1. Hash.c/hash.h
typedef struct hash
HashFunctions fun; /* Function block */
int is_allocated; /* 0 iff hash structure is on stack or is static */
ErtsAlcType_t type;
char* name; /* Table name (static string, for debugging) */
int size; /* Number of slots */
int size20percent; /* 20 percent of number of slots */
int size80percent; /* 80 percent of number of slots */
int ix; /* Size index in size table */
int used; /* Number of slots used */
HashBucket** bucket; /* Vector of bucket pointers (objects) */
} Hash;
typedef struct hash_functions
H_FUN hash; //取值
HCMP_FUN cmp; //比较
} HashFunctions;
** This bucket must be placed in top of
** every object that uses hashing!!!
** (Object*) == (Object*) &bucket
typedef struct hash_bucket
struct hash_bucket* next; /* Next bucket */
HashValue hvalue; /* Store hash value for get, rehash */
} HashBucket;
** Find an object in the hash table
void* hash_get(Hash* h, void* tmpl)
HashValue hval = h->fun.hash(tmpl);
int ix = hval % h->size;
HashBucket* b = h->bucket[ix];
while(b != (HashBucket*) 0) {
if ((b->hvalue == hval) && (h->fun.cmp(tmpl, (void*)b) == 0))
return (void*) b;
b = b->next;
return (void*) 0;
2. Index.c/index.h
typedef struct index_table
Hash htable; /* Mapping obj -> index */
ErtsAlcType_t type;
int size; /* Allocated size */
int limit; /* Max size */
int entries; /* Number of entries */
IndexSlot*** seg_table; /* Mapping index -> obj */
} IndexTable;
Hash中应该存储的是 obj -> index(即IndexSlot*)
index_put(IndexTable* t, void* tmpl)
int ix;
IndexSlot* p = (IndexSlot*) hash_put(&t->htable, tmpl);
if (p->index >= 0) {
return p->index;
ix = t->entries;
if (ix >= t->size) {
Uint sz;
if (ix >= t->limit) {
erl_exit(1, "no more index entries in %s (max=%d)\n",
t->htable.name, t->limit);
sz = INDEX_PAGE_SIZE*sizeof(IndexSlot*);
t->seg_table[ix>>INDEX_PAGE_SHIFT] = erts_alloc(t->type, sz);
t->size += INDEX_PAGE_SIZE;
p->index = ix;
t->seg_table[ix>>INDEX_PAGE_SHIFT][ix&INDEX_PAGE_MASK] = p;
return ix;
其实就是hash表,再加一个Index -> HashBucket的映射(即IndexSlot*)
3. Atom
typedef struct atom {
IndexSlot slot; /* MUST BE LOCATED AT TOP OF STRUCT!!! */
int len; /* length of atom name */
int ord0; /* ordinal value of first 3 bytes + 7 bits */
byte* name; /* name of atom */
} Atom;
am_atom_put(const char* name, int len)
Atom a;
Eterm ret;
int aix;
* Silently truncate the atom if it is too long. Overlong atoms
* could occur in situations where we have no good way to return
* an error, such as in the I/O system. (Unfortunately, many
* drivers don't check for errors.)
* If an error should be produced for overlong atoms (such in
* list_to_atom/1), the caller should check the length before
* calling this function.
if (len > MAX_ATOM_LENGTH) {
a.len = len;
a.name = (byte*)name;
aix = index_get(&erts_atom_table, (void*) &a);
if (aix >= 0)
ret = make_atom(aix);
else {
ret = make_atom(index_put(&erts_atom_table, (void*) &a));
return ret;
#define make_atom(x) ((Eterm)(((x) << _TAG_IMMED2_SIZE) + _TAG_IMMED2_ATOM))
使用《UrlHash/锚点》解决移动设备中的单页面应用的物理[返回键]带来的困扰 示例代码
自动计算所选文件的MD5/HASH/CRC32,速度非常快。格式:MD5: C5DDF48C2A4052C214E764A2F3FCA570 SHA1: C6CAD627354F24F86BB980508900EB32F7D408D0 CRC32: C369D67E
hashcat is the world’s fastest and most advanced password recovery tool. This version combines the previous CPU-based hashcat (now called hashcat-legacy) and GPU-based oclHashcat. Hashcat is ...
This version combines the previous CPU-based hashcat (now called hashcat-legacy) and GPU-based oclHashcat. Hashcat is released as open source software under the MIT license. Current Version ...
(* URL: http://www.partow.net/programming/hashfunctions/index.html *) (* *) (* Copyright notice: *) (* Free use of the General Purpose Hash Function Algorithms Library is *) (* permitted under ...
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HASH(哈希)函数如MD5(Message-Digest Algorithm 5)和SHA系列,用于将任意长度的数据转换为固定长度的摘要,常用于数据校验和完整性检查。CRC(Cyclic Redundancy Check)是循环冗余校验,也是一种常用的错误检测...
webqq最新hash算法c#版,20160218完成,由webqq的js算法翻译而来。 计算结果完全一致,请放心使用。 /// /// QQ hash算法 /// </summary> /// <param name="b">QQ号</param> /// <param name="j">cookie的ptwebqq值...
在获取到mysql用户的hash后, 可用hash直接登陆mysql进行操作 比如我们注入出数据库的hash,但是没办法拿到webshell 我们可以使用mysql_hash,用hash登陆并控制数据库 使用方法: mysql_hash.exe -u root -p Enter ...
hashcat使用CPU/GPU破译(系统密码、wifi,rar、MD5), Cracking WPA/WPA2 with oclHashcat:...在线cap转为hccap格式:https://hashcat.net/cap2hccap/ Git:https://github.com/hashcat/hashcat
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当前最强大的开源密码恢复工具,你可以访问Hashcat.net网站来了解这款工具的详细情况。本质上,Hashcat 3.0是一款高级密码恢复工具,可以利用CPU或GPU资源来攻击160多种哈希类型的密码
// http://rob:abcd1234@www.example.com/path/index.html?query1=test&silly=willy#test=hash&chucky=cheese url('domain'); // example.com url('hostname'); // www.example.com url('tld'); // com url('sub');...
MurmurHash算法由Austin Appleby创建于2008年,现已应用到Hadoop、libstdc 、nginx、libmemcached,Redis,Memcached,Cassandra,HBase,Lucene等开源系统。2011年Appleby被Google雇佣,随后Google推出其变种的...
在IT行业中,尤其是在模拟仿真和材料科学领域,Hashin失效准则是一种广泛应用的理论,用于预测多相复合材料的破坏行为。VUMAT(User-Defined Viscoplasticity and Damage Material Subroutine)是ABAQUS软件中的一个...
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1. `index.html`:网页主文件,用于展示`GEOHASH`的JavaScript实现。 2. `geohash-demo.js`:包含`GEOHASH`的JavaScript实现代码,可能包括编码、解码以及相邻`GEOHASH`的计算功能。 3. `labeledmarker.js`:可能是...
**Nginx与url_hash插件** Nginx是一个高性能的HTTP和反向代理服务器,以其轻量级、高并发处理能力以及丰富的模块扩展性而闻名。然而,Nginx本身并不内置支持url_hash功能,这是一个用于负载均衡的策略,通过将特定...