一,tomcat Host的属性autoDeploy 为true自动部署的情况
Deployment of .WAR files copied into the Host appBase
复制到server.xml 的 <Host标签 的 属性appBase指定的目录 的webapp
Deployment of exploded web applications which are copied into the Host appBase
复制到The Host appBase ,解压后的 webapp
Re-deployment of a web application which has already been deployed from a .WAR when the new .WAR is provided. In this case the exploded web application is removed, and the .WAR is expanded again. Note that the explosion will not occur if the Host is configured so that .WARs are not exploded with a unpackWARs
attribute set to "false", in which case the web application will be simply redeployed as a compressed archive.
重新部署*.war有更新的文件,旧的解压文件被删除,新的*.war文件重新解压部署的webapp。注意:如果 Host的unpackWARs属性设置为false将不被解压,只是作为压缩文档简单部署而已
Re-deployment of a web application if the /WEB-INF/web.xml file (or any other resource defined as a WatchedResource) is updated
重新部署/WEB-INF/web.xml有更新(或者其他被作为监视的资源被修改的情况) web app.
Re-deployment of a web application if the Context Descriptor file from which the web application has been deployed is updated.
Re-deployment of a web application if a Context Descriptor file (with a filename corresponding to the Context path of the previously deployed web application) is added to the $CATALINA_BASE/conf/[enginename]/[hostname]/
Undeployment of a web application if its document base (docBase) is deleted. Note that on Windows, this assumes that anti-locking features (see Context configuration) are enabled, otherwise it is not possible to delete the resources of a running web application
卸载Context属性docBase指定目录被删除的web app。注意在windows上,这只是一个假想,因为windows的锁功能,不可能删除一个正在运行的webapp
In many server environments, Network Administrators have configured more than one network name (in the Domain
Name Service (DNS) server), that resolve to the IP address of the same server. Normally, each such network
name would be configured as a separate Host element in conf/server.xml, each with its own set of web
However, in some circumstances, it is desireable that two or more network names should resolve to the same
virtual host, running the same set of applications. A common use case for this scenario is a corporate web
site, where it is desireable that users be able to utilize either www.mycompany.com or company.com to access
exactly the same content and applications.
This is accomplished by utilizing one or more Alias elements nested inside your Host element. For example:
<Host name="www.mycompany.com" ...>
In order for this strategy to be effective, all of the network names involved must be registered in your DNS
server to resolve to the same computer that is running this in、
You can ask Catalina to check the IP address, or host name, on every incoming
request directed to the surrounding Engine, Host, or Context element. The
remote address or name will be checked against a configured list of "accept"
and/or "deny" filters, which are defined using the Regular Expression syntax
supported by the Jakarta Regexp
regular expression library. Requests that come from locations that are not
accepted will be rejected with an HTTP "Forbidden" error. Example filter
<Engine name="Standalone" ...>
<Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.RemoteHostValve"
<Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.RemoteAddrValve"
Tomcat 连接池配置详解 Tomcat 连接池配置是 Web 应用程序中一个非常重要的组件,它负责管理和维护数据库连接,确保数据访问的高速和安全性。本文将详细介绍 Tomcat 连接池配置的步骤和原理,帮助读者快速掌握 ...
在Linux环境中部署Tomcat6时,常常需要对配置文件进行调整以满足特定需求或优化性能。下面我们将深入探讨如何修改Tomcat6的配置文件以及相关的知识点。 1. **主配置文件**:Tomcat6的主要配置文件是`conf/server....
### 为Tomcat6配置数据源 #### 一、配置文件概述 在为Tomcat6配置数据源之前,首先需要了解Tomcat6的配置文件结构。Tomcat6的配置文件主要位于`$TOMCAT6_HOME/conf`目录下,其中包括`server.xml`和`context.xml`两...
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### Tomcat 6 配置详解 #### 一、前言 随着 Java 技术的广泛应用,Apache Tomcat 作为一款轻量级的 Web 服务器,成为开发人员部署 Java Web 应用程序的重要选择之一。本文将详细介绍如何在 MyEclipse 下配置 Tomcat...
Tomcat下redias配置: 1. context.xml 中的加入 <Valve className="com.orangefunction.tomcat6.redissessions.RedisSessionHandlerValve"/> <Manager className="com.orangefunction.tomcat6.redissessions....
在 Tomcat7 集群配置中,有一些重要的默认值需要注意: 1. 组播地址为,组播端口是 45564(端口和地址一起决定了集群成员节点)。 2. IP 广播是 java.net.InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress。 ...
apache2.2.11和tomcat6整合配置例子打包下载,开发宝典...... apache2.2.11和tomcat6整合配置 1,下载mod_jk.so 2,在apache的httpd.conf里面加入下面的话 LoadModule jk_module modules/mod_jk.so JkWorkersFile "D:\...
本文将深入探讨Tomcat的配置方法,帮助你更好地理解和管理你的Web应用。 首先,让我们从基础开始,了解Tomcat的目录结构。在解压Tomcat安装包后,你会看到几个主要的目录和文件: 1. **bin**:包含启动和停止...
安装 JDK 和 Tomcat 环境变量配置是 Java 开发环境的基础步骤,涉及到 JDK 和 Tomcat 的安装、环境变量的配置、Tomcat 的启动和测试。本文将详细介绍安装 JDK 和 Tomcat 环境变量配置的步骤和要点。 一、JDK 的安装...
【标题】:“Tomcat6.0安装配置”详解 【正文】: Tomcat6.0是Apache软件基金会的Jakarta项目中的一个核心项目,是一款开源的、免费的Java Servlet容器,它实现了Java Servlet和JavaServer Pages(JSP)规范,是...
idea tomcat 详细图文配置 idea tomcat 详细图文配置idea tomcat 详细图文配置
tomcat安装及配置教程**Tomcat安装及配置教程:2024年实用指南** **内容概要:** 本文为你提供了2024年最全面的Tomcat安装及配置教程,旨在帮助开发者掌握Java Web应用程序的部署和管理。内容包括Tomcat的基础概念、...
6. **启动和管理Tomcat**:使用`startup.sh`(Linux)或`startup.bat`(Windows)启动Tomcat,使用`shutdown.sh`或`shutdown.bat`停止。还可以通过`bin目录`下的`catalina.sh`或`catalina.bat`进行更复杂的管理操作...
### Tomcat6安装与配置详解 #### 一、Tomcat6的安装步骤 **1. 下载Tomcat** 首先,访问Tomcat官方网站(http://tomcat.apache.org/)进行Tomcat的下载。用户可以选择ZIP格式或EXE格式进行下载,其中ZIP格式无需安装...