
GenericJpaDao.java 代码解析

package com.dudu.moa.dao;   
import java.io.Serializable;   
import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType;   
import java.util.Collection;   
import java.util.List;   
import javax.persistence.EntityManager;   
import javax.persistence.Query;   
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;   
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;   
import org.springframework.orm.jpa.JpaCallback;   
import org.springframework.orm.jpa.support.JpaDaoSupport;   
import org.springframework.util.Assert;   
 * 泛化DAO基类.  
 * 由MyEclipse自动逆向生成的DAO泛化而成.  
 * 用户可扩展此类,定制自己项目中的DAO基类.  
 * @param <T> DAO访问的entity类  
 * @param <PK> DAO访问的entity的主键类  
 * @see JpaDaoSupport  
 * @author calvin  
public class GenericJpaDao<T, Serializable extends PK> extends JpaDaoSupport {   
    protected final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(getClass());   
    protected Class<T> entityClass;   
    protected String className;   
    public GenericJpaDao() {   
        // 通过范型反射,取得在子类中定义的entityClass.    
        this.entityClass = (Class<T>) ((ParameterizedType) getClass().getGenericSuperclass()).getActualTypeArguments()[0];   
        className = entityClass.getSimpleName();   
    public void create(T entity) {   
        log.debug("saveing " + className + "instance");   
        logger.debug("save successful");   
    public T update(T entity) {   
        log.debug("updating " + className + " instance");   
        T result = getJpaTemplate().merge(entity);   
        logger.debug("update successful");   
        return result;   
    public void delete(T entity) {   
        log.debug("deleting " + className + " instance");   
        logger.debug("delete successful");   
    public void delete(final PK id) {   
        log.debug("deleting " + className + " instance");   
        logger.debug("delete successful");   
     * @return id对应的Entity.如果id不存在,返回Null.  
    public T findById(final PK id) {   
        log.debug("finding " + className + " instance with id: " + id);   
        return getJpaTemplate().find(entityClass, id);   
     * 根据属性查找对象.  
     * @param propertyName 属性名  
     * @param value 属性值  
     * @param rowStartIdxAndCount 可选的分页参数.第一个参数为起始的记录,第二个参数为返回的对象数量.  
     * eg.  
     * <CODE>  
     * findByProperty("country","china");      //查找属性值country为china的对象,返回所有对象.  
     * findByProperty("country","china",0,10); //查找属性值country为china的对象,返回第1-10个符合的对象.  
     * </CODE>  
    public List<T> findByProperty(final String propertyName, final Object value, final int... rowStartIdxAndCount) {   
        log.info("finding " + className + " instance with property: " + propertyName + " , value: " + value);   
        final String queryString = "select model from " + className + " model where model." + propertyName + "= ?";   
        int rowStartIdx = 0;   
        int rowCount = 0;   
        if (rowStartIdxAndCount != null && rowStartIdxAndCount.length > 0) {   
            rowStartIdx = Math.max(0, rowStartIdxAndCount[0]);   
            if (rowStartIdxAndCount.length > 1)   
                rowCount = Math.max(0, rowStartIdxAndCount[1]);   
        return findPaged(queryString, rowStartIdx, rowCount, value);   
     * 根据属性查找唯一对象.  
     * @return 唯一对象.如果不存在符合条件的结果,返回Null,如果有多个对象符合条件,抛出异常.  
     * @param propertyName 属性名  
     * @param value 属性值  
    public T findUniqueByProperty(final String propertyName, final Object value) {   
        return uniqueResult(findByProperty(propertyName, value));   
     * 获取全部对象.  
     * @param rowStartIdxAndCount 可选的分页参数.第一个参数为起始的记录,第二个参数为返回的对象数量.  
     * eg.  
     * <CODE>  
     * findAll();     //返回所有对象.  
     * findAll(0,10); //返回第1-10个对象.  
     * </CODE>  
    public List<T> findAll(final int... rowStartIdxAndCount) {   
        log.info("finding all " + className + " instances");   
        final String queryString = "select model from " + className + " model";   
        int rowStartIdx = 0;   
        int rowCount = 0;   
        if (rowStartIdxAndCount != null && rowStartIdxAndCount.length > 0) {   
            rowStartIdx = Math.max(0, rowStartIdxAndCount[0]);   
            if (rowStartIdxAndCount.length > 1)   
                rowCount = Math.max(0, rowStartIdxAndCount[1]);   
        return findPaged(queryString, rowStartIdx, rowCount);   
     * 直接使用查询语句查询.   
     * @param values 任意数量的参数.  
    public List find(final String queryString, final Object... values) {   
        return getJpaTemplate().find(queryString, values);   
     * 直接使用查询语句查询,带分页参数.  
     * @param rowStartIdx 起始的记录,如不想设定,可设为-1.  
     * @param rowCount 返回的记录数,如不想设定,可设为-1.  
     * @param values 任意数量的参数.  
    public List findPaged(final String queryString, final int rowStartIdx, final int rowCount, final Object... values) {   
        return getJpaTemplate().executeFind(new JpaCallback() {   
            public Object doInJpa(EntityManager em) {   
                Query query = em.createQuery(queryString);   
                if (values != null)   
                    for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++)   
                        query.setParameter(i + 1, values[i]);   
                if (rowStartIdx > 0)   
                if (rowCount > 0)   
                return query.getResultList();   
     * 直接使用查询语句查询,返回唯一对象  
     * @param values 任意数量的参数.  
     * @return 唯一对象.如果不存在符合条件的结果,返回NULL,如果有多个对象符合条件,抛出异常.  
    public Object findUnique(final String queryString, final Object... values) {   
        return uniqueResult(getJpaTemplate().find(queryString, values));   
     * 取得entity的class.  
    public Class<T> getEntityClass() {   
        return entityClass;   
     * 取出列表的第一个对象.  
     * 如果列表为空返回Null,如果有多于一个对象,抛出异常.  
    private static <E> E uniqueResult(Collection<E> results) {   
        if (results == null || results.isEmpty())   
            return null;   
        if (results.size() > 1)   
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("the Collection size is larger than 1");   
        return results.iterator().next();   




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