14.1. 安装14.2. Using rules from a Seam component14.3. Using rules from a jBPM process definitionSeam makes it easy to call JBoss Rules (Drools) rulebases from Seam components or jBPM process definitions.
Seam与JBoss Rules(Drools)规则框架的结合非常简便,通过Seam components与jBPM流程定义中都能很方便地获得相关规则。
The first step is to make an instance oforg.drools.RuleBaseavailable in a Seam context variable. For testing purposes, Seam provides a built-in component that compiles a static set of rules from the classpath. You can install this component viacomponents.xml:
<drools:rule-base name="policyPricingRules">
This component compiles rules from a set of.drlfiles and caches an instance oforg.drools.RuleBasein the SeamAPPLICATIONcontext. Note that it is quite likely that you will need to install multiple rule bases in a rule-driven application.
If you want to use a Drools DSL, you alse need to specify the DSL definition:
如果你想要使用Drools DSL,那么你需要定义一下DSL:
<drools:rule-base name="policyPricingRules" dsl-file="policyPricing.dsl">
In most rules-driven applications, rules need to be dynamically deployable, so a production application will want to use a Drools RuleAgent to manage the RuleBase. The RuleAgent can connect to a Drools rule server (BRMS) or hot deploy rules packages from a local file repository. The RulesAgent-managed RuleBase is also configurable incomponents.xml:
在大多数规则驱动的程序中,规则通常需要动态部署。所以一个软件产品可能会需要使用Drools RuleAgent来管理RuleBase。RuleAgent可以连接到Drools规则服务(BRMS)或者从本地文件将规则包热部署到服务器中。这种通过RulesAgent来管理RuleBase的情况也需要在components.xml中进行相关配置:
<drools:rule-agent name="insuranceRules"configurationFile="/WEB-INF/deployedrules.properties" />
The properties file contains properties specific to the RulesAgent. Here is an example configuration file from the Drools example distribution.
name=insuranceconfigIt is also possible to configure the options on the component directly, bypassing the configuration file.
<drools:rule-agent name="insuranceRules"
configuration-name="insuranceconfig" />
Next, we need to make an instance oforg.drools.WorkingMemoryavailable to each conversation. (EachWorkingMemoryaccumulates facts relating to the current conversation.)
<drools:managed-working-memory name="policyPricingWorkingMemory" auto-create="true" rule-base="#{policyPricingRules}"/>
Notice that we gave thepolicyPricingWorkingMemorya reference back to our rule base via theruleBaseconfiguration property.
We can now inject ourWorkingMemoryinto any Seam component, assert facts, and fire rules:
我们可以直接注入一个WorkingMemory到任何一个Seam components中,然后我们就可以assert实体、执行规则:
@In WorkingMemory policyPricingWorkingMemory;
@In Policy policy;
@In Customer customer;
public void pricePolicy() throws FactException{
You can even allow a rule base to act as a jBPM action handler, decision handler, or assignment handler—in either a pageflow or business process definition.
你甚至可以通过设置,让一个rule base来充当action handler、decision handler或者assignment handler。随便是pageflow还是业务流程定义。
<decision name="approval">
<handler class="org.jboss.seam.drools.DroolsDecisionHandler">
<transition name="approved" to="ship">
<action class="org.jboss.seam.drools.DroolsActionHandler">
<transition name="rejected" to="cancelled"/>
The<assertObjects>element specifies EL expressions that return an object or collection of objects to be asserted as facts into theWorkingMemory.
There is also support for using Drools for jBPM task assignments:
<task-node name="review">
<task name="review" description="Review Order">
<assignment handler="org.jboss.seam.drools.DroolsAssignmentHandler">
<transition name="rejected" to="cancelled"/>
<transition name="approved" to="approved"/>
Certain objects are available to the rules as Drools globals, namely the jBPMAssignable, asassignableand a SeamDecisionobject, asdecision. Rules which handle decisions should calldecision.setOutcome("result")to determine the result of the decision. Rules which perform assignments should set the actor id using theAssignable.
相应的对象会被当作Drools globals使用在规则中,同时也会被当作Seam决策对象在jBPM中被指定。进行相关决策的规则可以调用decision.setOutcome("result")来判断决策的结果。而充当分配者的规则也使用这个Assignable来设置参与者id。
package org.jboss.seam.examples.shop
import org.jboss.seam.drools.Decision
global Decision decision
rule "Approve Order For Loyal Customer"
Customer( loyaltyStatus == "GOLD" )
Order( totalAmount <= 10000 )
endpackage org.jboss.seam.examples.shop
import org.jbpm.taskmgmt.exe.Assignable
global Assignable assignable
rule "Assign Review For Small Order"
Order( totalAmount <= 100 )
assignable.setPooledActors( new String[] {"reviewers"} );
end注意You can find out more about Drools athttp://www.drools.org
警告Seam comes with enough of Drools' dependencies to implement some simple rules. If you want to add extra capabilities to Drools you should download the full distribution and add in extra dependencies as needed.
提示Drools comes with MVEL compiled for Java 1.4, which is compatible with Java 1.4, Java 5 and Java 6. You may want to change your MVEL jar with one compiled for the version of Java you are using
Drools包含的MVEL是使用Java 1.4编译的,能够适用于Java 1.4、Java 5和Java 6版本的环境。如果你需要改变你的MVEL jar包来符合你使用的Java版本。
2. **JBossTools**:JBossTools是Red Hat开发的一套Eclipse插件集,包含了针对JBoss相关技术如JSF、Hibernate、Seam、jBPM等的开发工具。它提供了对这些技术的集成开发、调试和部署支持,帮助开发者更高效地进行企业...
例如,Seam与jBPM、JBoss Rules(Drools)、JBoss Portal和JBoss Microcontainer等框架的整合,既保持了各框架的原有功能,又提升了整体的效能。 Seam还特别关注ORM的使用。由于大多数Web框架并未为ORM设计,所以在...
- **JBoss Rules/Drools集成**:通过与JBoss Rules(现称为Drools)的整合,Seam支持规则驱动的业务逻辑开发。这对于那些需要高度定制化的业务逻辑的应用尤其有用。 - **JBoss Portal集成**:Seam与JBoss Portal的...
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### JBoss Seam 教程知识点概述 #### 一、Seam简介与教程概览 - **Seam**:一个基于Java EE平台的应用框架,旨在简化企业级应用开发。 - **JBoss Seam**:由JBoss提供的Seam实现,提供了一系列功能强大的工具和...
除了整合EJB 3.0和JSF之外,Seam还能够扩展其他一系列开源框架,例如jBPM、JBoss Rules (Drools)、JBoss Portal 和 JBoss Microcontainer等。这不仅使得Seam能够成为一个高度集成的平台,还能够利用这些框架的功能来...
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标题:JBoss Seam入门介绍 描述:本文将详细介绍JBoss Seam框架的核心概念、关键特性以及如何构建基于Seam的应用程序。Seam作为一个企业级Java Web应用框架,它将Java EE和JSF无缝集成,旨在填补Java EE 5.0中缺失...
**JBoss Seam 中文文档集合概述** JBoss Seam 是一个开源的应用框架,它结合了JavaServer Faces (JSF)、Java Persistence API (JPA)、Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) 3.0 和其他Java EE组件,旨在简化企业级开发。这个...
**JBoss Seam组件中文手册** **一、Seam框架概述** Seam是一个开源的企业级Java框架,由JBoss公司开发,旨在简化Java EE应用程序的开发。它将多种技术如JavaServer Faces (JSF),Java Persistence API (JPA),EJB 3...
### JBoss Seam中文版知识点详解 #### JBoss Seam简介 JBoss Seam是一个强大的企业级应用开发框架,基于Java EE标准,特别强调简化Web应用的开发流程。它通过整合多种技术如JSF、EJB 3.0等,提供了一种更为高效、...
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3. **与其他开源框架集成**:Seam可以与jBPM、JBoss Rules(Drools)、JBoss Portal、JBoss Microcontainer等众多开源框架无缝集成,不仅简化了集成过程,还能增强原有框架的功能。 4. **平台兼容性**:尽管Seam...
标题中的“Jboss seam3 实战”表明,本文将重点介绍JBoss Seam框架的第三个版本的实际应用。JBoss Seam是一个开源的Java EE框架,它通过依赖注入和会话模型,简化了基于Java EE的企业级应用开发。Seam框架为开发者...
这是中文手册,Seam为持久化集成了JPA和Hibernate 3,为轻量化的异步性集成了EJB Timer Service和Quartz,为工作流集成了jBPM,为业务规则集成了JBoss规则,为电子邮件集成了Meldware Mail,为完整的文本搜索集成了...
【JBoss Seam 2.0文档详解】 JBoss Seam 是一个开源的企业级开发框架,它旨在简化Java EE应用的开发过程,特别是在Web和富互联网应用程序(Rich Internet Applications, RIA)领域。Seam 2.0是其重要的版本,提供了...