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Hibernate, Toplink Essentials, Openjpa, Eclipselink (jpa implementation compare)
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This article is a response to the lack of information on the net about the performance differences
among the 4 most well known Java Persistence API (JPA) implementations: Toplink Essentials
, EclipseLink
, Hibernate
and OpenJPA
Besides results and conclusions, the full test code
is also available in case you want to repeat the test yourself.
I wrote a relatively simple program which executes some queries and inserts in a MySQL
database through JPA. Four fixed-time tests were done with exactly the
same code, just changing the JPA implementation library and the
persistence.xml. I monitored the resources used by the JVM and counted
the inserts and queries executed during the tests. Finally, I show here
my conclusions and also the results of these tests, so that you can
draw your own. I consider the differences found among the different
implementations truly relevant.
For the tests performed for this article, nothing except JPA was used. No web pages, no web or application server. Just java threads, JPA and MySQL. I give more details in the next sections.
For the tests performed for this article, nothing except JPA was used. No web pages, no web or application server. Just java threads, JPA and MySQL. I give more details in the next sections.
: In case you are using JPA with Axis and/or the Google Web Toolkit (GWT), this other article focused on working with JPA, Axis and GWT
could be of interest for you.
Description of hardware and software
tests have been done in an Acer Extensa 5620G laptop, with a pentium
Core 2 Duo T5250 Processor with 2 Gb Ram DDR2, being monitored by a
standard PC.
For the tests I have used the following software:
Inserting thread gets an arbitrary employee and makes a copy of him/her, letting MySQL generate a new emp_no. This was the only modification I did to the employees database: the emp_no is auto-generated.
Querying threads execute all these queries in sequence:
- Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex
- MySQL database, version 5.0 (installed from the official Ubuntu repositories).
- Java Virtual Machine 1.6
- Driver jdbc for MySQL 5.1.
- Eclipse Ganymede
- The employees database example for MySQL, courtesy of Patrick Crews and Giuseppe Maxia (url below in the references section)
- JConsole for resources monitoring
- GIMP 2 to capture screens
database and the JVM were running in the Acer machine. But both
JConsole and GIMP were executed in a PC (also equiped with Ubuntu 8.10)
connected via tcp/ip to the test machine. I did it so that I did not
overload the machine running the tests.
Versions of the JPA implementations tested:
- Hibernate EntityManager and Annotations 3.4.0
- Toplink Essentials version 2 build 41
- Openjpa 1.2.0
- Eclipselink 1.0.2
Description of the code
The code developed for the tests is available to download here
. All you have to do is import the zip file in Eclipse
You will need at least one of the JPA implementation libraries. You can
download them from the urls in the references section below.
The code is made up of two type of threads, one for inserting and one for querying.Inserting thread gets an arbitrary employee and makes a copy of him/her, letting MySQL generate a new emp_no. This was the only modification I did to the employees database: the emp_no is auto-generated.
Querying threads execute all these queries in sequence:
- A query returning the number of female employees.
- A query returning the number of male employees.
- A query returning all employees hired since an arbitray date.
- A query returning all employees born after an arbitrary date.
- A query returning all women who have earned more than an arbitrary salary.
This is the starting sequence:
- When the program starts, it waits 2 minutes for the monitoring infraestructure to be ready (connecting JConsole to the JVM, basically).
- It then starts 2 of the so-called inserting threads. I start the inserting threads before the querying threads trying that the queries do not always return the same (which will eventually happen, anyway).
- After starting the inserting threads, the program starts running 18 of the querying threads, inserting a pause of 10 seconds before starting next. This is so that they do not execute the same query at the same time.
- The program runs the threads for 30 minutes. After that time, it sends a stop signal to the threads, which will safely make them stop after the next inserting or querying round. The main program waits 15 minutes for the threads to stop and the jvm memory to stabilize.
- Before stopping, the threads provide information about the number of inserts/queries they have executed.
only change from test to test was the JPA implementation library and
the persistence.xml. It is important to notice that the persistence.xml
was left by default for each of the implementations, omitting on
purpose any kind optimization that the implementation could accept.
These were the results of the tests per JPA implementation library. Notice that the time was fixed: 30 minutes running.
Number of queries+inserts executed | Number of queries executed | Number of inserts executed | Max mem occupied during the test(Mb) | Mem occupied after the test(Mb) | |
OpenJPA |
3530 | 398 | 96 |
61 |
Hibernate |
3080 | 9607 | 130 | 79 |
Toplink Essentials |
3740 | 1980 | 55 | 25 |
Eclipselink |
5874 |
3735 | 2139 | 57 | 25 |
The maximum memory occupied
is the maximum amount that the JVM reserved during the test.
The memory occupied after the test is the amount of memory that remained reserved after finishing the test.
I have emphasized the highest and lowest values for each of the columns.
The memory occupied after the test is the amount of memory that remained reserved after finishing the test.
I have emphasized the highest and lowest values for each of the columns.
You can see this graphically in the following images showing the data monitored during the different tests.

My intention is that anyone can draw their own conclusions looking at the results or using the code to do a test of their own.
Nevertheless, I consider that there are a number of conclusions that one can draw watching the monitored data:
Nevertheless, I consider that there are a number of conclusions that one can draw watching the monitored data:
- There is not an implementation that clearly has the best performance. Some had a very good CPU or memory performance and some did it very well when inserting or querying. But none of them was outstanding as a whole.
- The number of records inserted by Hibernate was extremely higher than it was for any other implementation (4 times more compared to Eclipselink and 24 times more compared to OpenJPA). However, Hibernate was also the JPA implementation that executed the lowest number of queries, although the differences in this value (3080 for Hibernate vs 3740 for Toplink Essentials) are not so extreme as for the number of inserts.
- Hibernate was also the implementation that consumed more memory. But having into account that it inserted many more records than the others, it sounds reasonable.
- OpenJPA had the lowest value of inserts+queries.
- The number of inserts executed by OpenJPA was extremely low, compared to the others.
- The usage of CPU in the case of Toplink Essentials and Eclipselink was extremely low.
Note for the JPA implementations responsible/developers
I am aware that some optimization can be obtained by changing the
persistence.xml and/or changing the code somehow. If you give me some
advice on how to improve the performance of any of the implementations,
I will be glad to update this post with that information.
Ubuntu: http://www.ubuntu.com/
Employees database: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/employee/en/employee.html , https://launchpad.net/test-db/
Openjpa: http://openjpa.apache.org/
Toplink Essentials: http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/ias/toplink/jpa/download.html
Hibernate JPA: http://www.hibernate.org/397.html
Eclipselink: http://www.eclipse.org/eclipselink/
MySQL: http://www.mysql.com/
Eclipse: http://www.eclipse.org/
Ubuntu: http://www.ubuntu.com/
Employees database: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/employee/en/employee.html , https://launchpad.net/test-db/
Openjpa: http://openjpa.apache.org/
Toplink Essentials: http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/ias/toplink/jpa/download.html
Hibernate JPA: http://www.hibernate.org/397.html
Eclipselink: http://www.eclipse.org/eclipselink/
MySQL: http://www.mysql.com/
Eclipse: http://www.eclipse.org/
Journal is from http://terrazadearavaca.blogspot.com/2008/12/jpa-implementations-comparison.html
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