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  • Solr

   * 获得docID的方法
  private void getDocListC(QueryResult qr, QueryCommand cmd) throws IOException {
    // old parameters: DocListAndSet out, Query query, List<Query> filterList, DocSet filter, Sort lsort, int offset, int len, int flags, long timeAllowed, NamedList<Object> responseHeader
    DocListAndSet out = new DocListAndSet();
    QueryResultKey key=null;
    int maxDocRequested = cmd.getOffset() + cmd.getLen();
    // check for overflow, and check for # docs in index
    if (maxDocRequested < 0 || maxDocRequested > maxDoc()) maxDocRequested = maxDoc();
    int supersetMaxDoc= maxDocRequested;
    DocList superset;

    // we can try and look up the complete query in the cache.
    // we can't do that if filter!=null though (we don't want to
    // do hashCode() and equals() for a big DocSet).
    if (queryResultCache != null && cmd.getFilter()==null) {
        // all of the current flags can be reused during warming,
        // so set all of them on the cache key.
    	 * 根据用户输入的查询关键字生成的key,作为存放到queryResultCache里面的Key
        key = new QueryResultKey(cmd.getQuery(), cmd.getFilterList(), cmd.getSort(), cmd.getFlags());
        if ((cmd.getFlags() & NO_CHECK_QCACHE)==0) {
          superset = (DocList)queryResultCache.get(key);

          if (superset != null) {
            // check that the cache entry has scores recorded if we need them
            if ((cmd.getFlags() & GET_SCORES)==0 || superset.hasScores()) {
              // NOTE: subset() returns null if the DocList has fewer docs than
              // requested
              out.docList = superset.subset(cmd.getOffset(),cmd.getLen());
          if (out.docList != null) {
            // found the docList in the cache... now check if we need the docset too.
            // OPT: possible future optimization - if the doclist contains all the matches,
            // use it to make the docset instead of rerunning the query.
            if (out.docSet==null && ((cmd.getFlags() & GET_DOCSET)!=0) ) {
              if (cmd.getFilterList()==null) {
                out.docSet = getDocSet(cmd.getQuery());
              } else {
                List<Query> newList = new ArrayList<Query>(cmd.getFilterList()
                out.docSet = getDocSet(newList);

        // If we are going to generate the result, bump up to the
        // next resultWindowSize for better caching.

        // handle 0 special case as well as avoid idiv in the common case.
        if (maxDocRequested < queryResultWindowSize) {
        } else {
          supersetMaxDoc = ((maxDocRequested -1)/queryResultWindowSize + 1)*queryResultWindowSize;
          if (supersetMaxDoc < 0) supersetMaxDoc=maxDocRequested;

    // OK, so now we need to generate an answer.
    // One way to do that would be to check if we have an unordered list
    // of results for the base query.  If so, we can apply the filters and then
    // sort by the resulting set.  This can only be used if:
    // - the sort doesn't contain score
    // - we don't want score returned.

    // check if we should try and use the filter cache
    boolean useFilterCache=false;
    if ((cmd.getFlags() & (GET_SCORES|NO_CHECK_FILTERCACHE))==0 && useFilterForSortedQuery && cmd.getSort() != null && filterCache != null) {
      SortField[] sfields = cmd.getSort().getSort();
      for (SortField sf : sfields) {
        if (sf.getType() == SortField.SCORE) {

    if (useFilterCache) {
      // now actually use the filter cache.
      // for large filters that match few documents, this may be
      // slower than simply re-executing the query.
      if (out.docSet == null) {
        out.docSet = getDocSet(cmd.getQuery(),cmd.getFilter());
        DocSet bigFilt = getDocSet(cmd.getFilterList());
        if (bigFilt != null) out.docSet = out.docSet.intersection(bigFilt);
      // todo: there could be a sortDocSet that could take a list of
      // the filters instead of anding them first...
      // perhaps there should be a multi-docset-iterator
      superset = sortDocSet(out.docSet,cmd.getSort(),supersetMaxDoc);
      out.docList = superset.subset(cmd.getOffset(),cmd.getLen());
    } else {
      // do it the normal way...
      if ((cmd.getFlags() & GET_DOCSET)!=0) {
        DocSet qDocSet = getDocListAndSetNC(qr,cmd);
        // cache the docSet matching the query w/o filtering
        if (filterCache!=null && !qr.isPartialResults()) filterCache.put(cmd.getQuery(),qDocSet);
      } else {
    	   * 此方法获取documentID,存放在docListAndSet对象的docList里面,
        //Parameters: cmd.getQuery(),theFilt,cmd.getSort(),0,supersetMaxDoc,cmd.getFlags(),cmd.getTimeAllowed(),responseHeader);
      superset = out.docList;
      out.docList = superset.subset(cmd.getOffset(),cmd.getLen());

    // lastly, put the superset in the cache if the size is less than or equal
    // to queryResultMaxDocsCached
    if (key != null && superset.size() <= queryResultMaxDocsCached && !qr.isPartialResults()) {
      queryResultCache.put(key, superset);


   * 此方法获取documentID,存放在docListAndSet对象的docList里面,
  private void getDocListNC(QueryResult qr,QueryCommand cmd) throws IOException {
    //Parameters: cmd.getQuery(),theFilt,cmd.getSort(),0,supersetMaxDoc,cmd.getFlags(),cmd.getTimeAllowed(),responseHeader);
    //Query query, DocSet filter, Sort lsort, int offset, int len, int flags, long timeAllowed, NamedList<Object> responseHeader
    DocSet filter = cmd.getFilter()!=null ? cmd.getFilter() : getDocSet(cmd.getFilterList());
    final long timeAllowed = cmd.getTimeAllowed();
    int len = cmd.getSupersetMaxDoc();
    int last = len;
    if (last < 0 || last > maxDoc()) last=maxDoc();
    final int lastDocRequested = last;
    int nDocsReturned;
    int totalHits;
    float maxScore;
    int[] ids;
    float[] scores;
     * 产生一个query
    Query query = QueryUtils.makeQueryable(cmd.getQuery());

    // handle zero case...
    if (lastDocRequested<=0) {
      final DocSet filt = filter;
      final float[] topscore = new float[] { Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY };
      final int[] numHits = new int[1];

      HitCollector hc = new HitCollector() {
        public void collect(int doc, float score) {
          if (filt!=null && !filt.exists(doc)) return;
          if (score > topscore[0]) topscore[0]=score;
      if( timeAllowed > 0 ) {
        hc = new TimeLimitedCollector( hc, timeAllowed );
      try {
        searcher.search(query, hc );
      catch( TimeLimitedCollector.TimeExceededException x ) {
        log.warning( "Query: " + query + "; " + x.getMessage() );

      ids = new int[nDocsReturned];
      scores = new float[nDocsReturned];
      totalHits = numHits[0];
      maxScore = totalHits>0 ? topscore[0] : 0.0f;
    } else if (cmd.getSort() != null) {
      // can't use TopDocs if there is a sort since it
      // will do automatic score normalization.
      // NOTE: this changed late in Lucene 1.9

      final DocSet filt = filter;
      final int[] numHits = new int[1];
      final FieldSortedHitQueue hq = new FieldSortedHitQueue(reader, cmd.getSort().getSort(), len);

      HitCollector hc = new HitCollector() {
        public void collect(int doc, float score) {
          if (filt!=null && !filt.exists(doc)) return;
          hq.insert(new FieldDoc(doc, score));
      if( timeAllowed > 0 ) {
        hc = new TimeLimitedCollector( hc, timeAllowed );
      try {
        searcher.search(query, hc );
      catch( TimeLimitedCollector.TimeExceededException x ) {
        log.warning( "Query: " + query + "; " + x.getMessage() );

      totalHits = numHits[0];	//总个数
      maxScore = totalHits>0 ? hq.getMaxScore() : 0.0f;

      nDocsReturned = hq.size();
      ids = new int[nDocsReturned];
      scores = (cmd.getFlags()&GET_SCORES)!=0 ? new float[nDocsReturned] : null;
      for (int i = nDocsReturned -1; i >= 0; i--) {
        FieldDoc fieldDoc = (FieldDoc)hq.pop();
        // fillFields is the point where score normalization happens
        // hq.fillFields(fieldDoc)
        ids[i] = fieldDoc.doc;
        if (scores != null) scores[i] = fieldDoc.score;
    } else {
      // No Sort specified (sort by score descending)
      // This case could be done with TopDocs, but would currently require
      // getting a BitSet filter from a DocSet which may be inefficient.

      final DocSet filt = filter;
      final ScorePriorityQueue hq = new ScorePriorityQueue(lastDocRequested);
      final int[] numHits = new int[1];
      HitCollector hc = new HitCollector() {
        float minScore=Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;  // minimum score in the priority queue
        public void collect(int doc, float score) {
          if (filt!=null && !filt.exists(doc)) return;
          if (numHits[0]++ < lastDocRequested || score >= minScore) {
            // TODO: if docs are always delivered in order, we could use "score>minScore"
            // instead of "score>=minScore" and avoid tiebreaking scores
            // in the priority queue.
            // but might BooleanScorer14 might still be used and deliver docs out-of-order?
            hq.insert(new ScoreDoc(doc, score));
            minScore = ((ScoreDoc)hq.top()).score;
      if( timeAllowed > 0 ) {
        hc = new TimeLimitedCollector( hc, timeAllowed );
      try {
    	 * 查询,把查询的结果放到hq里面
        searcher.search(query, hc );
      catch( TimeLimitedCollector.TimeExceededException x ) {
        log.warning( "Query: " + query + "; " + x.getMessage() );

      totalHits = numHits[0];
      nDocsReturned = hq.size();
      ids = new int[nDocsReturned];
      scores = (cmd.getFlags()&GET_SCORES)!=0 ? new float[nDocsReturned] : null;
      ScoreDoc sdoc =null;
      for (int i = nDocsReturned -1; i >= 0; i--) {
        sdoc = (ScoreDoc)hq.pop();
        ids[i] = sdoc.doc;
        if (scores != null) scores[i] = sdoc.score;
      maxScore = sdoc ==null ? 0.0f : sdoc.score;

    int sliceLen = Math.min(lastDocRequested,nDocsReturned);
    if (sliceLen < 0) sliceLen=0;
    qr.setDocList(new DocSlice(0,sliceLen,ids,scores,totalHits,maxScore));

    /**************** older implementation using TopDocs *******************

      Filter lfilter=null;
      if (filter != null) {
        final BitSet bits = filter.getBits();   // avoid if possible
        lfilter = new Filter() {
          public BitSet bits(IndexReader reader)  {
            return bits;

      int lastDocRequested=offset+len;

      // lucene doesn't allow 0 to be passed for nDocs
      if (lastDocRequested==0) lastDocRequested=1;

      // TopFieldDocs sortedDocs;  // use TopDocs so both versions can use it
      TopDocs sortedDocs;
      if (lsort!=null) {
         sortedDocs = searcher.search(query, lfilter, lastDocRequested, lsort);
      } else {
         sortedDocs = searcher.search(query, lfilter, lastDocRequested);

      int nDocsReturned = sortedDocs.scoreDocs.length;
      int[] docs = new int[nDocsReturned];
      for (int i=0; i<nDocsReturned; i++) {
        docs[i] = sortedDocs.scoreDocs[i].doc;
      float[] scores=null;
      float maxScore=0.0f;
      if ((flags & GET_SCORES) != 0) {
        scores = new float[nDocsReturned];
        for (int i=0; i<nDocsReturned; i++) {
          scores[i] = sortedDocs.scoreDocs[i].score;
        if (nDocsReturned>0) {
      int sliceLen = Math.min(offset+len,nDocsReturned) - offset;
      if (sliceLen < 0) sliceLen=0;
      return new DocSlice(offset,sliceLen,docs,scores,sortedDocs.totalHits, maxScore);




   * Retrieve the {@link Document} instance corresponding to the document id.
   * Note: The document will have all fields accessable, but if a field
   * filter is provided, only the provided fields will be loaded (the 
   * remainder will be available lazily).
   * 此方法从传入的docId号,到documentCached里面获取document,若没有获取到,这到索引里获取document,并加入到documentCached里面
  public Document doc(int i, Set<String> fields) throws IOException {
	  log.info("docId: " + i);
    Document d;
    if (documentCache != null) {
      d = (Document)documentCache.get(i);
      if (d!=null) return d;  //获取到返回

    if(!enableLazyFieldLoading || fields == null) {
      d = searcher.getIndexReader().document(i);
    } else {
      d = searcher.getIndexReader().document(i, 
             new SetNonLazyFieldSelector(fields));

    if (documentCache != null) {
      documentCache.put(i, d);

    return d;




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