IOException,
            SnmpException,  SnmpAnnotationException;

     * Delete a mib entry.
     * @param entry
     * @throws IOException When IO errors occured while communicating.
     * @throws SnmpException When SNMP errors occured.
     * @throws SnmpAnnotationException Annotaction Error for your Java Value Object.
    void delete(Object entry) throws IOException,
            SnmpException,  SnmpAnnotationException;

Annotation Introduction
Mapping Java Value Object to MIB
SnmpHibernate uses Java Annotation to mapping a property of a Java Value Object to a MIB Object-Type. For examle, the "System" class is mapping to "iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).mgmt(2).mib-2(1).system(1)" scalar group.


import java.io.Serializable;

import net.sourceforge.snmphibernate.api.SmiType;
import net.sourceforge.snmphibernate.api.annotation.MibObjectType;
import net.sourceforge.snmphibernate.api.annotation.MibObjectType.Access;

public class System implements Serializable {

    @MibObjectType(oid = "", smiType = SmiType.DISPLAY_STRING, access = Access.READ)
    private String sysDesc;

    @MibObjectType(oid = "", smiType = SmiType.OID, access = Access.READ)
    private String sysObjectID;

    @MibObjectType(oid = "", smiType = SmiType.TIMETICKS, access = Access.READ)
    private long sysUpTime;

    @MibObjectType(oid = "", smiType = SmiType.DISPLAY_STRING, access = Access.WRITE)
    private String sysContact;

    @MibObjectType(oid = "", smiType = SmiType.DISPLAY_STRING, access = Access.WRITE)
    private String sysName;

    @MibObjectType(oid = "", smiType = SmiType.DISPLAY_STRING, access = Access.WRITE)
    private String sysLocation;

    //don't list the get/set methods here

The "@MibObjectType" annotates a class property with MIB defination.

The "IfEntry" class is mapping to "iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).mgmt(2).mib-2(1).interfaces(2).ifTable(2)" below,


import java.io.Serializable;

import net.sourceforge.snmphibernate.api.SmiType;
import net.sourceforge.snmphibernate.api.annotation.MibIndex;
import net.sourceforge.snmphibernate.api.annotation.MibObjectType;
import net.sourceforge.snmphibernate.api.annotation.MibTable;
import net.sourceforge.snmphibernate.api.annotation.MibObjectType.Access;

public class IfEntry implements Serializable {

    @MibIndex(no = 0, length = 1)
    @MibObjectType(oid = "", smiType = SmiType.INTEGER32, access = Access.READ)
    private int ifIndex;

    @MibObjectType(oid = "", smiType = SmiType.DISPLAY_STRING, access = Access.READ)
    private String ifDescr;

    @MibObjectType(oid = "", smiType = SmiType.INTEGER32, access = Access.READ)
    private int ifType;

    @MibObjectType(oid = "", smiType = SmiType.INTEGER32, access = Access.READ)
    private int ifMtu;

    @MibObjectType(oid = "", smiType = SmiType.GAUGE32, access = Access.READ)
    private long ifSpeed;

    //don't list other properties.

"@MibTable" annotatation tags a class as a MIB table.
"@MibIndex" annotates a property as a MIB table index.

MibObjectType: Annotation for mapping a property to a Object-Type of MIB.

@Target( { ElementType.FIELD })
public @interface MibObjectType {
    public enum Access { READ, WRITE, CREATE }
    String oid();
    SmiType smiType();
    Access access();

MibTable: Annotation for mapping a class to a row of MIB table.
@Target( { ElementType.TYPE })
public @interface MibTable {

MibIndex:Annotation for mapping a property to an index of MIB table
@Target( { ElementType.FIELD })
public @interface MibIndex {

    public static final int VARSTR_WITH_LENGTH = -1;

    public static final int VARSTR_WITHOUT_LENGTH = -2;

    int no(); // index no, 0 start.

    int length(); // length of the index

RowStatus: Annotation for mapping the delete/create operations to RowStatus values.
@Target( { ElementType.TYPE })
public @interface RowStatus {
    String oid();
    int delete() default 6;
    int create() default 4;

Released as OSGi bundle
For I used SnmpHibernate in our product as OSGi bundle, I put the OSGi "Manifest.MF" in the released jars and u could use them on OSGi platform directly.  Sample code below introduce the usage on OSGi:

public Activate implements BundleActivator {

public void start(BundleContext context) throws Exception {
    ServiceReference sRef= context.getServiceReference(ISnmpClientFacade.class.getName());
    ISnmpClientFacade scFacade = context.getService(sRef);
    // then u could inject the fadade to anywhere that need it.

public void stop(BundleContext context) throws Exception {


Simplicity: Is it the most simple solution for MIB/Object mapping in the world?

Serializable: Serialize the Java Value Object to anywhere, for example, from Server to client.

To-Do List
Support XML/MIB mapping directly.
Feed new requirements from users.

    I hope someone could help me provide an implementation based on WestHawk SNMP protocol stack.



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    《华为HCIA-HarmonyOS Device Developer V1.0 培训教材和实验手册》是一份详尽的教育资源,旨在帮助学员掌握华为HarmonyOS设备开发的基础知识和技能。这份压缩包包含了全面的教材与实验指导,是学习华为认证信息通信...

    HCIA-MDC Application Developer V1.0教材.zip

    HCIA-MDC Application Developer V1.0 版本说明 HCIA-MDC Application Developer V1.0 考试大纲 HCIA-MDC Application Developer V1.0 培训教材 HCIA-MDC Application Developer V1.0 实验手册 HCIA-MDC Application...

    HCIP-AI-Ascend Developer V1.0视频.zip

    目录网盘文件永久链接 1.1.1 数据库介绍 1.1 数据库介绍 1.2.1 openGauss简介 1.2 openGauss简介 1.2.1 昇腾AI处理器架构(1) 1.2 昇腾AI处理器架构 1.2.2 昇腾AI处理器架构(2) 1.2 昇腾AI处理器架构 ...

    HCIA-Kunpeng Application Developer V1.0 讲师材料.rar

    《HCIA-Kunpeng Application Developer V1.0 讲师材料》是华为针对鲲鹏架构的应用开发者设计的一套详尽的教程,旨在帮助学习者掌握在鲲鹏平台上进行应用开发的技能。华为作为全球领先的ICT解决方案提供商,其鲲鹏...

    HCIP-AI-Ascend Developer V1.0培训教材及实验教材.zip

    《HCIP-AI-Ascend Developer V1.0培训教材及实验教材》是华为认证的高级人工智能开发者课程的综合资源包,旨在为学习者提供深入理解人工智能和华为昇腾芯片平台开发的专业知识。该资源包括两大部分:培训教材与实验...

    HCIP-HarmonyOS Application Developer V1.0.zip

    HCIP-HarmonyOS Application Developer V1.0 学习文档 HCIP-HarmonyOS Application Developer V1.0 资料 HCIP-HarmonyOS+Application+Developer+V1.0+实验手册

    HCIP-AI-Ascend Developer V1.0培训文档和实验手册.rar

    HCIP-AI-Ascend Developer V1.0是华为认证的高级人工智能开发专家课程,旨在培养具有使用华为昇腾芯片进行AI应用开发能力的专业人士。这个培训文档和实验手册涵盖了从基础理论到实际操作的全面内容,帮助学员深入...

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