Order Type
35 = 8 à D à New Order Request; F à Cancel Request; 8 à Execution Report; 9 à Cancel Reject
All ids
11=1BPnBE4ua.60FjQF à clientOrderId
41=1BPnBE4ua.60FjQF à original client Order Id.
(When sending out a cancel request, tell which order to cancel)
37= VP10000005493 à xsvc Order Id
-34=490f02fb02a2cca3 à exchange order Id
Order nature
1=HOHF à Account
14=CumQty à Cumulative Quantity. total execuated qty so far
38=30.0 à Order Quantity.
39=0 à Order Status.
0, New;
1, Partially filled;
2, Filled;
3, Done for day;
4, Canceled;
5, Replaced;
6, PendingCancel;
7, Stopped;
8, Rejected;
9, Suspended;
A, PendingNew;
B, Calculated;
C, Expired;
D, Accepted for bidding;
E, Pending Replace(from order cancel/replace request)
40=2 à OrderType 2=LIMIT
44=5.03 à Price
52=20090611-11:45:16.203 à SendingTime
54=1 à Side 1= BUY
55=CHT82.50G9 à Symbol
59=0 à Time in force. 0 = day
60=20090611-11:45:16.203à Transaction Time
77=O à OpenClose. O -> open, Cà close
Instrument nature
167=OPT à SecurityType. OPT means option
200=200907 à MaturityMonthYear
201=1 à 0, PUT; 1, CALL
202=82.5 à StrickPrice
205=73 à Matuirty Day
Sender nature
49=VIPER à Sender Component ID
50=OMM01 à Sender Sub Id
56=XSVC à Target Component ID
9103=M1 à MM order
102=1 à CancelReject reason
9003=A à CustomExchangeStatus. A à Accepted by Exchange
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TeraCopy shows failed file transfers and lets you fix the problem and recopy only problem files. Shell integration. TeraCopy can completely replace Explorer copy and move functions, allowing you ...
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