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UITableView 删除特定的CELL -
Hooopo 写道puts 返回结果是nilnil and r ...
一个脚本×关键词“百度说吧”你懂的 -
puts 返回结果是nilnil and return 这个是 ...
一个脚本×关键词“百度说吧”你懂的 -
不用信用卡而申請其他地區itunes賬號的方法 -
lordhong 写道多谢分享, 学习一下, iPhone我都 ...
VIA http://www.mobileorchard.com/14-essential-xcode-tips-tricks-and-resources-for-iphone-devs/
Xcode is big. Apple’s Xcode Workspace Guide, a terse inventory of its features, is 116 pages. Xcode’s preference window has 13 sections, each with a dozen or more items. There are at least 206 keyboard shortcuts. I started counting menu items but gave up the ghost when I’d topped 300 items before finishing the third section.
Cutting Through The Clutter
We’ve collected a set of tips, resources, how-tos, tutorials and links ranging from newbie-to-expert to help you wring the maximum amount of productivity out of Xcode:
[Note: Apple changed their link-structure, so all of the links to Apple's documentation are now broken. Anyone know of a "permalink" like approach to pointing to Apple documentation so I can fix this once and not have to redo again and again? Email dan@mobileorchard.com ]
Workspace Tweaks
All-in-One Window Layout from Apple’s Xcode Workspace Guide - For many, Xcode’s default layout feels like a sea of windows. Xcode’s All-in-one layout , accessible under Preferences… > General , “provides a single project window in which you can perform all the tasks necessary for software development.” A Condensed layout style is also available.
Split Editor from Apple’s Xcode Workspace Guide - Miss multi-panel editing from your last editor? I’m looking at you, vim and emacs. Split the editor horizontally by clicking the button (located on the top-right of the editor pane) or with the keyboard shortcut command-”. Split the editor vertically with by prefixing the preceding with the Option key. Close either with .
Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X by Aaron Hillegass (Profile ) suggests turning on Syntax-aware indenting under Preferences… > Indenting and always showing the console when running an app under Preferences… > Debugging > On Start: Show Console .
Keyboard and Mouse Shortcuts
The Xcode Tips & Tricks thread on Stack Overflow features, among other things, these Essential Keyboard and Mouse Shortcuts :
- Option-Command-Up: toggle betweeen .m and .h files
- Code completion: press tab to accept the current suggestion
- Command-double-click: jump to the .h definition of the symbol under the mouse
- Option-double-click: open the documentation for the symbol under the mouse
- Command-shift-D: open file quickly (similar to Command-t in TextMate)
Jeff Nouwen (Profile ) reported , “After discovering ⌘⇧E [which hides the details panel above the editor panel] and remembering ^1 [which brings up a quick jump to recent files], the All-In-One layout in Xcode is starting to really grow on me. Viva keyboard shortcuts!”
Colin Wheeler (Profile ) has compiled a comprehensive list of a mind-boggling 206 Keyboard Shortcuts in PDF and PNG format.
Text Macros
55 C and ObjC Text Macros with Completion Prefixes from Apple’s Xcode Workspace Guide - Type the letter-a then escape and expand it to [[(class) alloc] init]. Type aa-escape for an array. 53 others to choose from.
Custom TextMate-Like Macros by Dylan Bruzenak (Profile ) is a step-by-step tutorial to add your own macros and, if you prefer, make them more TextMate like.
Custom Project and File Templates
Custom Project Templates by Dylan Bruzenak (Profile ) - Find yourself repeating the same configuration setup every time you create a new project? Create your own project template.
Similarly, Dylan has a post on Custom File Templates that demonstrates how to create new templates that will show up under New File menus.
User Scripts
User Scripts in Apple’s Xcode Workspace Guide - Perform programmatic manipulation of (selected) text in files.
Instance variable to synthesized property (an Xcode user script) by Matt Gallagher (Profile ) - Xcode User Scripts aren’t intended to work on multiple files. In this post, Matt demonstrates scripting changes to both header and implementation files.
Xcode and Git
Shane Vitarana (Profile ) shows how to create a .gitignore file for Xcode projects.
Marcus Zarra (Profile ) wrote about making Git automatically inject the build number into the application bundle .
2011-01-05 10:56 2125碰到比较长的赋值怎么办 可以这么写 输出结果 a = ... -
KissXML 简易教程
2010-03-26 23:04 1751文章来源 http://ixhan.com/2010/03 ... -
2009-12-25 22:10 1590源码请移步: http://github.com/xhan ... -
2009-12-09 20:57 1370使用很简单,备忘下避免下次使用又得去长长的readme里面找. ... -
2009-11-11 00:15 1102贴个资料备忘。 这两天在研究用JAVA开发类似M ... -
原来UIView Animation 可以这么写(看错咯)
2009-11-09 17:26 6584之前受某人影响以为一连串的UIView Animation 只 ... -
iPhone simulator 在屏幕消失
2009-11-09 10:36 1061打开 iPhone simulator 后无法在屏幕中找到。。 ... -
Xcode 自动属性生成器(强力推荐)
2009-09-30 18:06 2831一次偶然机会从git上找到,可惜没有添加关注。现在忘记从哪里c ... -
QQ - iPhone 风格的好友列表实现
2009-09-22 17:04 2619// // QQstyleTableViewViewCon ... -
UITableView 删除特定的CELL
2009-09-17 23:42 3277使用的函数: [self.tableView deleteR ... -
2009-09-16 15:56 1104今天被一个小问题折腾了2小时。 事情是这样的 VC.vew ... -
UIKIT 相对坐标系统
2009-09-15 23:51 1365今天项目中设计了这么个流程: mainView < ... -
2009-09-11 16:05 1855从COOKBOOK 上学到一招: 如果仅仅需要一个VIEW ... -
ViewController 的奇怪问题
2009-09-08 16:14 942今天项目中出现奇怪问题 , 在某 viewContro ... -
优化 scrollView 性能(tableView)
2009-09-04 12:24 2064曾经尝试各种方法优化滚动视图的性能,都没什么好的效果。 今天 ... -
解决升级到Snow Leopard 后无法连接 iPhone
2009-08-19 14:51 1204重新安装下AppleMobileDeviceSupport 就 ... -
Three20 教程和模板
2009-08-07 22:53 5196Three20 是在Facebook 的 iPhone 程序剥 ... -
objc 实现类变量
2009-07-29 23:22 1631从HTTPRiot 源码学习而来。 看到 mergedOpt ... -
解决mac上一个傻问题:command not found
2009-07-23 19:37 3589XCODE 在使用SVN上曾经出现这个错误 sudo ssh ... -
2009-07-23 10:24 1252HTTPRiot - A simple HTTP REST L ...
Troubleshooting Xcode is a handbook for software developers of all levels creating applications for iOS and OS X using both Objective-C and Swift. If you’ve struggled in the past to make Xcode work ...
Learn the critical tips and techniques to make using Xcode for the iPhone, iPad, or Mac easier, and even fun. Explore the features and functionality of Xcode you may not have heard of. Go under the ...
Professional developer Jiva DeVoe speaks your language, and he talks you through the entire process—from explaining Cocoa Touch and the iPhone SDK to using Xcode and the Game Kit API. Follow step-by...
Professional developer Jiva DeVoe speaks your language, and he talks you through the entire process—from explaining Cocoa Touch and the iPhone SDK to using Xcode and the Game Kit API. Follow step-by...
- **Debugging Programs with Xcode**: Provides tips and techniques for identifying and resolving bugs in applications. #### Conclusion "Objective-C for Absolute Beginners" offers a comprehensive ...
• Visually design and code interfaces using Xcode Storyboards, Segues, Exits, Image Slicing, and the iOS Object Library • Use Auto Layout and Size Classes to adapt to different screen sizes and ...
From tips for how to get the most out of Xcode 5 to harnessing the power of the Objective-C language to entire classes you might not have thought about using, everybody is sure to take away practical ...
Full of illustrations and diagrams, practical examples, and tips for deeper understanding of game development in Cocos2D for iPhone In Detail Cocos2D-iPhone (Cocos2D-Swift) is a robust yet simple-...
You will gain a full understanding of the new Apple framework along with tips and tricks to interact with the game either by detecting taps, using sophisticated gesture recognizers, and moving ...