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xiaomo_737 写道留个qq号吧,到时候能交流一下吗? ...
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我在做的时候怎么中文不能显示呢,方便的话加我QQ好吗,3464 ...
### Eclipse3.5集成Flex_Builder3或Flash_Builder4 #### 一、概述 本文主要介绍了如何在Eclipse3.5(Galileo SR1)环境下集成Adobe Flex Builder 3或Adobe Flash Builder 4的过程。这有助于开发者在一个统一的开发...
6. **自动构建设置**:确认已启用“自动构建”选项,可通过`Select Project>Build Automatically`来进行设置。 ##### 应用程序的创建与运行 1. **编辑主程序文件**:如果`Lessons.mxml`文件尚未打开,则需在导航...
- **自动构建设置**:确保选中了“自动构建”选项,即“Select Project>Build Automatically”。这使得每次保存文件时,Flex Builder都会自动构建应用程序。 #### 三、编译与运行Flex应用程序 - **编辑主程序文件*...
2. **自动编译**:在“Flex Compiler”选项下,找到“Build automatically”选项,将其勾选,这样每次保存代码时,Flash Builder都会自动编译项目。 3. **快速编译**:为了进一步加快编译速度,可以开启“Fast ...
- **Windows or macOS X + Flex Builder 3**: In this setup, a Flex project is created in Flex Builder, and a simple "Hello World" application is built. The book then shows how to display this message ...
5. **启用自动构建**:确保`Select Project>Build Automatically`选项被勾选,这样每次保存文件时,Flex Builder都会自动构建项目。 #### 知识点二:Flex基本布局与控件使用 **MXML编辑器中插入代码**: 1. 在主...
If you want to use Adobe Flex to build production-quality Rich Internet Applications for the enterprise, this groundbreaking book shows you exactly what’s required. You’ll learn efficient techniques...
2. **关闭自动编译**:取消“Build Automatically”,改为手动触发编译(Build)。这种增量编译方式仅编译修改过的文件,显著减少编译时间。 3. **使用 fsch 和 ant**:fsch 是一个专门用于 Flex 编译的后台服务,...
4. **禁用自动构建**:"Build Automatically"选项在某些情况下可能会拖慢编译速度。如果计算机性能允许,可以保留此设置;否则,建议关闭。 5. **调整Eclipse.ini配置**:Eclipse的启动参数对于提高性能至关重要。...
首先,需要检查项目的 Build Automatically 选项是否被勾选。如果未勾选,请勾选该选项,并 Clean 一下项目,重新启动 Eclipse。 2. 检查 CLASSPATH 变量 其次,需要检查项目的 CLASSPATH 变量设置是否正确。可以...
Adding the unit to your project (Delphi and C++Builder) automatically installs the patches that are available for your Delphi/C++Builder version. Usage: Add the VCLFixPack.pas unit to your Delphi or...
- **Associate WindowBuilder editor with automatically recognized Java GUI files**:决定 WindowBuilder Pro 是否尝试自动识别 GUI 文件,并将 WindowBuilder 编辑器与之关联。 - **Maximize editor on "Design...
In case you get any build errors that you think might be caused by the Build Report Tool, try disabling the Build Report Window from showing automatically whenever you build. You can do this by ...
An add-in to automatically increment the PrivateBuild field in your applications resource file.(34KB)
解决卡机问题: 大多数javaman在使用myeclipse的过程中都遇到过代码提示卡死,假死机的状况。 进行下面的优化后,完全可以解决此问题。
It is automatically populated based on the target name but can be overridden if needed. The product name is used in various paths and files generated during the build process. ##### PROJECT_NAME The...
4. 点击“Build Options”(构建选项)展开,勾选“Build when a linked resource changes”(当链接的资源改变时构建)和“Build if the builder is out of date”(如果构建者过时则构建)。 完成以上步骤后,你...
This is an automatically generated MAKEFILE tool. A very useful libraries. LINUX projects in Lane is a good helper.
一个在Flex中显示HTML网页的控件,当然不仅仅只这个,官方网站: http://drumbeatinsight.com/htmlcomponent 控件供述: - Extends the Adobe’s™ UIComponent class (no need to relearn a new system) - ...