I met this problem last week and it frustrated me for days...Now I found the solution after I spent hours on google, and amazing it works!!!
This issue drove me nuts today for several hours today, to be honest I was pretty close to breaking something! Earlier in the day I had the NFS mount working fine then I created an AMI and booted up another instance from the newly created AMI but in the new instance the mount kept failing. The error looks something like this:
[root@server]# mount -t nfs /mnt/dbshare
mount: failed, reason given by server: Permission denied
According to the error you would think that I have a configuration issue so I changed everything that I could think of within /etc/exports
My /etc/exports originally looked like this:
/dbshare,sync) (where is the client where I am performing the mount)
I changed it to something more open like this with no luck:
I started looking around the logs on the server in /var/log/messages and found that it was authenticating fine
Jun 11 19:04:00 servername mountd[5222]: authenticated mount request from for /dbshare (/dbshare)
I was really frustrated at this point and I had already spent an hour on Google looking for the answer. I found another answer but the website was down, luckily the cached version on Google came to the rescue.
The problem was that the special nfsd file system that mounts to /proc/fs/nfsd wasn't mounted. I'm not sure how it gets mounted (maybe rc.sysinit does it?), but I tool the advice from the forum entry and added an entry to /etc/fstab
none /proc/fs/nfsd nfsd auto,defaults 0 0
then ran mount -a
After this the mount worked fine. I hope that someone finds this helpful.
③重新设置Server-U帐号和目录访问里的文件路径(如果还不行,尝试下面操作); ④删除用户,重新建。 原创 SU整理(FTP)收藏 整理如下: 1开头-成功 2开头-成功 3开头-权限问题 4开头-文件问题 5开头-服务器问题 ...
错误: `mount: failed, reason given by server: permission denied` - **原因**: 要挂载的目录没有读写权限。 - **解决方法**: - 确保在配置NFS服务器时,基本权限设置为读/写。 - 检查`/etc...
2. **错误:mount: failed, reason given by server: permission denied** - 原因:共享目录的权限设置不正确。 - 解决方法:检查NFS服务器的基本权限设置,确保为读/写。 3. **错误:rpcbind...
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Permission denied: 出现的原因的是:没有权限进行读、写、创建文件、删除文件等操作。 解决方法:输入命令 sudo chmod -R 777 /工作目录, 例如:sudo chmode -R 777 /home/HDD,此时就可以在该路径下进行一系列...
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1> failed, reason given by server: Permission denied 解决方法: 1.1 检查NFS的运行级别:chkconfig --list portmap、chkconfig --list nfs。 1.2 根据需要设置在相应的运行级别自动启动NFS:chkconfig --...
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Got permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket at unix:///var/run/docker.sock: Get http:///var/run/docker.sock/v1.40/images/json: dial unix /var/run/docker.sock: connect: ...
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在Nginx的使用过程中,可能会遇到两种常见的错误:`Permission denied` 和 `Connection refused`。这些错误会导致Nginx无法正常处理客户端的请求,从而影响网站或服务的可用性。下面将详细介绍这两种错误的含义、...
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