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public static <T super B> ...
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pr ...
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利用Filter进行HBase查询 -
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利用Filter进行HBase查询 -
jsessionid是Java Web Server(即Servlet/JSP Server)中为了防止客户端屏蔽cookie而在URL中放置的sessionid的统称。支持Servlet标准的Web容器,例如Tomcat,都支持以URL重写的方式在URL中加入jsessionid。目前在大量的网站中都有用到,但是其存在的一些问题被越来越多的人认为是有害的,并且建议不适用jsessionid。
The solution is to create a servlet filter which will intercept calls to HttpServletRequest.encodeURL() and skip the generation of session identifiers. This will require a servlet engine that implements the Servlet API version 2.3 or later (J2EE 1.3 for you enterprise folks). Let's start with a basic servlet filter:
We don't need to be concerned with the init() and destroy() methods; let's focus on doFilter(). First, let's exit quickly if for some reason the current request is non-HTTP, and cast the request and response objects to their HTTP-specific equivalents:
Next, let's invalidate any sessions that are backed by a URL-encoded session id. This prevents an attacker from generating a valid link. Just because we won't be generating session-encoded links doesn't mean someone else won't try:
To disable the default URL-encoding functionality, we need to wrap the existing HttpServletResponse object. Fortunately, the Servlet API provides just such a class ready-made in HttpServletResponseWrapper. We could subclass it to provide our own handling, but this is a trivial enough change that an anonymous inner class will do nicely:
You may notice that we have overridden four methods, not one. encodeRedirectURL is used to encode redirected URLs, which can sometimes require different logic to determine if session identifiers are required. The other two methods are deprecated, but are included here for completeness.
Finally, we need to pass the original request and our response wrapper to the next filter in the chain:
Our servlet filter is now written, but we still need to tell our servlet container about it. For this, we need to add the following to web.xml:
This registers our filter with the servlet container, and maps it to all requests. For best results, the filter mapping should be placed above any other filter mappings to prevent any calls to encodeURL from slipping through.
Update: http://boncey.org/2007_1_8_purging_jsessionid This site offers some additional advice using mod_rewrite.
Improved Session Tracking:http://www.mojavelinux.com/blog/archives/2006/09/improved_session_tracking/
- Every link on your site needs manual intervention Cookieless sessions are achieved in Java by appending a string of the format ;jsessionid=SESSION_IDENTIFIER to the end of a URL. To do this, all links emitted by your website need to be passed through either HttpServletRequest.encodeURL(), either directly or through mechanisms such as the JSTL <c:out /> tag. Failure to do this for even a single link can result in your users losing their session forever.
- Using URL-encoded sessions can damage your search engine placement To prevent abuse, search engines such as Google associate web content with a single URL, and penalize sites which have identical content reachable from multiple, unique URLs. Because a URL-encoded session is unique per visit, multiple visits by the same search engine bot will return identical content with different URLs. This is not an uncommon problem; a test search for ;jsessionid in URLs returned around 79 million search results.
- It's a security risk Because the session identifier is included in the URL, an attacker could potentially impersonate a victim by getting the victim to follow a session-encoded URL to your site. If the victim logs in, the attacker is logged in as well - exposing any personal or confidential information the victim has access to. This can be mitigated somewhat by using short timeouts on sessions, but that tends to annoy legitimate users.
The solution is to create a servlet filter which will intercept calls to HttpServletRequest.encodeURL() and skip the generation of session identifiers. This will require a servlet engine that implements the Servlet API version 2.3 or later (J2EE 1.3 for you enterprise folks). Let's start with a basic servlet filter:
package com.randomcoder.security; import java.io.IOException; import javax.servlet.*; import javax.servlet.http.*; public class DisableUrlSessionFilter implements Filter { public void doFilter( ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException { // TODO add filter logic here } public void init(FilterConfig config) throws ServletException {} public void destroy() {} }
We don't need to be concerned with the init() and destroy() methods; let's focus on doFilter(). First, let's exit quickly if for some reason the current request is non-HTTP, and cast the request and response objects to their HTTP-specific equivalents:
if (!(request instanceof HttpServletRequest)) { chain.doFilter(request, response); return; } HttpServletRequest httpRequest = (HttpServletRequest) request; HttpServletResponse httpResponse = (HttpServletResponse) response;
Next, let's invalidate any sessions that are backed by a URL-encoded session id. This prevents an attacker from generating a valid link. Just because we won't be generating session-encoded links doesn't mean someone else won't try:
if (httpRequest.isRequestedSessionIdFromURL()) { HttpSession session = httpRequest.getSession(); if (session != null) session.invalidate(); }
To disable the default URL-encoding functionality, we need to wrap the existing HttpServletResponse object. Fortunately, the Servlet API provides just such a class ready-made in HttpServletResponseWrapper. We could subclass it to provide our own handling, but this is a trivial enough change that an anonymous inner class will do nicely:
HttpServletResponseWrapper wrappedResponse = new HttpServletResponseWrapper(httpResponse) { public String encodeRedirectUrl(String url) { return url; } public String encodeRedirectURL(String url) { return url; } public String encodeUrl(String url) { return url; } public String encodeURL(String url) { return url; } };
You may notice that we have overridden four methods, not one. encodeRedirectURL is used to encode redirected URLs, which can sometimes require different logic to determine if session identifiers are required. The other two methods are deprecated, but are included here for completeness.
Finally, we need to pass the original request and our response wrapper to the next filter in the chain:
chain.doFilter(request, wrappedResponse);
Our servlet filter is now written, but we still need to tell our servlet container about it. For this, we need to add the following to web.xml:
<filter> <filter-name> DisableUrlSessionFilter </filter-name> <filter-class> com.randomcoder.security.DisableUrlSessionFilter </filter-class> </filter> ... <filter-mapping> <filter-name>DisableUrlSessionFilter</filter-name> <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern> </filter-mapping>
This registers our filter with the servlet container, and maps it to all requests. For best results, the filter mapping should be placed above any other filter mappings to prevent any calls to encodeURL from slipping through.
Update: http://boncey.org/2007_1_8_purging_jsessionid This site offers some additional advice using mod_rewrite.
Improved Session Tracking:http://www.mojavelinux.com/blog/archives/2006/09/improved_session_tracking/
- jsessionid_considered_harmful.rar (2.5 KB)
- 下载次数: 30
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为了解决这个问题,需要在`weblogic.xml`配置文件中添加`session-descriptor`节点,定义新的Session ID名称,如`JSESSIONID1`,并设置适当的Session管理参数。示例如下: ```xml <context-root>/ynwjnw ...
因此,在设计解决方案时,应考虑目标用户群体使用的浏览器类型,以确保兼容性和用户体验。 通过上述策略的应用,可以有效解决IFrame环境下Session丢失的问题,提高Web应用的稳定性和安全性。然而,开发者还需持续...
本文将探讨这个问题的原因以及两种可能的解决方案。 **问题分析** 登录前后Cookie不一致的问题可能由以下几个原因引起: 1. **Session ID冲突**:在用户登录过程中,服务器可能会分配一个新的Session ID,但...
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**Cookie** Cookie是一种在客户端和服务器之间传递信息的技术。...以上就是Cookie和Session的基本概念、创建、使用以及常见问题的解决方案。理解并熟练掌握这两者,对于开发Web应用程序至关重要。
【Resin常见有关问题详解】 Resin是一款由CAUCHO公司开发的高性能Web服务器和应用服务器,它专门支持Servlets和JSP,并以其快速的处理能力而...理解这些常见问题及其解决策略,有助于提升Resin服务器的稳定性和性能。
然而,由于浏览器兼容性问题或安全需求,有时我们需要在不同浏览器间手动处理JSESSIONID。 在Internet Explorer(IE)和非IE浏览器(如Chrome、Firefox)之间转换JSESSIONID时,需要注意以下几点: 1. **Cookie...
这种解决方案可以在Nginx不能直接获取客户端IP或需要更精确控制session分配的情况下提供更好的灵活性。需要注意的是,使用upstream_hash需要确保Nginx版本支持,并且可能需要安装和配置额外的模块。 总结来说,处理...