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Basic VI comannd.

Basic VI command - VI Shortcut Keys

Enter Text

i Insert text left of cursor

a Append text right of cursor

Editing Text

x Delete selected character

nx Delete n characters from selected characters

X Delete all character before cursor

dw Delete word

ndw (eg 3dw) Delete n words

dd Delete line

ndd Delete n lines

D Delete characters from cursor to end of line

r Replace character under cursor

cw Replace a word

ncw Replace n words

C Change text from cursor to end of line

o Insert blank line below cursor (ready for insertion)

O Insert blank line above cursor (ready for insertion)

J Join succeeding line to current cursor line

nJ Join n succeeding lines to current cursor line

u Undo last change

U Restore current line

Navigating Text

H Move left one space

j Move down one line

k Move up one line

l Move right one space

w Forward word by word

b Backward word by word

$ Moveto end of line

0 (zero) Move to beginning of line

H Move to top line of screen

M Move to middle line of screen

L Move to last line of screen

G Move to last line of file

1G Move to first line of file

<Control>f Scroll forward one screen

<Control>b Scroll backward one screen

<Control>d Scroll down one-half screen

<Control>u Scroll up one-half screen

n Repeat last search in same direction

N Repeat last search in opposite direction

Save and Close File

ZZ Save file and then quit

:w Save file

:q! Discard changes and quit file
Search & Replace

/i Search for a pattern which will you take you to the next occurrence of it.

?i Search for a pattern which will you take you to the previous occurrence of it.

* Go to the next occurrence of the current word under the cursor.

# Go to the previous occurrence of the current word under the cursor.

% Go to the matching braces, or parenthesis inside code.

:s/searchStr/newStr/g Search and replace all occurrences of searchStr in a line

:s/searchStr/newStr/gi Search and replace all occurrences of searchStr in a line (case insensative)

:%s/searchStr/newStr/g Search all lines and replace all occurrences of searchStr in a line with newStr

:%s/searchStr/newStr/gc Search and replace all occurrences of searchStr in all lines interactively. It will highlight the search string and ask you to replace it or move to next search string




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