So this is just a proof of concept that I threw together. It’s a rough implementation of the taskbar concept. This functionality is something we’ve talked about implementing although no word on a time frame yet. But if someone can grab the concept and incorporate it into the library be sure to send it our way and we’ll give credit where credit is due. What needs to be done is seamless implementation into the flexmdi library that doesn’t require all the hoops I'll now jump through for you. Not that there are alot of hoops, it’s actually quite simple.
I didn’t touch anything in the flexmdi library to create this btw. In a nutshell the logic goes as follows.
1. when a window is minimized we want to remove it from the screen and add it to the taskbar after any effect has played.
2. when a taskbar item is clicked we want to remove it from the taskbar and add it back to the screen.
To do this I'm simply capturing the window minimize event, setting visible to false, then creating a taskbar item which i then add to an array collection bound to the dataProvider of a horizontal list.
When the task bar item is clicked, I'd simply setting visible to true, then broadcasting the MDIWindow restore event.
[url=]See It In Action
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We’re going to be working on this more in the future, so any requests and/or help is greatly appreciated. And yes I know the buttons don’t show up on restore, but since our launch of the flexmdi library we’ve got a considerable amount of requests for this to be implemented by default. So I thought I’d throw this out there for now while we work on incorporating it.
you can get the flexmdi framework at
Happy Ctrl+B
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