给你一个10进制的数将其变成2进制后会有多少个1 ?
* i.e 很优雅(GraceFul)
* binary(hex) b = 10101100
* b - 1 = 10101011
* c = 1
* b=(b&(b - 1)) = 10101000
* b - 1 = 10100111
* c = 2
* b=(b&(b - 1)) = 10100000
* b - 1 = 10011111
* c = 3
* b=(b&(b - 1)) = 10000000
* b - 1 = 01111111
* c = 4
* b = 00000000
* break
public int countOneGraceful(int hex) {
int c = 0;
for (; hex != 0; c ++)
hex &= hex - 1;
return c;
* 用于与优雅对比的函数
public int countOne(int hex) {
int c = 0;
for(; (hex/2) != 0; hex/=2)
if ((hex%2) == 1)
c ++;
if ((hex%2) == 1)
c ++;
return c;
* 测试
public static void main(String[] args) {
Fibonacci f = new Fibonacci(); //我的类
System.out.println("127 to binary: " + Integer.toBinaryString(127));
System.out.println("128 to binary: " + Integer.toBinaryString(128));
2进制转换为10、8、16进制 Change binary number into hexadecimal number Change binary number into decimal number. Change binary number into octal number.
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Abstract—Finding and exploiting vulnerabilities in binary code is a challenging task. The lack of high-level, semantically rich information about data structures and control constructs makes the ...
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ELF Format,Binary Analysis Fundamentals,Basic Binary Analysis in Linux,Disassembly and Binary Analysis Fundamentals
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