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The Language of Music

    A painter hangs his or her finished picture on a wall , and everyone can see it . A composer writes a work , but no one can hear it until it is performed . Professional singers and players have great responsibilities , for the composer is utterly dependent on them . The student of music needs as long and as arduous a training to become a performer as a medical student needs to become a doctor . Most training is concerned with technique , for musicians have to have the muscular proficiency of an athlete or a ballet dancer . The singers practice breathing every day , as their vocal chords would be inadequate without controlled muscular support . String players practice moving the fingers of the left hand up and down , while drawing the bow to and fro with the right arm -- two entirely different movements .



    结合视频、音频等多种媒介,可以制作出更具吸引力的英语学习材料,如通过模拟“01 The Language of Music”中的专业场景,让学生亲身体验音乐家的训练过程,增强学习的趣味性和实用性。 ### 8. 社交网络平台上的...

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    篇章01 "The Language of Music" 讨论了音乐创作与表演之间的关系,强调了演奏者的责任,因为作曲家的作品必须通过专业歌手或演奏家的演绎才能被听见。文章提到了音乐家需要像运动员或芭蕾舞者一样进行长期艰苦的...


    在文章《The Language of Music》中,作者探讨了音乐与视觉艺术的不同之处,强调了音乐家,特别是专业歌手和演奏者的重要角色。他们承担着将作曲家的无形作品转化为可听艺术的责任。音乐家的训练与医生的医学学习...


    例如,【部分内容】中的“01 The Language of Music”部分,虽然讲述的是音乐与技巧的关系,但可以联想到在英语写作中,对专业领域的深入理解和精准表达同样重要。学生需要像音乐家一样,通过反复练习来掌握语言的...

    中财英语二级背诵篇章 共十篇

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    本文选取的是该书中的第一篇文章“音乐的语言”(The Language of Music),通过对比绘画与音乐创作的不同之处,深入探讨了音乐表演艺术中的关键要素,如技巧、理解力以及表演者的责任等。 #### 音乐与视觉艺术的...


    ##### (一)《The Language of Music》 1. **音乐创作与表演的区别**: - 画家的作品完成后可以直接展示给人观看,而作曲家的作品则需要经过演奏或演唱才能被人们听见。 - 这一点强调了表演者在传达作曲家意图过程...


    其中提到的文章为《音乐的语言》(The Language of Music),通过对这篇文章的部分内容分析,我们可以总结出以下核心知识点: 1. **音乐创作与表演的区别**:音乐创作与绘画等视觉艺术的不同之处在于,音乐作品需要...


    **1.1 音乐的语言(The Language of Music)** - **音乐创作与表演的关系**:文章开篇通过比较画家与作曲家的作品展示方式,强调了音乐作品必须经过演奏或演唱才能被人们听到这一特性。这突出了专业音乐家在音乐...

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