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Agile Testing A Practical Guide for Testers and Agile Teams 英文epub 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除
《Agile Testing: A Practical Guide for Testers and Agile Teams》是一本深入探讨敏捷测试方法的书籍,它由具有丰富实践经验的作者编写而成。本书旨在帮助测试人员及敏捷团队成员理解如何在敏捷开发环境中有效地...
With the introduction and popularization of Agile methods of software development, existing relationships and working agreements between user experience groups and developers are being disrupted.
Engineering Software As A Service- An Agile Approach Using Cloud Computing [1ST Edition With PDF Format]
A one-semester college course in software engineering focusing on cloud computing, software as a service (SaaS), and Agile development using Extreme Programming (XP). This book is neither a step-by-...
### 敏捷方法在功能验证中的应用 #### 摘要 本文主要探讨了敏捷编程这一高度纪律化的方法论在软件工程中的应用,并特别聚焦于其如何被有效地应用于ASIC/FPGA的功能验证过程中。通过引入测试驱动开发(TDD)的概念,...
Many organizations have brought in agile coaches and achieved great progress in software development productivity, only to find teams slipping back into old methods as they encounter enterprise ...
Agile for dummies, very good article to introduce how to use agile.
Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Agile Planning Tools from Gatner.
Our idea for a book that looked at business analysis from an agile perspective, and agile from a business analysis perspective, arose following many discussions with colleagues and customers....
Proven Patterns and Techniques for Succeeding with Agile in Your Organization Agile methods promise to help you create software that delivers far more business value—and do it faster, at lower cost,...
The introduction of Agile processes for software development has brought many advantages to organizations that develop software. Relative to the preceding “Waterfall” approach, these advantages ...
### 敏捷数据库技术:为敏捷软件开发者提供有效策略 #### 概述 《敏捷数据库技术:为敏捷软件开发者提供有效策略》一书由Scott W. Ambler撰写,由John Wiley & Sons出版于2003年。本书旨在为敏捷软件开发人员提供...
Utilizing a proven Agile Enterprise Framework that encompasses governance, project and iteration management, and technical practices * Optimizing all five stages of the agile project: Envision, ...
Agile methods and approaches have become prevalent in recent years. The ideas which were identified in the realm of software product develbeyond software development into many other areas that opment ...