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  • 性别: Icon_minigender_1
  • 来自: 上海

HDFS中两种random read比较


code version: hadoop-0.19.1


首先说pread。pread会明确的把要读的size传给datanode(在new BlockReader的时候)


     * Read bytes starting from the specified position.
     * @param position start read from this position
     * @param buffer read buffer
     * @param offset offset into buffer
     * @param length number of bytes to read
     * @return actual number of bytes read
    public int read(long position, byte[] buffer, int offset, int length)
      throws IOException {
      // sanity checks
      if (closed) {
        throw new IOException("Stream closed");
      long filelen = getFileLength();
      if ((position < 0) || (position >= filelen)) {
        return -1;
      int realLen = length;
      if ((position + length) > filelen) {
        realLen = (int)(filelen - position);
      // determine the block and byte range within the block
      // corresponding to position and realLen
      List<LocatedBlock> blockRange = getBlockRange(position, realLen);
      int remaining = realLen;
      for (LocatedBlock blk : blockRange) {
        long targetStart = position - blk.getStartOffset();
        long bytesToRead = Math.min(remaining, blk.getBlockSize() - targetStart);
        fetchBlockByteRange(blk, targetStart, targetStart + bytesToRead - 1, buffer, offset);
        remaining -= bytesToRead;
        position += bytesToRead;
        offset += bytesToRead;
      assert remaining == 0 : "Wrong number of bytes read.";
      if (stats != null) {
      return realLen;


private void fetchBlockByteRange(LocatedBlock block, long start,
                                     long end, byte[] buf, int offset) throws IOException {
      // Connect to best DataNode for desired Block, with potential offset
      Socket dn = null;
      int numAttempts = block.getLocations().length;
      IOException ioe = null;
      while (dn == null && numAttempts-- > 0 ) {
	long prepareRealReadStart = System.currentTimeMillis();
        DNAddrPair retval = chooseDataNode(block);
        DatanodeInfo chosenNode = retval.info;
        InetSocketAddress targetAddr = retval.addr;
        BlockReader reader = null;
        try {
          dn = socketFactory.createSocket();
          NetUtils.connect(dn, targetAddr, socketTimeout);
          int len = (int) (end - start + 1);
          reader = BlockReader.newBlockReader(dn, src, 
                                              start, len, buffersize, 
                                              verifyChecksum, clientName);
          int nread = reader.readAll(buf, offset, len);
          if (nread != len) {
            throw new IOException("truncated return from reader.read(): " +
                                  "excpected " + len + ", got " + nread);
        } catch (ChecksumException e) {
          ioe = e;
          LOG.warn("fetchBlockByteRange(). Got a checksum exception for " +
                   src + " at " + block.getBlock() + ":" + 
                   e.getPos() + " from " + chosenNode.getName());
          reportChecksumFailure(src, block.getBlock(), chosenNode);
        } catch (IOException e) {
          ioe = e;
          LOG.warn("Failed to connect to " + targetAddr + 
                   " for file " + src + 
                   " for block " + block.getBlock().getBlockId() + ":"  +
        } finally {
          dn = null;
        // Put chosen node into dead list, continue
      throw (ioe == null) ? new IOException("Could not read data") : ioe;


pread 的过程:

根据要读的数据的offset和readLen,计算出要读的blockRange,即有哪些block在要读的范围内。具体的getBlockRange()这个函数中要判断要读的blocks是否在维护的locatedBlocks这个block cache中,如果不在,要问namenode查询,然后再放入到cache中。



然后看seek+read,read会把当前位置到block结束的长度传给datanode (也是在new BlockReader的时候)这样DataNode就可以read ahead,然后由于TCP_WINDOW的buffer作用(hadoop code里面是128K),可以加快连续读的性能。


     * Seek to a new arbitrary location
    public synchronized void seek(long targetPos) throws IOException {
      if (targetPos > getFileLength()) {
        throw new IOException("Cannot seek after EOF");
      boolean done = false;
      if (pos <= targetPos && targetPos <= blockEnd) {
        // If this seek is to a positive position in the current
        // block, and this piece of data might already be lying in
        // the TCP buffer, then just eat up the intervening data.
        int diff = (int)(targetPos - pos);
        if (diff <= TCP_WINDOW_SIZE) {
          try {
            pos += blockReader.skip(diff);
            if (pos == targetPos) {
              done = true;
          } catch (IOException e) {//make following read to retry
            LOG.debug("Exception while seek to " + targetPos + " from "
                      + currentBlock +" of " + src + " from " + currentNode + 
                      ": " + StringUtils.stringifyException(e));
      if (!done) {
        pos = targetPos;
        blockEnd = -1;

这个 seek其实是不做什么事情的(我的测试中做上万次seek,平均时间是0)。它主要移动pos这个游标:如果在当前block中,就移动到正确位置,否则,就把pos设成目标位置,但是blockEnd置成-1.这样其实最终的seek任务是在后面的read里面实现的。


     * Read the entire buffer.
    public synchronized int read(byte buf[], int off, int len) throws IOException {
      if (closed) {
        throw new IOException("Stream closed");
      if (pos < getFileLength()) {
        int retries = 2;
        while (retries > 0) {
          try {
            if (pos > blockEnd) {
	      currentNode = blockSeekTo(pos);
            int realLen = Math.min(len, (int) (blockEnd - pos + 1));
	     int result = readBuffer(buf, off, realLen);
            if (result >= 0) {
              pos += result;
            } else {
              // got a EOS from reader though we expect more data on it.
              throw new IOException("Unexpected EOS from the reader");
            if (stats != null && result != -1) {
            return result;
          } catch (ChecksumException ce) {
            throw ce;            
          } catch (IOException e) {
            if (retries == 1) {
              LOG.warn("DFS Read: " + StringUtils.stringifyException(e));
            blockEnd = -1;
            if (currentNode != null) { addToDeadNodes(currentNode); }
            if (--retries == 0) {
              throw e;
      return -1;



     * Open a DataInputStream to a DataNode so that it can be read from.
     * We get block ID and the IDs of the destinations at startup, from the namenode.
    private synchronized DatanodeInfo blockSeekTo(long target) throws IOException {
      if (target >= getFileLength()) {
        throw new IOException("Attempted to read past end of file");

      if ( blockReader != null ) {
        blockReader = null;
      if (s != null) {
        s = null;

      // Compute desired block
      LocatedBlock targetBlock = getBlockAt(target);
      assert (target==this.pos) : "Wrong postion " + pos + " expect " + target;
      long offsetIntoBlock = target - targetBlock.getStartOffset();

      // Connect to best DataNode for desired Block, with potential offset
      DatanodeInfo chosenNode = null;
      while (s == null) {
        DNAddrPair retval = chooseDataNode(targetBlock);
        chosenNode = retval.info;
        InetSocketAddress targetAddr = retval.addr;
        try {
          s = socketFactory.createSocket();
          NetUtils.connect(s, targetAddr, socketTimeout);
          Block blk = targetBlock.getBlock();
          blockReader = BlockReader.newBlockReader(s, src, blk.getBlockId(), 
              offsetIntoBlock, blk.getNumBytes() - offsetIntoBlock,
              buffersize, verifyChecksum, clientName);
          return chosenNode;
        } catch (IOException ex) {
          // Put chosen node into dead list, continue
          LOG.debug("Failed to connect to " + targetAddr + ":" 
                    + StringUtils.stringifyException(ex));
          if (s != null) {
            try {
            } catch (IOException iex) {
          s = null;
      return chosenNode;

 发现这个函数跟上面的fetchBlockByteRange一样废柴,先把先前的blockReader close掉,然后再创建到目的datanode的新连接,主要不同的地方在哪里呢,在于getBlockRange和getBlockAt的区别,上面的pread模式提供了第二个参数readLen,找目标blocks的时候找这个范围内的就可以了,而seek+read这种模式假设的是seek的时候并不知道后面要读的长度,所以用了一个缺省的prefetchSize,缺省是10个block size大小。


那综合考虑两种read,作为random read的实现,第一种pread无论何时都要重新创建连接,第二种当要读的数据在当前block的时候可以重用上次的连接,理论上应该第二种效率高些。



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