* XMLHttpRequest Object Pool
* @author legend <legendsky@hotmail.com>
* @link http://www.ugia.cn/?p=85
* @Copyright www.ugia.cn
var XMLHttp = {
_objPool: [],
_getInstance: function ()
for (var i = 0; i < this._objPool.length; i ++)
if (this._objPool[i].readyState == 0 || this._objPool[i].readyState == 4)
return this._objPool[i];
// IE5中不支持push方法
this._objPool[this._objPool.length] = this._createObj();
return this._objPool[this._objPool.length - 1];
_createObj: function ()
if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
var objXMLHttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
for(var n = 0; n < MSXML.length; n ++)
var objXMLHttp = new ActiveXObject(MSXML[n]);
// mozilla某些版本没有readyState属性
if (objXMLHttp.readyState == null)
objXMLHttp.readyState = 0;
objXMLHttp.addEventListener("load", function ()
objXMLHttp.readyState = 4;
if (typeof objXMLHttp.onreadystatechange == "function")
}, false);
return objXMLHttp;
// ?送?求(方法[post,get], 地址, 数据, 回?函数)
sendReq: function (method, url, data, callback)
var objXMLHttp = this._getInstance();
// 加随机数防止?存
if (url.indexOf("?") > 0)
url += "&randnum=" + Math.random();
url += "?randnum=" + Math.random();
open(method, url, true);
// ?定?求??方式
setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8');
onreadystatechange = function ()
if (objXMLHttp.readyState == 4 && (objXMLHttp.status == 200 || objXMLHttp.status == 304))
<mce:script type="text/javascript" src="xmlhttp.js" mce_src="xmlhttp.js"></mce:script>
<mce:script type="text/javascript"><!--
function test(obj)
XMLHttp.sendReq('GET', 'http://www.ugia.cn/wp-data/test.htm', '', test);
XMLHttp.sendReq('GET', 'http://www.ugia.cn/wp-data/test.htm', '', test);
XMLHttp.sendReq('GET', 'http://www.ugia.cn/wp-data/test.htm', '', test);
XMLHttp.sendReq('GET', 'http://www.ugia.cn/wp-data/test.htm', '', test);
alert('Pool length:' + XMLHttp._objPool.length);
// --></mce:script>
爬取太频繁会被知乎返回429(too many request),应对的策略是挂代理,一种方法是使用专业的云代理服务(有点贵),另一种是[自建代理池],定时爬取互联网上免费代理ip。最后数据使用sql server存储, 最后对数据进行...
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OpenApi文档中的ESP测试配额 测试它的前提条件 创建一个Google Cloud Platform项目并指定get ...是每分钟,因此,如果我们收到状态码429 Too Many Request并且等待一分钟,我们应该没问题,但是等待一分钟后下一个请
Learn ØMQ’s main patterns: request-reply, publish-subscribe, and pipeline Work with ØMQ sockets and patterns by building several small applications Explore advanced uses of ØMQ’s request-reply ...
常见的关系类型包括一对一(hasOne)、一对多(hasMany)、多对一(belongsTo)、多对多(belongsToMany)等。 在Laravel请求处理中,通常我们会使用`Request`类来接收和验证用户提交的数据。`Request`对象是...
目录特征在创建和更新页面中附加多态和非多态的ManyToMany关系附加关系时编辑枢轴列将源多次附加到另一个资源安装composer require armincms/many-to-many简单用法 use Armincms\Fields\BelongsToMany; /** * Get ...
安装composer require dillingham/nova-attach-many用法use NovaAttachMany \ AttachMany ; public function fields ( Request $ request ){ return [ AttachMany :: make ( 'Permissions' ), ];} 您可以显式定义...
many of the limitations of the current version of OMG SysML® to enable the more effective application of model-based systems engineering (MBSE). In particular, the emphasis for SysML v2 is to ...
烧瓶-釜山 Flask扩展,用于将强大的与集成。安装python3 -m pip install Flask-Pydantic 基本validate装饰器验证查询和主体请求参数并使它们可通过两种... 设置为False request_body_many参数可以在请求正文的根级别
For many users of Windows 7 and above, installation is not needed. You simply download the package and unzip it to a folder. If that did not work out, you may have to install needed runtimes. ...
Many entry level PHP developers want a quick path to glory, a shortcut to “knowing PHP.” Too many books and tutorials go straight into a pre-made, awful environment that just wants you to code, with...
It is now possible to Define variables in the configuration, allowing a clearer representation if the same value is used at many places in the configuration. Reduced memory usage Despite many new ...
**5.21 483 Too Many Hops** - **状态码**: 483 - **描述**: 请求经过了太多的中间节点。 - **应用场景**: 当请求超过了最大转发次数时使用。 **5.22 484 Address Incomplete** - **状态码**: 484 - **描述**: ...
print(response.request.headers) ``` 这样,服务器会认为请求来自一个真实的浏览器,而不是无头爬虫,可能会避免因策略导致的重定向。 2. 禁止重定向 在某些情况下,你可以选择完全禁止`requests`库执行任何...
Bug reports and feature requests can be submitted here (please read the instructions on how to report a bug and how to submit a feature request first!). Help test AntennaPod AntennaPod has many users ...
- 如果查询参数涉及到关联模型,可以使用Eloquent的关系方法(如`hasMany`, `belongsTo`等)来获取关联数据。 10. **API响应**: - 对于API开发,可以使用`Response` facade或`response()`辅助函数来构造JSON响应...
最大流/最小割算法的简介,理解常用最大流最小割概念的文献,值得学习。 minimum cut/maximum flow ... An implementation of our max-flow/min-cut algorithm is available upon request for research purposes.
1. svn: Server sent unexpected return value (500 Internal Server Error) in response to OPTIONS request for 'http://svn.moon.ossxp.com/svn/test' 该错误提示的原因是用户名输入错误。解决方法是检查登录的...
OBD-II PIDs (On-board diagnostics Parameter IDs) are codes used to request data from a vehicle, used as a diagnostic tool. SAE standard J/1979 defines many PIDs, but manufacturers also define many ...