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[更新20100922]jQuery Location Select 插件- 地址联动、地理检测 -
kimm 写道这个功能不错,就是应用有点局限,内网就不好用了。 ...
[更新20100922]jQuery Location Select 插件- 地址联动、地理检测 -
更新了⋯⋯把代码重写了一次⋯⋯大家可以实现任何种类的联动,以及 ...
[更新20100922]jQuery Location Select 插件- 地址联动、地理检测 -
truth315 写道不好意思了,compu指的是getAre ...
JavaScript Prototype基础
判定JS的对象类型基本是MISSION Impossible。
The left side of instanceof is the value to be tested, and the right side should be a constructor function that defines a class.
Object.toString( ) for Object Typing
[object class]
typeof is useful primarily for distinguishing primitive types from objects. There are a few quirks to typeof. First, remember that typeof null is "object", while typeof undefined is "undefined". Also, the type of any array is "object" because all arrays are objects. However, the type of any function is "function", even though functions are objects, too.
typeof null // Yields "obejct" typeof undefined // yields "undefined" typeof array_var // array_var represents an array variable; yields "object" typeof function_var // function_var represents an function variable; yields "function"
x instanceof Array
The left side of instanceof is the value to be tested, and the right side should be a constructor function that defines a class.
typeof f == "function" f instanceof Function f instanceof Object
If you want to test whether an object is an instance of one specific class and not an instance of some subclass, you can check its constructor property.
var d = new Date( ); // A Date object; Date extends Object var isobject = d instanceof Object; // evaluates to true var realobject = d.constructor==Object; // evaluates to false
Object.toString( ) for Object Typing
A useful trick that uses the default implementation of the Object.toString( ) method can help in this case.
An interesting feature of the default toString( ) method is that it reveals some internal type information about built-in objects. The ECMAScript specification requires that this default toString( ) method always returns a string of the form:
class is the internal type of the object and usually corresponds to the name of the constructor function for the object.
arrays have a class of "Array", functions have a class of "Function", and Date objects have a class of "Date". The built-in Math object has a class of "Math", and all Error objects (including instances of the various Error subclasses) have a class of "Error". Client-side JavaScript objects and any other objects defined by the JavaScript implementation have an implementation-defined class (such as "Window", "Document", or "Form").
Objects of user-defined types, such as the Circle and Complex classes defined earlier in this chapter, always have a class of "Object", however, so this toString( ) technique is useful only for built-in object types.
An interesting feature of the default toString( ) method is that it reveals some internal type information about built-in objects. The ECMAScript specification requires that this default toString( ) method always returns a string of the form:
class is the internal type of the object and usually corresponds to the name of the constructor function for the object.
arrays have a class of "Array", functions have a class of "Function", and Date objects have a class of "Date". The built-in Math object has a class of "Math", and all Error objects (including instances of the various Error subclasses) have a class of "Error". Client-side JavaScript objects and any other objects defined by the JavaScript implementation have an implementation-defined class (such as "Window", "Document", or "Form").
Objects of user-defined types, such as the Circle and Complex classes defined earlier in this chapter, always have a class of "Object", however, so this toString( ) technique is useful only for built-in object types.
[object class]
function getType(x) { // If x is null, return "null" // x是null,返回“null” if (x == null) return "null"; // Next try the typeof operator // 先用基础的typeof判定 var t = typeof x; // If the result is not vague, return it if (t != "object") return t; // Otherwise, x is an object. Use the default toString( ) method to // get the class value of the object. // 对于object对象,typeof无能为力,我们来找找对象的class值 var c = Object.prototype.toString.apply(x); // Returns "[object class]" c = c.substring(8, c.length-1); // Strip off "[object" and "]" // If the class is not a vague one, return it. // 如果有具体的class值,而不是单纯的“object" if (c != "Object") return c; // If we get here, c is "Object". Check to see if // the value x is really just a generic object. // 函数运行到这里,那么该对象就是一个Object if (x.constructor == Object) return c; // Okay the type really is "Object" // For user-defined classes, look for a string-valued property named // classname, that is inherited from the object's prototype // 也有可能是自定义类,我们找一下它的构造函数中是否定义了classname这个属性 if ("classname" in x.constructor.prototype && // inherits classname typeof x.constructor.prototype.classname == "string") // its a string return x.constructor.prototype.classname; // If we really can't figure it out, say so. return "<unknown type>"; }
WebApp在移动端的涅盘- 另类的移动端应用程序开发
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ECMA 推出 JavaScript 5
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Javascript 事件编程 (二)
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Javascript 事件编程 (一)
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Javascript CSS编程 (一)元素定位、透明、内联样式
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Javascript CSS编程 (二)Computed Styles、Class修改、操作样式表
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Javascript DHTML动画
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Javascript IE4 DOM
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Javascript 操控选择文本
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Javascript 寻找文档元素
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JavaScript 中的数据类型分为基本类型和复杂类型: - **基本类型**:包括 `String`、`Number`、`Boolean`、`Null`、`Undefined`。 - **复杂类型**:`Object` 和 `Function`。 #### 8. 字符型转换成数值型 - `...
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表示数值数据类型和提供数值常数的对象。 Number 对象 提供所有的 JScript 对象的公共功能。 Object 对象 存储有关正则表达式模式查找的信息。 RegExp 对象 包含一个正则表达式模式。 正则表达式对象 提供对文本...
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首先,我们可以尝试使用`Object.prototype.toString.call()`方法来检测对象的类型。这个方法会返回一个表示该对象内部类的字符串,例如`"[object Array]"`或`"[object Function]"`。当用于`window`对象时,不同的...
7. JavaScript值类型:包括`String`, `Number`, `Boolean`, `Null`, `Undefined`, `Object`, `Symbol`(ES6新增), `BigInt`(ES10新增)。在这里提到了`Function`,但它在ECMAScript规范中被分类为`Object`的一种。 8....
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