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CVS command for Project codes Management

Now I will write down some commands of cvs. I have used it about six months, and want to share them with everyone.

Ok,the following is the normal cvs command on the command line.

1. cvs update -d -P -C
   you can use them like "cvs up -d -P", "cvs up -C", and up stands for "update"

2. cvs commit -m "comments" filename
   you can use them like "cvs ci -m "" test.txt", and ci stands for "commit". some comments can be written in the double quote.

3. cvs add -kb filename
   you can use them like "cvs add text.txt" or "cvs add -kb test.gif" for the images , Microsoft word document and so on. when the binary files will be added into the cvs, you must take the -kb into the command.

4. cvs checkout projectPath
   when you enter into the project team, firstly the project codes must be got from the cvs or other tools. In the cvs this command will be used to get the codes.you can use it like "cvs co porject" and the co stands for "checkout".

5. cvs diff -u4 filename
   If you want to know your local files have what difference with the cvs server's files, this command will do it.

6. cvs rm filename
   If some files are useless and need be deleted, you can use this command. but firstly  the "rm filename" command will be executed .And then you can delete this file completely.

7. cvs diff -r1.2 -r1.4 filename
   you will know the difference of any two version file throught this command is done.

8. cvs update -p -r1.2 filename
   If this command is executed, you will get the old version of the file. you forget adding the "-p", however, get the file added the "stick tag", and you can use "cvs up -A" to tackle it.

So some commands are written down here. The following days it will be perfect and more commands will be explained here.

Thank you for your coming.



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