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可以说是超级简单的Demo了,可惜没有演示设值注入和构造注入两 ...
模拟spring中的ClassPathXmlApplicationContext类的实现 -
[flash=200,200][img][url][list] ...
spring security进级篇 V 自定义标签控制显示 -
zk组件开发指南(目录) -
容我说一句 在座的各位都是垃圾 spring 3.2以后的@C ...
三. spring mvc 异常统一处理 -
二 基于Spring的异常体系处理
我没有使用hibernate,而是自己写sql去查询。直接用spring jdbcTemplate就挺好的。jdbcTemplate.query(sql, RowMapper);方法能够传回Map,所以,封装如下方法:
- public List<Object> queryForListExp(String sql, Class<?> entityClass){
- if (logger.isDebugEnabled()){
- logger.debug("queryForListExp sql =" + sql + ", entityClass="+ entityClass);
- }
- return super.query(sql, new RowMapperImpl(entityClass)) ;
- }
public List<Object> queryForListExp(String sql, Class<?> entityClass){ if (logger.isDebugEnabled()){ logger.debug("queryForListExp sql =" + sql + ", entityClass="+ entityClass); } return super.query(sql, new RowMapperImpl(entityClass)) ; }
- protected class RowMapperImpl implements RowMapper {
- private final Class<?> clazz;
- public RowMapperImpl(Class<?> clazz) {
- if (logger.isDebugEnabled()){
- logger.debug("Initial RowMap "+clazz);
- }
- this.clazz = clazz;
- }
- public Object mapRow(ResultSet rs, int Index) throws SQLException {
- Object newEntity = null;
- try {
- newEntity = clazz.newInstance();
- // logger.info("newEntity="+newEntity);
- } catch (Exception e1) {
- if (logger.isErrorEnabled()){
- logger.error("Fetching resultset to Entity"+clazz);
- }
- throw new RuntimeException("方法映射时出现异常:"+e1.toString(), e1);
- }
- // 根据map将取出来
- ///Map<String, Field> map = getColumnMap(clazz);
- Map<String, Field> map = getColumnMap(clazz, rs);
- Set<String> columns = map.keySet();
- int mycolIdx=0;
- for (String column : columns) {
- Field field = map.get(column);
- try {
- mycolIdx = rs.findColumn(column);
- setFieldValue(newEntity, field, rs.getObject(column));
- } catch (SQLException e){
- throw new SQLException("结果集合中列 "+ column+ " 不存在,或者有异常", e);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- if (logger.isErrorEnabled()){
- logger.error("Fetching resultset to Entity"+clazz);
- }
- e.printStackTrace();
- throw new RuntimeException("方法映射时出现异常2:"+e.toString(), e);
- }
- }
- return newEntity;
- }
- }
protected class RowMapperImpl implements RowMapper { private final Class<?> clazz; public RowMapperImpl(Class<?> clazz) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()){ logger.debug("Initial RowMap "+clazz); } this.clazz = clazz; } public Object mapRow(ResultSet rs, int Index) throws SQLException { Object newEntity = null; try { newEntity = clazz.newInstance(); // logger.info("newEntity="+newEntity); } catch (Exception e1) { if (logger.isErrorEnabled()){ logger.error("Fetching resultset to Entity"+clazz); } throw new RuntimeException("方法映射时出现异常:"+e1.toString(), e1); } // 根据map将取出来 ///Map<String, Field> map = getColumnMap(clazz); Map<String, Field> map = getColumnMap(clazz, rs); Set<String> columns = map.keySet(); int mycolIdx=0; for (String column : columns) { Field field = map.get(column); try { mycolIdx = rs.findColumn(column); setFieldValue(newEntity, field, rs.getObject(column)); } catch (SQLException e){ throw new SQLException("结果集合中列 "+ column+ " 不存在,或者有异常", e); } catch (Exception e) { if (logger.isErrorEnabled()){ logger.error("Fetching resultset to Entity"+clazz); } e.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException("方法映射时出现异常2:"+e.toString(), e); } } return newEntity; } }
现在,关心的就是sql如何写的问题了,sql中支持row_number() over()查询出行号,所以,我要实现分页功能,首先就是要实现按照resultset的指定行查询。
- select * from (
- select row_number() over() as rnum,g.* from T_City as g ) as a
- where rnum between 100 and 300
select * from ( select row_number() over() as rnum,g.* from T_City as g ) as a where rnum between 100 and 300
- private static String SQL_COUNT="select count(*) from T_City where 1=1";
- private static String SQL_BY_ROW="select * from (";
- private static String sql="select row_number() over() as rnum,c.* from T_City as c";
- public List<TCity> findByOption(Integer noFrom, Integer noTo) {
- String mysql=SQL_BY_ROW+sql+" ) as a where rnum between "+noFrom+" and "+noTo;
- return super.queryForList(mysql);
- }
- public Integer findCount(String option) {
- return super.getDtjdbcTemplate().queryForInt(SQL_COUNT);
- }
private static String SQL_COUNT="select count(*) from T_City where 1=1"; private static String SQL_BY_ROW="select * from ("; private static String sql="select row_number() over() as rnum,c.* from T_City as c"; public List<TCity> findByOption(Integer noFrom, Integer noTo) { String mysql=SQL_BY_ROW+sql+" ) as a where rnum between "+noFrom+" and "+noTo; return super.queryForList(mysql); } public Integer findCount(String option) { return super.getDtjdbcTemplate().queryForInt(SQL_COUNT); }
- <zk xmlns="http://www.zkoss.org/2005/zul"
- xmlns:h="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
- xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
- xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.zkoss.org/2005/zul http://www.zkoss.org/2005/zul/zul.xsd">
- <window title="list" border="normal" id="win_AutoListbox" use="test.component.WinAutoListbox" width="100%" height="100%">
- <vbox>
- <div id="div_AutoList" align="left" width="600px" height="300px" />
- <hbox>
- <button label="Show" id="btn_Show" />
- </hbox>
- </vbox>
- </window>
- </zk>
<zk xmlns="http://www.zkoss.org/2005/zul" xmlns:h="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.zkoss.org/2005/zul http://www.zkoss.org/2005/zul/zul.xsd"> <window title="list" border="normal" id="win_AutoListbox" use="test.component.WinAutoListbox" width="100%" height="100%"> <vbox> <div id="div_AutoList" align="left" width="600px" height="300px" /> <hbox> <button label="Show" id="btn_Show" /> </hbox> </vbox> </window> </zk>
查询前先执行Integer rowCount=cityservice.findCount("");,获取本次查询resultset的总行数。
- public class WinAutoListbox extends Window implements AfterCompose{
- static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(WinAutoListbox.class);
- private Button btn_Show;
- private Div div_AutoList;
- private AutoListbox<TCity> autolistbox;
- private CityService cityservice;
- @Override
- public void afterCompose() {
- Components.wireVariables(this, this);
- Components.addForwards(this, this);
- cityservice = (CityService) BeanHelper.getBean("base_CityServiceImpl");
- autolistbox=new AutoListbox(TCity.class,div_AutoList);
- }
- public void onClick$btn_Show(){
- Integer rowCount=cityservice.findCount("");
- Method method;
- try {
- method = cityservice.getClass().getMethod("findByRow",new Class[]{Integer.class, Integer.class});
- autolistbox.beginQuery(rowCount,cityservice,method);
- } catch (SecurityException e) {
- // TODO Auto-generated catch block
- e.printStackTrace();
- } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
- // TODO Auto-generated catch block
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
public class WinAutoListbox extends Window implements AfterCompose{ static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(WinAutoListbox.class); private Button btn_Show; private Div div_AutoList; private AutoListbox<TCity> autolistbox; private CityService cityservice; @Override public void afterCompose() { Components.wireVariables(this, this); Components.addForwards(this, this); cityservice = (CityService) BeanHelper.getBean("base_CityServiceImpl"); autolistbox=new AutoListbox(TCity.class,div_AutoList); } public void onClick$btn_Show(){ Integer rowCount=cityservice.findCount(""); Method method; try { method = cityservice.getClass().getMethod("findByRow",new Class[]{Integer.class, Integer.class}); autolistbox.beginQuery(rowCount,cityservice,method); } catch (SecurityException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } }
- public class AutoListbox<T> {
- private final static String HEADER_TO_COL_SPLIT="_";
- private int PAGE_SIZE=10;
- /*databean.class*/
- private Class<T> _clazz;
- /*_clazz.Fields*/
- private Map<String, Field> _beanFieldMap;
- /* 需要显示的结果集 */
- private List<T> _lstrs;
- private Listbox _listbox;
- private Paging _paging;
- private Listhead _listhead;
- /*执行查询的类和方法*/
- private Object objQueryClazz;
- private Method objQueryMethod;
- private Integer _totalrows=0;
- public AutoListbox(Class<T> clazz, Component comp){
- super();
- this._clazz=clazz;
- this._beanFieldMap=getBeanFields(this._clazz);
- this._listbox=new Listbox();
- this._listhead=new Listhead();
- this._paging=new Paging(); ///new Paging();
- this._btnColumnsEditor=new Button();
- this._listbox.setId("MyAutoListbox");
- this._listbox.setWidth("99%");
- this._listbox.setHeight("75%");
- this._listbox.setVisible(true);
- this._listhead.setSizable(true);
- addListheder(null);
- this._listhead.setParent(this._listbox);
- this._paging.setPageSize(PAGE_SIZE);
- this._paging.setTotalSize(this._totalrows);
- this._paging.setDetailed(true); //显示记录数
- this._paging.setWidth("99%");
- this._listbox.setPaginal(this._paging);
- this._paging.setDetailed(true);
- this._paging.setParent(this._listbox);*/
- addPagingListener();
- this._btnColumnsEditor.setLabel("ColumnsEditor");
- this._btnColumnsEditor.setVisible(true);
- this._listbox.setParent(comp);
- this._paging.setParent(comp);
- }
- private void addPagingListener(){
- this._paging.addEventListener("onPaging", new EventListener(){
- @Override
- public void onEvent(Event event) throws Exception {
- PagingEvent pevt=(PagingEvent) event;
- int pagesize=PAGE_SIZE;
- int pgno =pevt.getActivePage();;
- int ofs = pgno * pagesize;
- logger.debug(" pagesize="+pagesize);
- logger.debug(" pgno="+pgno);
- logger.debug(" ofs="+ofs);
- redraw(ofs+1,ofs+pagesize);
- }
- });
- }
- private void redraw(Integer noFrom,Integer onTo){
- //int rowCount=cityservice.findCount("");
- //List<TCity> list=cityservice.findByOption(1, 20);
- //method.invoke(a, new Object[]{"world", new Integer(5)});
- clearListbox(this._listbox);
- //this._listbox.setWidth("99%");
- //this._paging.setWidth("100%");
- this._paging.setAutohide(false);
- this._paging.setVisible(true);
- try {
- this._paging.setTotalSize(this._totalrows);
- List<T> list = (List<T>) objQueryMethod.invoke(objQueryClazz, new Object[]{noFrom,onTo});
- loadList(list);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- private void loadList(List<T> list){
- //读每行记录,构造Listitem,构造每列Listcell
- }
- public void beginQuery(Integer rowCount, Object objQueryClazz,
- Method objQueryMethod) {
- this._totalrows=rowCount;
- this._paging.setTotalSize(this._totalrows);
- //this._paging.setTotalSize(rowCount);
- this.objQueryClazz=objQueryClazz;
- this.objQueryMethod=objQueryMethod;
- redraw(0, this.PAGE_SIZE);
- }
- }
public class AutoListbox<T> { private final static String HEADER_TO_COL_SPLIT="_"; private int PAGE_SIZE=10; /*databean.class*/ private Class<T> _clazz; /*_clazz.Fields*/ private Map<String, Field> _beanFieldMap; /* 需要显示的结果集 */ private List<T> _lstrs; private Listbox _listbox; private Paging _paging; private Listhead _listhead; /*执行查询的类和方法*/ private Object objQueryClazz; private Method objQueryMethod; private Integer _totalrows=0; public AutoListbox(Class<T> clazz, Component comp){ super(); this._clazz=clazz; this._beanFieldMap=getBeanFields(this._clazz); this._listbox=new Listbox(); this._listhead=new Listhead(); this._paging=new Paging(); ///new Paging(); this._btnColumnsEditor=new Button(); this._listbox.setId("MyAutoListbox"); this._listbox.setWidth("99%"); this._listbox.setHeight("75%"); this._listbox.setVisible(true); this._listhead.setSizable(true); addListheder(null); this._listhead.setParent(this._listbox); this._paging.setPageSize(PAGE_SIZE); this._paging.setTotalSize(this._totalrows); this._paging.setDetailed(true); //显示记录数 this._paging.setWidth("99%"); this._listbox.setPaginal(this._paging); this._paging.setDetailed(true); this._paging.setParent(this._listbox);*/ addPagingListener(); this._btnColumnsEditor.setLabel("ColumnsEditor"); this._btnColumnsEditor.setVisible(true); this._listbox.setParent(comp); this._paging.setParent(comp); } private void addPagingListener(){ this._paging.addEventListener("onPaging", new EventListener(){ @Override public void onEvent(Event event) throws Exception { PagingEvent pevt=(PagingEvent) event; int pagesize=PAGE_SIZE; int pgno =pevt.getActivePage();; int ofs = pgno * pagesize; logger.debug(" pagesize="+pagesize); logger.debug(" pgno="+pgno); logger.debug(" ofs="+ofs); redraw(ofs+1,ofs+pagesize); } }); } private void redraw(Integer noFrom,Integer onTo){ //int rowCount=cityservice.findCount(""); //List<TCity> list=cityservice.findByOption(1, 20); //method.invoke(a, new Object[]{"world", new Integer(5)}); clearListbox(this._listbox); //this._listbox.setWidth("99%"); //this._paging.setWidth("100%"); this._paging.setAutohide(false); this._paging.setVisible(true); try { this._paging.setTotalSize(this._totalrows); List<T> list = (List<T>) objQueryMethod.invoke(objQueryClazz, new Object[]{noFrom,onTo}); loadList(list); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private void loadList(List<T> list){ //读每行记录,构造Listitem,构造每列Listcell } public void beginQuery(Integer rowCount, Object objQueryClazz, Method objQueryMethod) { this._totalrows=rowCount; this._paging.setTotalSize(this._totalrows); //this._paging.setTotalSize(rowCount); this.objQueryClazz=objQueryClazz; this.objQueryMethod=objQueryMethod; redraw(0, this.PAGE_SIZE); } }
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本篇我们将深入探讨如何利用`ListBox`控件在Visual Studio 2008环境下,结合SqlServer 2005数据库来显示数据。 首先,`ListBox`是Windows Forms控件之一,它提供了一个可滚动的列表,可以显示一系列项目,用户可以...
在实现数据交换前,确保两个ListBox都已正确绑定到各自的数据源。 2. 添加和移除项:可以使用`Add`方法向ListBox中添加新项,使用`RemoveAt`方法移除指定索引的项,或者使用`Clear`方法清空所有项。在交换数据时,...
在WPF(Windows Presentation Foundation)应用开发中,`ListBox`是一个常用的数据展示控件,它允许用户通过列表形式查看和选择数据。在这个场景中,我们要讨论如何在`ListBox`中显示图片,这是一个常见的需求,特别...
当你需要从数据库获取数据并显示在ListBox中时,这涉及到数据库操作、数据绑定以及UI更新等关键步骤。以下是实现这个功能的具体过程和相关知识点: 1. **数据库连接**:首先,你需要建立与数据库的连接。C#提供了...
在VB(Visual Basic)编程环境中,ListBox控件通常用于显示单列数据,但有时我们可能需要在ListBox中显示多列信息,例如姓名、年龄、地址等。为了实现这个功能,VB提供了一种特殊的方式来定制ListBox,使其能以表格...
在处理大量数据时,为了提高用户体验和性能,我们常常需要实现`ListBox`的滚动翻页功能。本篇文章将深入探讨如何在WPF中实现`ListBox`的滚动翻页,并提供相关代码示例。 ### 一、`ListBox`的基本概念 `ListBox`控件...
本篇将详细介绍如何在Visual Studio 2008环境下,利用Sqlserver 2005作为数据库,将数据填充到ListBox中。 首先,我们需要创建一个基本的Windows Forms应用程序。在Visual Studio 2008中,打开新的项目,选择...
在本文中,我们将深入探讨如何利用ListBox控件来实现数据源字段的选择,特别是针对C#编程语言。 首先,我们需要理解ListBox的基础概念。ListBox控件是一个多选列表,用户可以选择一个或多个列表中的项。在C#中,...
本文将深入探讨如何在两个ListBox控件之间实现数据交换,这对于数据操作和用户交互有着重要的作用。我们将主要关注C#编程语言以及WinForms环境下的实现方法。 首先,了解ListBox的基本操作是必要的。ListBox控件...
listbox与textbox组合,实现类似google、百度搜索的模糊查询功能。textbox中输入数据,连接数据库进行模糊查找数据库记录,在将记录加载到listbox中。双击listbox中查询到的记录,再传递到testbox中显示。 希望能给...
在Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) 中,`ListBox` 和 `DataGrid` 是两种常见的数据展示控件,它们常用于显示和操作数据集。在处理大量数据时,分页功能是必不可少的,因为它可以提高应用程序的性能,同时提供...
但通过一些特定的设置和编程技巧,我们可以让ListBox控件实现多列显示,提高界面的信息展示效率。本教程将深入探讨如何在VB中实现ListBox的多列显示,以及相关的知识点。 首先,我们要理解VB ListBox的基本属性和...
5. 用户界面组件:提到了多种Web和Windows应用程序中常见的界面元素,如“TextBox”、“Label”、“CheckBox”、“Image”和“ListBox”,这些元素可能被用于创建表单或其他界面以进行数据输入和显示查询结果。...
在本文中,我们将深入探讨如何在ListBox中动态地添加、删除数据,以及实现项目的上移和下移功能,所有这些操作都在无刷新的情况下进行,提供流畅的用户体验。 1. 动态添加数据: 在Windows Forms或Web应用中,可以...
本项目重点在于实现ListBox和ListCtrl控件的“浮动显示”功能,即当用户鼠标悬停在某个条目上时,会弹出一个提示框显示该条目的详细信息。这个特性常用于提升用户体验,使得用户无需点击就能快速预览内容。 首先,...
左右两个ListBox互相交换数据,VC++版源码实现,也就是文本数据在两个ListBox之间相互传递,这种用法在WEB开发中应用广泛 ,最早发现是在招聘网站、IT产品网站,用于高级产品搜索或职位搜索时候,方便选择类别,减少...