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This refers to the process of clearing GL accounts using both automatic clearing program as well as manual clearing.
Common Business Requirement
Certain GL accounts such as withholding tax, bank sub accounts, GR/IR accounts will always have an offsetting posting for a business transaction. Each line item will have its corresponding contra line item which would have already been posted or will be posted subsequently. E.g., when a cheque is issued, a credit posting is done to the bank outgoing payment sub account and when the bank statement is received, a debit posting is done to the same account. These line items need to be identified and cleared periodically. The clearing of accounts will ease the process of reconciliation of the balance sheet accounts such as accrual accounts and suspense accounts.
Sometimes, such business transactions are incurred in different currencies and over a period of time. There is a need to post the foreign currency gain / loss for any fluctuation in the currency in the local books.
In certain cases, there will be minor differences in the debit and credit values for the same business transaction. These line items should still be cleared automatically if they are within the tolerance limits, and the difference should be booked into the P&L account.
SAP provides two ways of clearing the GL line items; they are automatic clearing and manual clearing. Countries will use automatic clearing program or manual clearing or both.
When the GL account line items are not cleared automatically manual clearing should be used. After executing the automatic clearing transaction, the GL account open line items should be reviewed for any line that need to be cleared manually.
In some cases, e.g. after uploading of payroll, manual clearing of down payment accounts will be required.
In both automatic and manual clearing, the clearing document will be reset if the clearing was incorrectly done.
Common Business Process Flow
Common Business Process Flow for Clear GL Account is as follow:
Coming Soon!
The precondition to clearing is the balance sheet GL account has to be created as an “Open Item Managed” account. This is defined in the company code segment of the GL account master record.
For each GL account, foreign currency gain and loss accounts are defined. In case of foreign currency transactions that are booked over a period of time, any foreign currency gain or loss resulting in clearing are booked automatically.
Tolerance groups are defined for different group of GL accounts. During clearing, in case there is a difference between the debit and the credit entry but are still within the tolerance amounts, the difference is booked into a defined P&L account automatically.
Automatic Clearing Criteria
Based on the nature of these G/L accounts, the criteria needed to clear the entries and the order in which the criterion are to be selected are defined. Automatic clearing will be used for withholding tax, bank statements and GR/IR accounts. Two standard SAP programs are available – automatic clearing without specifying clearing currency (transaction code F.13), automatic clearing specifying clearing currency (F13E).
The clearing is done based on the following fields of the GL transaction line items and the type of accounts.
- ZUONR – Assignment
- DMBTR – Amount in local currency
- BLDAT – Document Date
- WRBTR – Amount in transaction currency
- EBELN – Purchase order number
- EBELP – Purchase order line items
GR/IR accounts will be cleared based on purchase order no and then purchase order line item no. Bank incoming and outgoing accounts will be cleared based on document date and then amount in transaction currency. Cash-in-transit accounts will be cleared based on the assignment field. Other open item managed balance sheet accounts will be cleared based on amount in local currency.
Tolerance Limit
More than one tolerance group can be assigned to a company code. Tolerance limit is set based on a percentage of the maximum amount of debit/credit amounts or absolute value based on the local currency of the company code. Tolerance group is maintained in the company code level data of the GL account.
If the difference is within tolerance limit, the difference is posted to WRITE OFF - SMALL OVERPAYMENTS / UNDERPAYMENTS Account.
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此外,Clear工具可能以光盘映像文件(如clear081215.nrg)的形式提供,用户需要使用虚拟光驱软件,如Daemon Tools,或者将映像刻录到光盘上,以确保工具能够顺利运行。确保用户计算机上已经安装了相应的软件来处理...
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3、 该程序有三个命令可用: clear –t , clear –r , clear –f 。 A,运行 clear –t ,会给出硬盘的容量信息和保护卡驱动信息,分三种情况: No restore card installation found on the hard disk 硬盘上未...
此时,"clearSVN"这样的工具就显得非常必要。 `clearSVN` 是一个专为清理 SVN 工作副本设计的小型实用程序,它的主要功能是帮助用户快速有效地删除工作目录中的无用文件和目录,以释放磁盘空间并保持工作环境整洁。...
The Object-Oriented Thought Process is a concise and ... The Object-Oriented Thought Process is a clear and accessible alternative to the often dry and overly dense books available on the market today.
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`laravel-opcache-clear`是一个专为Laravel设计的包,它简化了在FPM(FastCGI Process Manager)模式下清除PHP操作缓存(OpCache)的过程。本文将深入探讨Laravel开发中的OpCache、FPM模式以及`laravel-opcache-...
"CClear Pro工具"是一款针对个人电脑性能优化的专业软件,主要功能集中在清理注册表、删除临时文件垃圾、管理系统启动项以及协助用户安全卸载程序。这些功能都是为了提升计算机运行效率,减少系统资源占用,以及保护...
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如果无法正常卸载或者您需要彻底卸载软保卡驱动,则使用 clear 工具进行卸载。(clear工具您可以致电400-700-1000索取) 备注:如果有全盘格式化过,clear 是无法清除的需要送服务站通过刷新BIOS的方式完全清除软保...
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Usage: clear –t | r | f(注:clear与–t间有空格) -t: Check restore card installation // 用来检查本机保护卡驱动的安装状态 -r: Remove restore card installation // 用来移除本机保护卡驱动程序 -f: Clear ...
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Athentech Perfectly Clear v1.7.0
`view-clear`命令就是为了帮助开发者解决这个问题,它能有效地清除已编译的视图文件,从而保持系统的高效运行。 在Laravel 5.0及其后续版本中,`view-clear`命令是一个内置的Artisan命令工具,用于清理视图缓存。...
"C++ 中的 cin.clear() 用法详解" C++ 中的输入输出机制是通过 iostream 类库来实现的,其中包括 istream 和 ostream 两大类。istream 负责输入操作,而 ostream 负责输出操作。在 iostream 中,有两个重要的对象:...