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- // vim: ts=4:sw=4:nu:fdc=4:nospell
- /**
- * Search plugin for Ext.grid.GridPanel, Ext.grid.EditorGrid ver. 2.x or subclasses of them
- *
- * @author Ing. Jozef Sakalos
- * @copyright (c) 2008, by Ing. Jozef Sakalos
- * @date 17. January 2008
- * @version $Id: Ext.ux.grid.Search.js 120 2008-03-31 00:09:05Z jozo $
- *
- * @license Ext.ux.grid.Search is licensed under the terms of
- * the Open Source LGPL 3.0 license. Commercial use is permitted to the extent
- * that the code/component(s) do NOT become part of another Open Source or Commercially
- * licensed development library or toolkit without explicit permission.
- *
- * License details: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html
- */
- /*global Ext */
- Ext.ns('Ext.ux.grid');
- /**
- * @class Ext.ux.grid.Search
- * @extends Ext.util.Observable
- * @param {Object} config configuration object
- * @constructor
- */
- Ext.ux.grid.Search = function(config) {
- Ext.apply(this, config);
- Ext.ux.grid.Search.superclass.constructor.call(this);
- }; // eo constructor
- Ext.extend(Ext.ux.grid.Search, Ext.util.Observable, {
- /**
- * @cfg {String} searchText Text to display on menu button
- */
- searchText:'Search'
- /**
- * @cfg {String} searchTipText Text to display as input tooltip. Set to '' for no tooltip
- */
- ,searchTipText:'Type a text to search and press Enter'
- /**
- * @cfg {String} selectAllText Text to display on menu item that selects all fields
- */
- ,selectAllText:'Select All'
- /**
- * @cfg {String} position Where to display the search controls. Valid values are top and bottom (defaults to bottom)
- * Corresponding toolbar has to exist at least with mimimum configuration tbar:[] for position:top or bbar:[]
- * for position bottom. Plugin does NOT create any toolbar.
- */
- ,position:'bottom'
- /**
- * @cfg {String} iconCls Icon class for menu button (defaults to icon-magnifier)
- */
- ,iconCls:'icon-magnifier'
- /**
- * @cfg {String/Array} checkIndexes Which indexes to check by default. Can be either 'all' for all indexes
- * or array of dataIndex names, e.g. ['persFirstName', 'persLastName']
- */
- ,checkIndexes:'all'
- /**
- * @cfg {Array} disableIndexes Array of index names to disable (not show in the menu), e.g. ['persTitle', 'persTitle2']
- */
- ,disableIndexes:[]
- /**
- * @cfg {String} dateFormat how to format date values. If undefined (the default)
- * date is formatted as configured in colummn model
- */
- ,dateFormat:undefined
- /**
- * @cfg {Boolean} showSelectAll Select All item is shown in menu if true (defaults to true)
- */
- ,showSelectAll:true
- /**
- * @cfg {String} mode Use 'remote' for remote stores or 'local' for local stores. If mode is local
- * no data requests are sent to server the grid's store is filtered instead (defaults to 'remote')
- */
- ,mode:'remote'
- /**
- * @cfg {Number} width Width of input field in pixels (defaults to 100)
- */
- ,width:100
- /**
- * @cfg {String} xtype xtype is usually not used to instantiate this plugin but you have a chance to identify it
- */
- ,xtype:'gridsearch'
- /**
- * @cfg {Object} paramNames Params name map (defaults to {fields:'fields', query:'query'}
- */
- ,paramNames: {
- fields:'fields'
- ,query:'query'
- }
- /**
- * @cfg {String} shortcutKey Key to fucus the input field (defaults to r = Sea_r_ch). Empty string disables shortcut
- */
- ,shortcutKey:'r'
- /**
- * @cfg {String} shortcutModifier Modifier for shortcutKey. Valid values: alt, ctrl, shift (defaults to alt)
- */
- ,shortcutModifier:'alt'
- /**
- * @cfg {String} align 'left' or 'right' (defaults to 'left')
- */
- /**
- * @cfg {Number} minLength force user to type this many character before he can make a search
- */
- /**
- * @cfg {Ext.Panel/String} toolbarContainer Panel (or id of the panel) which contains toolbar we want to render
- * search controls to (defaults to this.grid, the grid this plugin is plugged-in into)
- */
- // {{{
- /**
- * private
- * @param {Ext.grid.GridPanel/Ext.grid.EditorGrid} grid reference to grid this plugin is used for
- */
- ,init:function(grid) {
- this.grid = grid;
- // setup toolbar container if id was given
- if('string' === typeof this.toolbarContainer) {
- this.toolbarContainer = Ext.getCmp(this.toolbarContainer);
- }
- // do our processing after grid render and reconfigure
- grid.onRender = grid.onRender.createSequence(this.onRender, this);
- grid.reconfigure = grid.reconfigure.createSequence(this.reconfigure, this);
- } // eo function init
- // }}}
- // {{{
- /**
- * private add plugin controls to <b>existing</b> toolbar and calls reconfigure
- */
- ,onRender:function() {
- var panel = this.toolbarContainer || this.grid;
- var tb = 'bottom' === this.position ? panel.bottomToolbar : panel.topToolbar;
- // add menu
- this.menu = new Ext.menu.Menu();
- // handle position
- if('right' === this.align) {
- tb.addFill();
- }
- else {
- tb.addSeparator();
- }
- // add menu button
- tb.add({
- text:this.searchText
- ,menu:this.menu
- ,iconCls:this.iconCls
- });
- // add input field (TwinTriggerField in fact)
- this.field = new Ext.form.TwinTriggerField({
- width:this.width
- ,selectOnFocus:undefined === this.selectOnFocus ? true : this.selectOnFocus
- ,trigger1Class:'x-form-clear-trigger'
- ,trigger2Class:'x-form-search-trigger'
- ,onTrigger1Click:this.onTriggerClear.createDelegate(this)
- ,onTrigger2Click:this.onTriggerSearch.createDelegate(this)
- ,minLength:this.minLength
- });
- // install event handlers on input field
- this.field.on('render', function() {
- this.field.el.dom.qtip = this.searchTipText;
- // install key map
- var map = new Ext.KeyMap(this.field.el, [{
- key:Ext.EventObject.ENTER
- ,scope:this
- ,fn:this.onTriggerSearch
- },{
- key:Ext.EventObject.ESC
- ,scope:this
- ,fn:this.onTriggerClear
- }]);
- map.stopEvent = true;
- }, this, {single:true});
- tb.add(this.field);
- // reconfigure
- this.reconfigure();
- // keyMap
- if(this.shortcutKey && this.shortcutModifier) {
- var shortcutEl = this.grid.getEl();
- var shortcutCfg = [{
- key:this.shortcutKey
- ,scope:this
- ,stopEvent:true
- ,fn:function() {
- this.field.focus();
- }
- }];
- shortcutCfg[0][this.shortcutModifier] = true;
- this.keymap = new Ext.KeyMap(shortcutEl, shortcutCfg);
- }
- } // eo function onRender
- // }}}
- // {{{
- /**
- * private Clear Trigger click handler
- */
- ,onTriggerClear:function() {
- this.field.setValue('');
- this.field.focus();
- this.onTriggerSearch();
- } // eo function onTriggerClear
- // }}}
- // {{{
- /**
- * private Search Trigger click handler (executes the search, local or remote)
- */
- ,onTriggerSearch:function() {
- if(!this.field.isValid()) {
- return;
- }
- var val = this.field.getValue();
- var store = this.grid.store;
- // grid's store filter
- if('local' === this.mode) {
- store.clearFilter();
- if(val) {
- store.filterBy(function(r) {
- var retval = false;
- this.menu.items.each(function(item) {
- if(!item.checked || retval) {
- return;
- }
- var rv = r.get(item.dataIndex);
- rv = rv instanceof Date ? rv.format(this.dateFormat || r.fields.get(item.dataIndex).dateFormat) : rv;
- var re = new RegExp(val, 'gi');
- retval = re.test(rv);
- }, this);
- if(retval) {
- return true;
- }
- return retval;
- }, this);
- }
- else {
- }
- }
- // ask server to filter records
- else {
- // clear start (necessary if we have paging)
- if(store.lastOptions && store.lastOptions.params) {
- store.lastOptions.params[store.paramNames.start] = 0;
- }
- // get fields to search array
- var fields = [];
- this.menu.items.each(function(item) {
- if(item.checked) {
- fields.push(item.dataIndex);
- }
- });
- // add fields and query to baseParams of store
- delete(store.baseParams[this.paramNames.fields]);
- delete(store.baseParams[this.paramNames.query]);
- if (store.lastOptions && store.lastOptions.params) {
- delete(store.lastOptions.params[this.paramNames.fields]);
- delete(store.lastOptions.params[this.paramNames.query]);
- }
- if(fields.length) {
- store.baseParams[this.paramNames.fields] = Ext.encode(fields);
- store.baseParams[this.paramNames.query] = val;
- }
- // reload store
- store.reload();
- }
- } // eo function onTriggerSearch
- // }}}
- // {{{
- /**
- * @param {Boolean} true to disable search (TwinTriggerField), false to enable
- */
- ,setDisabled:function() {
- this.field.setDisabled.apply(this.field, arguments);
- } // eo function setDisabled
- // }}}
- // {{{
- /**
- * Enable search (TwinTriggerField)
- */
- ,enable:function() {
- this.setDisabled(false);
- } // eo function enable
- // }}}
- // {{{
- /**
- * Enable search (TwinTriggerField)
- */
- ,disable:function() {
- this.setDisabled(true);
- } // eo function disable
- // }}}
- // {{{
- /**
- * private (re)configures the plugin, creates menu items from column model
- */
- ,reconfigure:function() {
- // {{{
- // remove old items
- var menu = this.menu;
- menu.removeAll();
- // add Select All item plus separator
- if(this.showSelectAll) {
- menu.add(new Ext.menu.CheckItem({
- text:this.selectAllText
- ,checked:!(this.checkIndexes instanceof Array)
- ,hideOnClick:false
- ,handler:function(item) {
- var checked = ! item.checked;
- item.parentMenu.items.each(function(i) {
- if(item !== i && i.setChecked) {
- i.setChecked(checked);
- }
- });
- }
- }),'-');
- }
- // }}}
- // {{{
- // add new items
- var cm = this.grid.colModel;
- Ext.each(cm.config, function(config) {
- var disable = false;
- if(config.header && config.dataIndex) {
- Ext.each(this.disableIndexes, function(item) {
- disable = disable ? disable : item === config.dataIndex;
- });
- if(!disable) {
- menu.add(new Ext.menu.CheckItem({
- text:config.header
- ,hideOnClick:false
- ,checked:'all' === this.checkIndexes
- ,dataIndex:config.dataIndex
- }));
- }
- }
- }, this);
- // }}}
- // {{{
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