Creating a CVS Repository
by Jeff Hunter, Sr. Database Administrator
Now, let's create a CVS repository. You will first need to decide on the location of the directory where you want to store the CVS repository. Here are several suggestions of directory locations for the repository:
* /usr/local/cvsroot
* /cvsroot
* /home/cvsroot
* /var/lib/cvsroot
If you want to follow the Filesystem Heirarachy Standard, (, then the preferred location for the repository would be: "/var/lib/cvsroot". That is the directory I will use in this example:
# mkdir /var/lib
# mkdir /var/lib/cvsroot
# chgrp cvsdev /var/lib/cvsroot
# ls -l /var/lib
total 2
drwxr-xr-x 2 root cvsdev 512 Jan 23 19:18 cvsroot
# chmod g+srwx /var/lib/cvsroot
# ls -l /var/lib
total 2
drwxrwsr-x 2 root cvsdev 512 Jan 23 19:18 cvsroot
# cvs -d /var/lib/cvsroot init
# ls -la /var/lib/cvsroot
total 6
drwxrwsr-x 3 root cvsdev 512 Jan 23 19:22 .
drwxr-xr-x 3 root other 512 Jan 23 19:18 ..
drwxrwsr-x 3 root cvsdev 1024 Jan 23 19:22 CVSROOT
# chown -R cvs /var/lib/cvsroot
# ls -l /var/lib
total 2
drwxrwsr-x 3 cvs cvsdev 512 Jan 23 19:22 cvsroot
Let's know examine the above commands:
* We created a UNIX group named cvsdev and that will be used for group read/write to the repository. This will allow users that may be on this machine to access the repository.
* We set the directory's SGID bit on the repository, so that files that get created in this directory have the same group ID as teh directory's group ID. (This is a very important step that can save a lot of headaches later!)
* We made the directory group writable/readable/executable.
* We also created a CVS repository using the command:
cvs -d repository_root_directory init
* For security reasons, we created a user (named cvs) to own the repository and the administrative files. We then did a chown on the respository's root directory and administrative files to that username.
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首先新建一个工程,编写代码,然后选择“Team”→“Share Project”,选择“Create a new repository location”,输入 CVS 服务器的 IP、仓库路径、用户名和密码,即可将工程提交到 CVS 服务器上。 知识点: * ...
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【CVS配置详解】 CVS(Concurrent Versions System)是一种广泛使用的版本控制系统,它允许团队成员协同工作并跟踪代码的变化。在Windows环境下,通常使用CVSNT作为CVS的实现,因为它提供了对Windows系统的良好支持...
在IT行业中,版本控制系统是开发团队协作的重要工具,其中CVS(Concurrent Versions System)是一个广泛应用的开源版本控制系统。然而,对于中文环境的用户来说,CVS在处理中文文件名或内容时可能会出现乱码问题,这...
在IT行业中,版本控制系统是开发团队协作的重要工具,其中CVS(Concurrent Versions System)是一种广泛应用的开源版本控制系统。本文将详细介绍如何搭建一个CVS服务器环境,并涉及权限控制的设置。 首先,要搭建...