We've heard a few reports about problems like this, and we're looking
into them. While we're investigating, here's a workaround that's helped
some users in the past:
If you would like to publish a previously published document to a new
blog, follow these instructions:
1. Create a duplicate copy of the document. You can do this by clicking
the "File" tab wile editing the document, then choosing "Copy
document." A new copy will appear in your active documents and
spreadsheets list.
2. From the "Settings" menu, confirm that your blog settings are
properly entered.
3. Open the copied documents and click on the "Publish" tab. From here,
click the "Post to blog" button.
Your document should now be published to your primary blog.
We are working on fixing a few glitches with blog posting, and, as
always, when things get fixed I'll post the good news to the group.
【标题】"site-doces-da-lili" 是一个可能与网站文档或个人项目相关的名称,暗示我们处理的可能是一个网站的文档集合或者是某个人(Lili)创建的在线资源库。由于没有提供具体的标签,我们需要根据这个标题和描述来...
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《Java 8 标准版 API 规范详解——基于 jdk1.8中文参考手册》 Java 8,作为Java发展历程中的一个重要里程碑,引入了一系列创新特性,极大地提升了开发效率和程序性能。其中,JDK(Java Development Kit)1.8版本的...
《JDK 1.8中文完全参考手册》是Java开发者不可或缺的重要参考资料,它详细阐述了Java Development Kit(JDK)1.8版本的各种特性和功能。JDK是Oracle公司提供的用于开发和运行Java应用程序的软件包,包含了编译器、...
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### Lingo 11 用户手册关键知识点解析 #### 版权声明 - **版权声明**:LINGO 软件及其相关文档均受版权保护。未经 LINDO Systems Inc. 的书面许可或相关文档中的授权方式,不得复制 LINGO 软件及相关文档。...
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