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EMC Atmos



EMC is a multi-petabyte offering for information storage and distribution. It combines massive scalability with automated data placement to efficiently deliver information anywhere in the world. These features make EMC Atmos an ideal foundation for cloud-based information services.


Features and benefits for cloud-based service providers
EMC Atmos offers the most extensive range of advanced features for cloud-based service providers.
Massive scalability : EMC Atmos scales effortlessly to accommodate the ever-expanding need for storage.
Policy-based information management : EMC Atmos improves operational efficiency by automatically distributing information based on business policy. The user-defined policies dictate how, when, and where the information resides.
Object metadata : EMC Atmos uses metadata to refine the content distribution and retention policy,
improve searches, or build custom queries for cloud-based services.
All-in-one data services : EMC Atmos includes the following data services: replication, versioning, compression, de-duplication, and spin-down. These features are native to Atmos and do not require third-party software licenses.
Choice of access mechanisms : EMC Atmos provides flexible web service APIs (REST/SOAP) for Internet-based applications or legacy protocols (CIFS/NFS/IFS) for file-based systems. This enables integration to virtually any application.

Automated system management : EMC Atmos provides auto-configuring, auto-managing, and auto-healing capabilities to reduce administration and downtime.

Multi-tenancy : EMC Atmos can allow multiple applications to be served from the same infrastructure. Each application is securely partitioned and can never access another application’s data. Multitenancy is ideal for service providers or large enterprises who wish to provide cloud services for many customers or departments.
Unified namespace : EMC Atmos uses a single view of the information to provide universal access regardless of location, reducing complexity and improving productivity.
IBrowser-based administration tools : EMC Atmos can be quickly administered, from any location, with the use of an Internet browser.


Leveraging cloud-optimized storage
The EMC Atmos offering allows you to focus on your business rather than on the business of information management and distribution. As such, it delivers a unique degree of freedom to build clouds of information to suit different purposes:
Rich Internet applications : Many rich Internet applications, such as video sharing, produce petabytes of user-generated content that needs to be accessed from all over the globe. Typically, the content has an initial period of intense activity followed by long phases of dormancy. Using the  policy-based information management feature, you can automate content delivery to match popularity, geographic location, and retention periods.
Online service providers : Service providers can use the multi-tenant feature and the web service APIs to build an application that offers secure online storage for consumers. For example, a wireless provider could create a service that allows subscribers to securely store their own digital content in a global “lock box” or vault. The service provider can then choose to monetize the service or give it away for free as a competitive offering.
Digital media creation and distribution : The business of media creation and distribution is inherently global and requires intense cooperation with disparate parties and systems. The web service APIs can be used to easily integrate with content creation tools, while policy-based information management and all-in-one data services features can be used to streamline the collaboration and distribution processes.



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    EMC ECS数据访问指南V1.pdf

    - **Atmos API 支持**:ECS 支持 EMC Atmos REST API 调用,使用户能够利用 Atmos 的功能来管理和访问数据。 - **Atmos 扩展**:ECS 提供了 Atmos API 扩展功能,例如向对象添加数据等。 #### 冷存储与法规遵从性 ...


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    EMC Atmos提供云存储解决方案,适用于物理或虚拟环境。 在数据保护领域,EMC拥有Avamar、Data Domain和NetWorker等产品,提供全面的数据备份和恢复服务。此外,EMC还涉及大数据分析,如Greenplum数据库,以及可归档...


    该解决方案支持如VMware、OpenStack等云堆栈选择,并提供REST API,兼容Amazon S3、OpenStack Swift和EMC Atmos,让开发者和独立软件供应商(ISV)能构建丰富的数据服务。 面对数据中心IT主管面临的问题,如多供应...


    这些服务可以通过开放API(如Amazon S3、EMC Atmos和OpenStack Swift)进行访问,这意味着任何支持这些API的应用程序都能无缝运行。这种设计的灵活性允许客户和服务提供商轻松扩展容量,支持非EMC存储,并与多种云...


    EMC Atmos是一种云存储解决方案,提供了全球不受限制的命名空间,支持策略智能管理数据的存储位置和格式,以及灵活的数据服务和访问方式。Atmos的多租户特性降低了存储成本,实现了共享存储空间,同时确保了各租户...

    EMC ECS数据访问指南.pdf

    - **Atmos API简介**: Atmos 是EMC的一种对象存储系统,ECS对其API提供了支持。 - **Atmos支持的功能**: 包括对象的管理、检索等功能。 - **不支持的功能**: 也列出了哪些Atmos功能在ECS中不可用。 #### 五、...

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    对象存储架构的发展经历了几个阶段,从早期的EMC Centera到2007年的EMC Atmos,再到2013-2015年的EMC ECS,其功能和性能不断提升,支持更广泛的API、分析、高效的地理位置存储以及半结构化数据。随着技术的进步,...


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    EMC Atmos Virtual Edition软件的加入,进一步增强了对象存储能力,通过EMC Unisphere管理Web应用程序,简化了存储资源的监控和管理。 新一代的VNX系列,如VNX5100到VNX7500,采用Intel Quad Core Xeon 5600系列...


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    - **云优化存储**是指专门为云环境设计的存储解决方案,如 EMC Atmos。这类解决方案的特点是具有大规模的存储容量、基于策略的管理和高效的运营性能。 - **构建自己的云架构**允许组织根据自身需求定制存储环境,...

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