Recently I was asked how to do "registerMBean" in a remote JVM, from a remote JMX client. The MBeanServerConnection doesn't expose any registerMBean method, and for good reasons.
When you create and register an MBean in a local MBeanServer, the MBeanServer keeps a local reference to the MBean you registered. The MBean you registered, and the MBean you access through the MBeanServer interface are thus the same object.
However, if you try to register an MBean in a remote MBeanServer, the MBean will have to be serialized, and recreated as a new object in the remote JVM. There will thus be two object: one in the local JVM (client side) - and a copy of it in the remote JVM server side. These two object are completely unrelated, and a modification in one of them will not affect the other in any way: they are two different copies...
This is the first reason why MBeanServerConnection doesn't have any "registerMBean" method: it would make you think that you register an object x, while in fact you're registering a distinct serialized clone.
The second reason is that an MBean usually reflect the state of an application resource. In most cases, the MBean will have a pointer to that resource. Very often, that resource will not be serializable. In that case, cloning the MBean to send it to other side will be at best impossible and at worst undesirable.
There are times however where you do need to create an MBean in a remote JVM. But the proper way to that is not to use registerMBean, but one of the createMBean methods exposed by MBeanServer. With createMBean there are no confusion possible: you create a new MBean in a remote JVM, and you can give it all the information it needs to initialize in its constructor.
If you ever need to create an MBean in a remote JVM, createMBean is thus definitely the way to go.
However, if after reading all of this you still want to do "registerMBean" from remote, here is a very simple trick that you can use. It works only with Standard MBeans and MXBeans - and won't work with DynamicMBeans. But I'll say it another time: don't do this before you really know what you're doing and all its implications!
Please don't do THIS:
package dontdothis;
public class DontDoThis {
public static interface ThingMBean {
public String getFoo();
public void setFoo(String value);
public static class Thing implements ThingMBean, Serializable {
private String foo;
public Thing(String foo) { = foo;}
public String getFoo() {return foo;}
public void setFoo(String value) {foo = value;}
public static JMXServiceURL createServer()
throws IOException {
final MBeanServer mbs = ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer();
final JMXServiceURL jurl = new JMXServiceURL("rmi", null, 0);
final JMXConnectorServer server =
JMXConnectorServerFactory.newJMXConnectorServer(jurl, null, mbs);
return server.getAddress();
public static ObjectInstance registerMBean(MBeanServerConnection mbsc,
ObjectName mbeanName, Object mbean, Class<?> mbeanInterface)
throws IOException, JMException {
return mbsc.createMBean(StandardMBean.class.getName(), mbeanName,
new Object[]{mbean, mbeanInterface},
new String[]{Object.class.getName(),Class.class.getName()});
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
final JMXServiceURL serverURL = createServer();
final ThingMBean x = new Thing("I am a nice Thing!");
final ObjectName xName = new ObjectName("x:x=x");
final JMXConnector c = JMXConnectorFactory.connect(serverURL);
final MBeanServerConnection mbsc = c.getMBeanServerConnection();
final ThingMBean x2 = JMX.newMBeanProxy(mbsc, xName, ThingMBean.class);
x.setFoo("... but I have turned bad.");
System.out.println(xName.toString() + " says: " + x2.getFoo());
System.out.println("x says: " + x.getFoo());
System.out.println("Now waiting for Enter: ");;
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