daminen rice
Still a little bit of your taste in my mouth
Still a little bit of you laced with my doubt
Still a little hard to say what's going on
Still a little bit of your ghost your witness
Still a little bit of your face I haven't kissed
You step a little closer each day
that I can't say what's going on
Stones taught me to fly
Love taught me to lie
Life taught me to die
So it's not hard to fall
When you float like a cannonball
Still a little bit of your song in my ear
Still a little bit of your words I long to hear
You step a little closer to me
So close that I can't see what's going on
Stones taught me to fly
Love taught me to lie
Life taught me to die
So it's not hard to fall
When you float like a cannonball
Stones taught me to fly
Love taught me to cry
So come on courage! Teach me to be shy
'Cause it's not hard to fall
And I don't wana scare her
It's not hard to fall
]And I don't wanna lose
It's not hard to grow
When you know that you just don't know
Everything Will Flow
Watch the early morning sun,
drip like blood from the day,
See the busy people run,
so many games to play
See the blue suburban dream,
under the jet plane sky,
Sleep away and dream a dream
Life is just a lullaby
Ahh, and everything will flow
Ahh, you know everything will flow
Watch the day begin again,
Whispering into the night,
See the pretty people play,
Hurrying under the light,
A million cars, a million trains,
Under the jet plane sky
Nothing lost and nothing gained
Life is just a lullaby
Ahh, and everything will flow
Ahh, I said everything will flow
Ahh, you know everything will flow
Ahh, and everything will flow
Ahh, you know everything will flow
The neon lights in the night tonight
will say "everything will flow"
The stars that shine in the open sky
will say "everything will flow"
The lovers kissed with an openness
will say "everything will flow"
The cars parked in the hypermarket
know "everything will flow"
Black Star
i get home from work and you're still standing in your dressing gown
well what am i to do?
i know all the things around your head and what they do to you.
what are we coming to?
what are we gonna do?
blame it on the black star
blame it on the falling sky
blame it on the satellite that beams me home.
the troubled words of a troubled mind i try to understand what is eating you.
i try to stay awake but its 58hours since that i last slept with you.
what are we coming to?
i just don't know anymore.
blame it on the black star
blame it on the falling sky
blame it on the satellite that beams me home
i get on the train and i just stand about now that i don't think of you.
i keep falling over i keep passing out when i see a face like you.
what am i coming to?
i'm gonna melt down
blame it on the black star
blame it on the falling sky
blame it on the satellite that beams me home.
this is killing me
this is killing me
在2021年版本的QQ音乐中,用户可以轻松地下载自己喜欢的歌曲以及同步下载歌词,使得听歌时能更好地享受音乐带来的乐趣。下面我们将详细介绍如何在QQ音乐2021版中同时下载歌曲和歌词。 首先,你需要找到你想下载的...
这些信息是匹配歌词的关键,因为每首歌的歌词都是基于艺术家和歌曲名称进行分类的。 2. **发送请求**:根据识别到的歌曲信息,千千静听向歌词服务器发送一个HTTP请求,请求中包含了歌曲的相关元数据,如艺术家名、...
这篇文档实际上是一篇学生的作文,描述了他们在音乐课上学习并喜欢上一首歌的过程。从中我们可以提炼出几个与音乐教育和歌曲欣赏相关的知识点: 1. **音乐教学方式**:文中提到,音乐老师通过弹奏曲谱让学生唱歌,...
再加上人在国外很多歌曲都仅限中国大陆地区播放,所以楼主又回到了本地听歌的时代,把歌曲放在群晖 Audio Station 上。 mora.jp上的一首免费歌曲,索尼手机卖萌用mora.jp上的一首免费歌曲,索尼手机卖萌用 这样歌词...
而且它会自动将歌词下载到本地,这样下次您再听这首歌曲是,就不用再下载了,可以节省网络带宽和您的上网费用。迷你歌词支持多种播放器,包括winamp2、winamp3、winamp5、windows media player 9.0(10.0)、foobar...
孩子们尤其喜欢这首歌,不仅仅因为它欢快的旋律,还因为它能够激发他们的想象力,让他们憧憬在雪地上尽情玩耍的情景。 通过学习“Jingle Bells”的歌词,我们不仅可以更好地融入西方的圣诞文化,还能提升我们的英语...
这样的工具可以节省大量时间,特别是对于拥有大量歌曲收藏的人来说,手动查找和添加每首歌的歌词会非常耗时。 批量下载歌词的工具通常工作原理是通过搜索网络上的歌词数据库,找到匹配的歌曲和歌词,然后将它们保存...
例如`[00:15.00]`表示这首歌在15秒处有对应的歌词出现。 除了时间标签之外,LRC文件还可能包含一些额外的信息,如歌曲标题、艺术家等,这些信息放在时间标签之前,例如: ``` [ti:Delphi程序之LRC歌词文件显示] [ar...
她们喜欢的歌曲中,“中国话”、“我只在乎你”和“小城故事”等作品,都巧妙地将传统文化元素与流行音乐相结合,表达了对祖国和家乡的深厚情感。 那个时代的社会氛围和青年精神也通过一些歌曲得以显现,比如“大海...
这首歌曲《Traveling Light》由Joel Hanson & Sara Groves演唱,是一首充满哲理的乡村音乐作品,发行于2002年的专辑《what If it is》中。歌词描绘了一个人从重负中解脱,找到内心自由的过程,对生活中的压力、挫折...
而“同步歌词”功能则是这种播放器的一个重要组成部分,它允许用户在音乐播放的同时看到逐句滚动的歌词,增强了听歌的体验。在这个场景中,我们将深入探讨网页音乐播放器同步歌词的实现原理和技术细节。 首先,我们...
此外,可以考虑将歌词数据结构化,例如使用`Lyric`类来存储每首歌的歌词信息,包括歌曲名、艺术家、歌词文本等,便于进一步处理和展示。 总的来说,C#提供了强大的工具来实现MP3歌词的搜索、下载和管理。通过使用`...
4. **Cry On My Shoulder** - German TV Show:这首歌出自德国的一个选秀节目,是一首鼓舞人心的歌曲,具有宽广的和声和感人的歌词。 5. **Apologize** - Timbaland:由OneRepublic创作,Timbaland混音,这首歌因其...