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Sample in Rails 2.0

  • ror

Depot Sample in Rails 2.0, Step 1

关键字: depot, rails2.0

Depot for MySQL5.0, Rails2.0 in WindowXP,
# means comments, Hope you can enjoy it.

Objective: To build the basic skeleton of depot

1. create depot rails project
rails depot

2. edit config/database.yml
  adapter: mysql
  database: depot_development
  username: root
  password: admin

  adapter: mysql
  database: depot_test
  username: root
  password: admin

  adapter: mysql
  database: depot_production
  username: root
  password: admin

3. create database defined in database.yml
rake db:drop:all #drop database defined in database.yml
rake db:create:all #create database defined in database.yml
rake db:version #print database version

#rake db:rollback #rollback database to last version, do not need to type this in this sample

4. create product RESTful
ruby script/generate scaffold product title:string description:text image_url:string
#Remember now that Rails 2.0 is RESTful by default. The only difference here is that the ‘scaffold’ behaves like the ‘scaffold_resource’ we had before, and the old non-RESTful scaffold is gone. You also don’t have the ActionController class method ‘scaffold’ that dynamically populated your empty controller with default actions. So, everything scaffold we do is RESTful now. It will create the usual suspects: Controller, Helper, Model, Migration, Unit Test, Functional Test.
#Please check app/controllers/products_controller.rb for confirm

5. Migrate product into database.
rake db:migrate
#Please check the coressponding database with the table named "products" for confirm

6. start Webrick server.
ruby script/server

7. test depot in web browser.

Depot Sample in Rails 2.0, Step 2

关键字: rails2.0 depot
Objective: To add a new column in pre-built product

1. create a migration task: add a column for product
ruby script/generate migration add_price

2. edit db/migrate/*****_add_price.rb
class AddPrice < ActiveRecord::Migration

          def self.up

            add_column  :products,  :price, :decimal, :precision => 8,  :scale => 2, :default => 0


          def self.down

            remove_column :products,  :price



3. migrate the new product into database
rake db:migrate
#Please confirm coressponding table in database.

4. rebuild scaffold product
ruby script/destroy scaffold product
ruby script/generate scaffold product title:string price:float description:text image_url:string

#the scaffold product should be automatically rebuilt, but actually it did not on my machine. If someone can help me out, appreciate.

5. start Webrick server.
ruby script/server

6. test depot in web browser.

Depot Sample in Rails 2.0, Step 3

关键字: rails2.0 depot
Objective: To add validation for product input

1. add validation for product
class Product < ActiveRecord::Base


          validates_presence_of :title, :description, :image_url


          validates_numericality_of :price


          validate :price_must_be_at_least_a_cent

          validates_uniqueness_of :title

          validates_format_of :image_url,

                              :with    => %r{\.(gif|jpg|png)$}i,

                              :message => 'must be a URL for GIF, JPG ' + 'or PNG image.(gif|jpg|png)'


          def price_must_be_at_least_a_cent

            errors.add(:price, 'should be at least 0.01') if price.nil? ||

                               price < 0.01



2. That is it?!  That is it!!! Just try it, you even do not need to restart server!   ,my dear J2EE...

Depot Sample in Rails 2.0, Step 4

关键字: rails2.0 depot
Objective: To decorate HTML page

1. add some test data
ruby script/generate migration add_test_data

2. edit db/migrate/*****_add_test_data.rb
class AddTestData < ActiveRecord::Migration

          def self.up


            Product.create(:title => 'Pragmatic Project Automation',

            :description => 


               <em>Pragmatic Project Automation</em> shows you how to improve the 

               consistency and repeatability of your project's procedures using 

               automation to reduce risk and errors.



                Simply put, we're going to put this thing called a computer to work 

                for you doing the mundane (but important) project stuff. That means 

                you'll have more time and energy to do the really 

                exciting---and difficult---stuff, like writing quality code.


            :image_url =>   '/images/auto.jpg',    

            :price => 29.95)

            Product.create(:title => 'Pragmatic Version Control',

              :description =>


                 This book is a recipe-based approach to using Subversion that will 

                 get you up and running quickly---and correctly. All projects need

                 version control: it's a foundational piece of any project's 

                 infrastructure. Yet half of all project teams in the U.S. don't use

                 any version control at all. Many others don't use it well, and end 

                 up experiencing time-consuming problems.


            :image_url => '/images/svn.jpg',

            :price => 28.50)

            Product.create(:title => 'Pragmatic Unit Testing (C#)',

            :description => 


                Pragmatic programmers use feedback to drive their development and 

                personal processes. The most valuable feedback you can get while 

                coding comes from unit testing.



                Without good tests in place, coding can become a frustrating game of 

                "whack-a-mole." That's the carnival game where the player strikes at a 

                mechanical mole; it retreats and another mole pops up on the opposite side 

                of the field. The moles pop up and down so fast that you end up flailing 

                your mallet helplessly as the moles continue to pop up where you least 

                expect them.


            :image_url => '/images/utc.jpg',

            :price => 27.75)


          def self.down




#%{...} is same as "", but used for long string(text)

3. insert test data into database
Please delete the db/migrate/*****_add_price.rb first, Or it will be executed and a MySQL exception will be thrown.
rake db:migrate
#Please check coressponding table in database for confirm

4. pick "files.rar" from attachment
copy depot.css into public/stylesheets
copy images into public/images
copy index.html.erb into app/views/products

5. edit stylesheet_link_tag of app/views/layouts/products.html.erb
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

        <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">


          <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8" />

          <title>Products: <%= controller.action_name %></title>

          <%= stylesheet_link_tag 'scaffold', 'depot' %>



        <p style="color: green"><%= flash[:notice] %></p>

        <%= yield  %>



6. try it.


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