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  • 来自: 杭州

Friend's Dog Killed


Look at this cute dog:

Its name is Ahuang, or Little Yellow. It is my friend's dog. Early this week, it was robbed from his home and was killed. What a sad little thing. According to him, someone jumped into his house in suburb areas at 4:00 in early morning, and was killed and brought away. The guess is, they are going to sell the dog to meat market.

I have pictures of the little dog when it was just born one year ago, and feel sad about it. He was angry and of cause very sad. In his last 10 years, he had more than 10 dogs. The longest, he had the dog for 6 years, and shortest one only stayed for months. All of the dogs were robbed, or killed this way.

In this case, it is believed that the man robbed the dog for its meat. They can sell the dog to meat stores, and dog meat is served in many restaurants in the city.

Dogs. Poor Dogs

Talking about dogs, I am very concerned. The government is running campaign to kill dogs. Teams were setup with single mission - kill the dogs. People just don't honor the value of life.

The dog adoption policy is, you have to pay the government for a dog adoption license. I don't have a dog, so I don't have first hand experience. According to my friends and verified on the Internet, the price is 2000 RMB for downtown, and 1000 RMB for places outside inner ring. What does it mean? It means you have to pay 1.4 month of the city's average montly salary to get a license for your dog. In Guangzhou, the price is 10,000 RMB for the first year, and 6,000 RMB for every year after that.

Recently, the government is strength the policy. On both gate of the residential area I am living in, there are huge red banner saying: "If you love your dog, get a license for it".

What I Interpretation is, "If you don't want your dog killed, pay us".

Dogs without License Must be Killed

Many police stations in cities and villages across the country have formed up "Dog-Killing Team" to go out (sometimes go into people's house) to identify dogs without license. The owner either need to pay the money, or have their dogs killed.

The recent astonishing news about Douding's event is just part of the story. They killed 50,000 dogs in 6 days. I read about some news (Disclaimer: I cannot verify whether its true or not), that the policemen are required to kill the dog before the face of the owner "as punishment".

In Shanghai, the policy is, you have to bring the license with you all the time. If you are caught with a dog and without a license, the dog will be taken away, and you have to get your license to get the dog. Sad.

I don't want to have a dog

I don't know if I will adopt a dog or not in the future. I don't have an idea about how I can protect it. What should I do when someone jump into my house and kill the dog before me, or come back home one day and found my dog dead. I just don't want to have a dog at home when the terrible situation does not change.

Dogs are human's friends. When the lives of millions of dogs can be taken away in just few days, how about people's life?



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