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Java操作Microsoft Word之jacob

现在我们一起来看看,用Java如何操作Microsoft Word。

jacob,官网是http://danadler.com/jacob 这是一个开源的工具。最新版本1.7

官方的解释是:The JACOB Project: A JAva-COM Bridge


jacob.jar: a JAR file for the java classes which you must add to your CLASSPATH. The package names replace com.ms with com.jacob (for example com.ms.com.Variant maps to com.jacob.com.Variant.
jacob.dll: a small Win32 DLL which you must add to your PATH.
samples: provided in Java source and compiled form to demonstrate various features of the product. In particular, a set of wrapper classes for Microsoft® ADO are provided as samples.

JDK 1.6
MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench Version: 7.0 Milestone-1
Tomcat 5.5.27
我的jacob版本是1.14.3 。


这里有一个MSWordManager 类,是jacob官方发布的工具类,里面有大多数Java操作MS Office的工具。

package com.test;

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import com.jacob.activeX.ActiveXComponent;
import com.jacob.com.Dispatch;
import com.jacob.com.Variant;

public class MSWordManager {
// word文档
private Dispatch doc;

// word运行程序对象
private ActiveXComponent word;

// 所有word文档集合
private Dispatch documents;

// 选定的范围或插入点
private Dispatch selection;

private boolean saveOnExit = true;

/** *//**
* @param visible 为true表示word应用程序可见
public MSWordManager(boolean visible) {
if (word == null) {
word = new ActiveXComponent("Word.Application");
word.setProperty("Visible", new Variant(visible));
if (documents == null)
documents = word.getProperty("Documents").toDispatch();

/** *//**
* 设置退出时参数
* @param saveOnExit boolean true-退出时保存文件,false-退出时不保存文件
public void setSaveOnExit(boolean saveOnExit) {
this.saveOnExit = saveOnExit;

/** *//**
* 创建一个新的word文档
public void createNewDocument() {
doc = Dispatch.call(documents, "Add").toDispatch();
selection = Dispatch.get(word, "Selection").toDispatch();

/** *//**
* 打开一个已存在的文档
* @param docPath
public void openDocument(String docPath) {
doc = Dispatch.call(documents, "Open", docPath).toDispatch();
selection = Dispatch.get(word, "Selection").toDispatch();

/** *//**
* 把选定的内容或插入点向上移动
* @param pos 移动的距离
public void moveUp(int pos) {
if (selection == null)
selection = Dispatch.get(word, "Selection").toDispatch();
for (int i = 0; i < pos; i++)
Dispatch.call(selection, "MoveUp");


/** *//**
* 把选定的内容或者插入点向下移动
* @param pos 移动的距离
public void moveDown(int pos) {
if (selection == null)
selection = Dispatch.get(word, "Selection").toDispatch();
for (int i = 0; i < pos; i++)
Dispatch.call(selection, "MoveDown");

/** *//**
* 把选定的内容或者插入点向左移动
* @param pos 移动的距离
public void moveLeft(int pos) {
if (selection == null)
selection = Dispatch.get(word, "Selection").toDispatch();
for (int i = 0; i < pos; i++) {
Dispatch.call(selection, "MoveLeft");

/** *//**
* 把选定的内容或者插入点向右移动
* @param pos 移动的距离
public void moveRight(int pos) {
if (selection == null)
selection = Dispatch.get(word, "Selection").toDispatch();
for (int i = 0; i < pos; i++)
Dispatch.call(selection, "MoveRight");

/** *//**
* 把插入点移动到文件首位置
public void moveStart() {
if (selection == null)
selection = Dispatch.get(word, "Selection").toDispatch();
Dispatch.call(selection, "HomeKey", new Variant(6));

public void moveEnd() {
if (selection == null)
selection = Dispatch.get(word, "Selection").toDispatch();
Dispatch.call(selection, "EndKey", new Variant(6));

/** *//**
* 从选定内容或插入点开始查找文本
* @param toFindText 要查找的文本
* @return boolean true-查找到并选中该文本,false-未查找到文本
public boolean find(String toFindText) {
if (toFindText == null || toFindText.equals(""))
return false;
// 从selection所在位置开始查询
Dispatch find = word.call(selection, "Find").toDispatch();
// 设置要查找的内容
Dispatch.put(find, "Text", toFindText);
// 向前查找
Dispatch.put(find, "Forward", "True");
// 设置格式
Dispatch.put(find, "Format", "True");
// 大小写匹配
Dispatch.put(find, "MatchCase", "True");
// 全字匹配
Dispatch.put(find, "MatchWholeWord", "True");
// 查找并选中
return Dispatch.call(find, "Execute").getBoolean();

/** *//**
* 把选定选定内容设定为替换文本
* @param toFindText 查找字符串
* @param newText 要替换的内容
* @return
public boolean replaceText(String toFindText, String newText) {
if (!find(toFindText))
return false;
Dispatch.put(selection, "Text", newText);
return true;

/** *//**
* 全局替换文本
* @param toFindText 查找字符串
* @param newText 要替换的内容
public void replaceAllText(String toFindText, String newText) {
while (find(toFindText)) {
Dispatch.put(selection, "Text", newText);
Dispatch.call(selection, "MoveRight");

/** *//**
* 在当前插入点插入字符串
* @param newText 要插入的新字符串
public void insertText(String newText) {
Dispatch.put(selection, "Text", newText);

/** *//**
* @param toFindText 要查找的字符串
* @param imagePath 图片路径
* @return
public boolean replaceImage(String toFindText, String imagePath) {
if (!find(toFindText))
return false;
Dispatch.call(Dispatch.get(selection, "InLineShapes").toDispatch(),
"AddPicture", imagePath);
return true;

/** *//**
* 全局替换图片
* @param toFindText 查找字符串
* @param imagePath 图片路径
public void replaceAllImage(String toFindText, String imagePath) {
while (find(toFindText)) {
Dispatch.call(Dispatch.get(selection, "InLineShapes").toDispatch(),
"AddPicture", imagePath);
Dispatch.call(selection, "MoveRight");

/** *//**
* 在当前插入点插入图片
* @param imagePath 图片路径
public void insertImage(String imagePath) {
Dispatch.call(Dispatch.get(selection, "InLineShapes").toDispatch(),
"AddPicture", imagePath);

/** *//**
* 合并单元格
* @param tableIndex
* @param fstCellRowIdx
* @param fstCellColIdx
* @param secCellRowIdx
* @param secCellColIdx
public void mergeCell(int tableIndex, int fstCellRowIdx, int fstCellColIdx,
int secCellRowIdx, int secCellColIdx) {
// 所有表格
Dispatch tables = Dispatch.get(doc, "Tables").toDispatch();
// 要填充的表格
Dispatch table = Dispatch.call(tables, "Item", new Variant(tableIndex))
Dispatch fstCell = Dispatch.call(table, "Cell",
new Variant(fstCellRowIdx), new Variant(fstCellColIdx))
Dispatch secCell = Dispatch.call(table, "Cell",
new Variant(secCellRowIdx), new Variant(secCellColIdx))
Dispatch.call(fstCell, "Merge", secCell);

/** *//**
* 在指定的单元格里填写数据
* @param tableIndex
* @param cellRowIdx
* @param cellColIdx
* @param txt
public void putTxtToCell(int tableIndex, int cellRowIdx, int cellColIdx,
String txt) {
// 所有表格
Dispatch tables = Dispatch.get(doc, "Tables").toDispatch();
// 要填充的表格
Dispatch table = Dispatch.call(tables, "Item", new Variant(tableIndex))
Dispatch cell = Dispatch.call(table, "Cell", new Variant(cellRowIdx),
new Variant(cellColIdx)).toDispatch();
Dispatch.call(cell, "Select");
Dispatch.put(selection, "Text", txt);

/** *//**
* 在当前文档拷贝数据
* @param pos
public void copy(String toCopyText) {
if (this.find(toCopyText)) {
Dispatch textRange = Dispatch.get(selection, "Range").toDispatch();
Dispatch.call(textRange, "Copy");

/** *//**
* 在当前文档粘帖剪贴板数据
* @param pos
public void paste(String pos) {
if (this.find(pos)) {
Dispatch textRange = Dispatch.get(selection, "Range").toDispatch();
Dispatch.call(textRange, "Paste");

/** *//**
* 在当前文档指定的位置拷贝表格
* @param pos 当前文档指定的位置
* @param tableIndex 被拷贝的表格在word文档中所处的位置
public void copyTable(String pos,int tableIndex) {
Dispatch tables = Dispatch.get(doc, "Tables").toDispatch();
Dispatch table = Dispatch.call(tables, "Item", new Variant(tableIndex))
Dispatch range = Dispatch.get(table, "Range").toDispatch();
Dispatch.call(range, "Copy");
if (this.find(pos)) {
Dispatch textRange = Dispatch.get(selection, "Range").toDispatch();
Dispatch.call(textRange, "Paste");

/** *//**
* 在当前文档末尾拷贝来自另一个文档中的段落
* @param anotherDocPath 另一个文档的磁盘路径
* @param tableIndex 被拷贝的段落在另一格文档中的序号(从1开始)
public void copyParagraphFromAnotherDoc(String anotherDocPath,
int paragraphIndex) {
Dispatch wordContent = Dispatch.get(doc, "Content").toDispatch(); // 取得当前文档的内容
Dispatch.call(wordContent, "InsertAfter", "$selection$");// 插入特殊符定位插入点
copyParagraphFromAnotherDoc(anotherDocPath, paragraphIndex,

/** *//**
* 在当前文档指定的位置拷贝来自另一个文档中的段落
* @param anotherDocPath 另一个文档的磁盘路径
* @param tableIndex 被拷贝的段落在另一格文档中的序号(从1开始)
* @param pos 当前文档指定的位置
public void copyParagraphFromAnotherDoc(String anotherDocPath,
int paragraphIndex, String pos) {
Dispatch doc2 = null;
try {
doc2 = Dispatch.call(documents, "Open", anotherDocPath)
Dispatch paragraphs = Dispatch.get(doc2, "Paragraphs").toDispatch();

Dispatch paragraph = Dispatch.call(paragraphs, "Item",
new Variant(paragraphIndex)).toDispatch();
Dispatch range = Dispatch.get(paragraph, "Range").toDispatch();
Dispatch.call(range, "Copy");
if (this.find(pos)) {
Dispatch textRange = Dispatch.get(selection, "Range")
Dispatch.call(textRange, "Paste");
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
if (doc2 != null) {
Dispatch.call(doc2, "Close", new Variant(saveOnExit));
doc2 = null;

/** *//**
* 在当前文档指定的位置拷贝来自另一个文档中的表格
* @param anotherDocPath 另一个文档的磁盘路径
* @param tableIndex 被拷贝的表格在另一格文档中的序号(从1开始)
* @param pos 当前文档指定的位置
public void copyTableFromAnotherDoc(String anotherDocPath, int tableIndex,
String pos) {
Dispatch doc2 = null;
try {
doc2 = Dispatch.call(documents, "Open", anotherDocPath)
Dispatch tables = Dispatch.get(doc2, "Tables").toDispatch();
Dispatch table = Dispatch.call(tables, "Item",
new Variant(tableIndex)).toDispatch();
Dispatch range = Dispatch.get(table, "Range").toDispatch();
Dispatch.call(range, "Copy");
if (this.find(pos)) {
Dispatch textRange = Dispatch.get(selection, "Range")
Dispatch.call(textRange, "Paste");
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
if (doc2 != null) {
Dispatch.call(doc2, "Close", new Variant(saveOnExit));
doc2 = null;

/** *//**
* 在当前文档指定的位置拷贝来自另一个文档中的图片
* @param anotherDocPath 另一个文档的磁盘路径
* @param shapeIndex 被拷贝的图片在另一格文档中的位置
* @param pos 当前文档指定的位置
public void copyImageFromAnotherDoc(String anotherDocPath, int shapeIndex,
String pos) {
Dispatch doc2 = null;
try {
doc2 = Dispatch.call(documents, "Open", anotherDocPath)
Dispatch shapes = Dispatch.get(doc2, "InLineShapes").toDispatch();
Dispatch shape = Dispatch.call(shapes, "Item",
new Variant(shapeIndex)).toDispatch();
Dispatch imageRange = Dispatch.get(shape, "Range").toDispatch();
Dispatch.call(imageRange, "Copy");
if (this.find(pos)) {
Dispatch textRange = Dispatch.get(selection, "Range")
Dispatch.call(textRange, "Paste");
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
if (doc2 != null) {
Dispatch.call(doc2, "Close", new Variant(saveOnExit));
doc2 = null;

/** *//**
* 创建表格
* @param pos 位置
* @param cols 列数
* @param rows 行数
public void createTable(int numCols, int numRows){//(String pos, int numCols, int numRows) {
// if (!find(pos)) {
Dispatch tables = Dispatch.get(doc, "Tables").toDispatch();
Dispatch range = Dispatch.get(selection, "Range").toDispatch();
Dispatch newTable = Dispatch.call(tables, "Add", range,
new Variant(numRows), new Variant(numCols)).toDispatch();
Dispatch.call(selection, "MoveRight");
// }

/** *//**
* 在指定行前面增加行
* @param tableIndex word文件中的第N张表(从1开始)
* @param rowIndex 指定行的序号(从1开始)
public void addTableRow(int tableIndex, int rowIndex) {
// 所有表格
Dispatch tables = Dispatch.get(doc, "Tables").toDispatch();
// 要填充的表格
Dispatch table = Dispatch.call(tables, "Item", new Variant(tableIndex))
// 表格的所有行
Dispatch rows = Dispatch.get(table, "Rows").toDispatch();
Dispatch row = Dispatch.call(rows, "Item", new Variant(rowIndex))
Dispatch.call(rows, "Add", new Variant(row));

/** *//**
* 在第1行前增加一行
* @param tableIndex word文档中的第N张表(从1开始)
public void addFirstTableRow(int tableIndex) {
// 所有表格
Dispatch tables = Dispatch.get(doc, "Tables").toDispatch();
// 要填充的表格
Dispatch table = Dispatch.call(tables, "Item", new Variant(tableIndex))
// 表格的所有行
Dispatch rows = Dispatch.get(table, "Rows").toDispatch();
Dispatch row = Dispatch.get(rows, "First").toDispatch();
Dispatch.call(rows, "Add", new Variant(row));

/** *//**
* 在最后1行前增加一行
* @param tableIndex
* word文档中的第N张表(从1开始)
public void addLastTableRow(int tableIndex) {
// 所有表格
Dispatch tables = Dispatch.get(doc, "Tables").toDispatch();
// 要填充的表格
Dispatch table = Dispatch.call(tables, "Item", new Variant(tableIndex))
// 表格的所有行
Dispatch rows = Dispatch.get(table, "Rows").toDispatch();
Dispatch row = Dispatch.get(rows, "Last").toDispatch();
Dispatch.call(rows, "Add", new Variant(row));

/** *//**
* 增加一行
* @param tableIndex word文档中的第N张表(从1开始)
public void addRow(int tableIndex) {
Dispatch tables = Dispatch.get(doc, "Tables").toDispatch();
// 要填充的表格
Dispatch table = Dispatch.call(tables, "Item", new Variant(tableIndex))
// 表格的所有行
Dispatch rows = Dispatch.get(table, "Rows").toDispatch();
Dispatch.call(rows, "Add");

/** *//**
* 增加一列
* @param tableIndex word文档中的第N张表(从1开始)
public void addCol(int tableIndex) {
// 所有表格
Dispatch tables = Dispatch.get(doc, "Tables").toDispatch();
// 要填充的表格
Dispatch table = Dispatch.call(tables, "Item", new Variant(tableIndex))
// 表格的所有行
Dispatch cols = Dispatch.get(table, "Columns").toDispatch();
Dispatch.call(cols, "Add").toDispatch();
Dispatch.call(cols, "AutoFit");

/** *//**
* 在指定列前面增加表格的列
* @param tableIndex word文档中的第N张表(从1开始)
* @param colIndex 指定列的序号 (从1开始)
public void addTableCol(int tableIndex, int colIndex) {
// 所有表格
Dispatch tables = Dispatch.get(doc, "Tables").toDispatch();
// 要填充的表格
Dispatch table = Dispatch.call(tables, "Item", new Variant(tableIndex))
// 表格的所有行
Dispatch cols = Dispatch.get(table, "Columns").toDispatch();
System.out.println(Dispatch.get(cols, "Count"));
Dispatch col = Dispatch.call(cols, "Item", new Variant(colIndex))
// Dispatch col = Dispatch.get(cols, "First").toDispatch();
Dispatch.call(cols, "Add", col).toDispatch();
Dispatch.call(cols, "AutoFit");

/** *//**
* 在第1列前增加一列
* @param tableIndex word文档中的第N张表(从1开始)
public void addFirstTableCol(int tableIndex) {
Dispatch tables = Dispatch.get(doc, "Tables").toDispatch();
// 要填充的表格
Dispatch table = Dispatch.call(tables, "Item", new Variant(tableIndex))
// 表格的所有行
Dispatch cols = Dispatch.get(table, "Columns").toDispatch();
Dispatch col = Dispatch.get(cols, "First").toDispatch();
Dispatch.call(cols, "Add", col).toDispatch();
Dispatch.call(cols, "AutoFit");

/** *//**
* 在最后一列前增加一列
* @param tableIndex word文档中的第N张表(从1开始)
public void addLastTableCol(int tableIndex) {
Dispatch tables = Dispatch.get(doc, "Tables").toDispatch();
// 要填充的表格
Dispatch table = Dispatch.call(tables, "Item", new Variant(tableIndex))
// 表格的所有行
Dispatch cols = Dispatch.get(table, "Columns").toDispatch();
Dispatch col = Dispatch.get(cols, "Last").toDispatch();
Dispatch.call(cols, "Add", col).toDispatch();
Dispatch.call(cols, "AutoFit");

/** *//**
* 自动调整表格
public void autoFitTable() {
Dispatch tables = Dispatch.get(doc, "Tables").toDispatch();
int count = Dispatch.get(tables, "Count").toInt();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
Dispatch table = Dispatch.call(tables, "Item", new Variant(i + 1))
Dispatch cols = Dispatch.get(table, "Columns").toDispatch();
Dispatch.call(cols, "AutoFit");

/** *//**
* 调用word里的宏以调整表格的宽度,其中宏保存在document下
public void callWordMacro() {
Dispatch tables = Dispatch.get(doc, "Tables").toDispatch();
int count = Dispatch.get(tables, "Count").toInt();
Variant vMacroName = new Variant("Normal.NewMacros.tableFit");
Variant vParam = new Variant("param1");
Variant para[] = new Variant[] { vMacroName };
for (int i = 0; i < para.length; i++) {
Dispatch table = Dispatch.call(tables, "Item", new Variant(i + 1))
Dispatch.call(table, "Select");
Dispatch.call(word, "Run", "tableFitContent");

/** *//**
* 设置当前选定内容的字体
* @param boldSize
* @param italicSize
* @param underLineSize 下划线
* @param colorSize 字体颜色
* @param size 字体大小
* @param name 字体名称
public void setFont(boolean bold, boolean italic, boolean underLine,
String colorSize, String size, String name) {
Dispatch font = Dispatch.get(selection, "Font").toDispatch();
Dispatch.put(font, "Name", new Variant(name));
Dispatch.put(font, "Bold", new Variant(bold));
Dispatch.put(font, "Italic", new Variant(italic));
Dispatch.put(font, "Underline", new Variant(underLine));
Dispatch.put(font, "Color", colorSize);
Dispatch.put(font, "Size", size);

/** *//**
* 文件保存或另存为
* @param savePath 保存或另存为路径
public void save(String savePath) {
(Dispatch) Dispatch.call(word, "WordBasic").getDispatch(),
"FileSaveAs", savePath);

/** *//**
* 关闭当前word文档
public void closeDocument() {
if (doc != null) {
Dispatch.call(doc, "Save");
Dispatch.call(doc, "Close", new Variant(saveOnExit));
doc = null;

/** *//**
* 关闭全部应用
public void close() {
if (word != null) {
Dispatch.call(word, "Quit");
word = null;
selection = null;
documents = null;

/** *//**
* 打印当前word文档
public void printFile() {
if (doc != null) {
Dispatch.call(doc, "PrintOut");

public static void main(String args[])throws Exception {

MSWordManager msWordManager = new MSWordManager(true);





package com.test;

public class T {

public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
MSWordManager ms=new MSWordManager(true);
ms.insertText("Test jacob");



数据库依然是DB2 9.5 ,用户名db2admin 密码abc 表名admin

package com.dao;

import java.util.List;

public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
AdminDAO dao = new AdminDAO();
List list = dao.findAll();
MSWordManager ms=new MSWordManager(false);
for (int i=1;i<=list.size();i++){
Admin admin = (Admin)list.get(1);


这就是Java利用开源工具jacob操作Microsoft Word,至于其他MS Office软件,我会在以后的文章中继续发布。
下次我们一起看看用POI操作Microsoft Word。 139邮箱、飞信全面互通,聊天、发信一步到位! 开箱有礼百分百,优惠影票月月送

Java操作Microsoft Word之jacob 

2009-03-08 18:07:39
 标签:Word Microsoft Java jacob   [推送到技术圈]

版权声明:原创作品,允许转载,转载时请务必以超链接形式标明文章 原始出处 、作者信息和本声明。否则将追究法律责任。http://xiaoduan.blog.51cto.com/502137/136692
现在我们一起来看看,用Java如何操作Microsoft Word。

jacob,官网是http://danadler.com/jacob 这是一个开源的工具。最新版本1.7

官方的解释是:The JACOB Project: A JAva-COM Bridge

jacob.jar: a JAR file for the java classes which you must add to your CLASSPATH. The package names replace com.ms with com.jacob (for example com.ms.com.Variant maps to com.jacob.com.Variant.
jacob.dll: a small Win32 DLL which you must add to your PATH.
samples: provided in Java source and compiled form to demonstrate various features of the product. In particular, a set of wrapper classes for Microsoft® ADO are provided as samples.

JDK 1.6
MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench Version: 7.0 Milestone-1
Tomcat 5.5.27
我的jacob版本是1.14.3 。


这里有一个MSWordManager 类,是jacob官方发布的工具类,里面有大多数Java操作MS Office的工具。
package com.test;

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import com.jacob.activeX.ActiveXComponent;
import com.jacob.com.Dispatch;
import com.jacob.com.Variant;

public class MSWordManager {
        // word文档
        private Dispatch doc;

        // word运行程序对象
        private ActiveXComponent word;

        // 所有word文档集合
        private Dispatch documents;

        // 选定的范围或插入点
        private Dispatch selection;

        private boolean saveOnExit = true;

        /** *//**
         * @param visible 为true表示word应用程序可见
        public MSWordManager(boolean visible) {
                if (word == null) {
                        word = new ActiveXComponent("Word.Application");
                        word.setProperty("Visible", new Variant(visible));
                if (documents == null)
                        documents = word.getProperty("Documents").toDispatch();

        /** *//**
         * 设置退出时参数
         * @param saveOnExit boolean true-退出时保存文件,false-退出时不保存文件
        public void setSaveOnExit(boolean saveOnExit) {
                this.saveOnExit = saveOnExit;

        /** *//**
         * 创建一个新的word文档
        public void createNewDocument() {
                doc = Dispatch.call(documents, "Add").toDispatch();
                selection = Dispatch.get(word, "Selection").toDispatch();

        /** *//**
         * 打开一个已存在的文档
         * @param docPath
        public void openDocument(String docPath) {
                doc = Dispatch.call(documents, "Open", docPath).toDispatch();
                selection = Dispatch.get(word, "Selection").toDispatch();

        /** *//**
         * 把选定的内容或插入点向上移动
         * @param pos 移动的距离
        public void moveUp(int pos) {
                if (selection == null)
                        selection = Dispatch.get(word, "Selection").toDispatch();
                for (int i = 0; i < pos; i++)
                        Dispatch.call(selection, "MoveUp");


        /** *//**
         * 把选定的内容或者插入点向下移动
         * @param pos 移动的距离
        public void moveDown(int pos) {
                if (selection == null)
                        selection = Dispatch.get(word, "Selection").toDispatch();
                for (int i = 0; i < pos; i++)
                        Dispatch.call(selection, "MoveDown");

        /** *//**
         * 把选定的内容或者插入点向左移动
         * @param pos 移动的距离
        public void moveLeft(int pos) {
                if (selection == null)
                        selection = Dispatch.get(word, "Selection").toDispatch();
                for (int i = 0; i < pos; i++) {
                        Dispatch.call(selection, "MoveLeft");

        /** *//**
         * 把选定的内容或者插入点向右移动
         * @param pos 移动的距离
        public void moveRight(int pos) {
                if (selection == null)
                        selection = Dispatch.get(word, "Selection").toDispatch();
                for (int i = 0; i < pos; i++)
                        Dispatch.call(selection, "MoveRight");

        /** *//**
         * 把插入点移动到文件首位置
        public void moveStart() {
                if (selection == null)
                        selection = Dispatch.get(word, "Selection").toDispatch();
                Dispatch.call(selection, "HomeKey", new Variant(6));
        public void moveEnd() {
                if (selection == null)
                        selection = Dispatch.get(word, "Selection").toDispatch();
                Dispatch.call(selection, "EndKey", new Variant(6));

        /** *//**
         * 从选定内容或插入点开始查找文本
         * @param toFindText 要查找的文本
         * @return boolean true-查找到并选中该文本,false-未查找到文本
        public boolean find(String toFindText) {
                if (toFindText == null || toFindText.equals(""))
                        return false;
                // 从selection所在位置开始查询
                Dispatch find = word.call(selection, "Find").toDispatch();
                // 设置要查找的内容
                Dispatch.put(find, "Text", toFindText);
                // 向前查找
                Dispatch.put(find, "Forward", "True");
                // 设置格式
                Dispatch.put(find, "Format", "True");
                // 大小写匹配
                Dispatch.put(find, "MatchCase", "True");
                // 全字匹配
                Dispatch.put(find, "MatchWholeWord", "True");
                // 查找并选中
                return Dispatch.call(find, "Execute").getBoolean();

        /** *//**
         * 把选定选定内容设定为替换文本
         * @param toFindText 查找字符串
         * @param newText 要替换的内容
         * @return
        public boolean replaceText(String toFindText, String newText) {
                if (!find(toFindText))
                        return false;
                Dispatch.put(selection, "Text", newText);
                return true;

        /** *//**
         * 全局替换文本
         * @param toFindText 查找字符串
         * @param newText 要替换的内容
        public void replaceAllText(String toFindText, String newText) {
                while (find(toFindText)) {
                        Dispatch.put(selection, "Text", newText);
                        Dispatch.call(selection, "MoveRight");

        /** *//**
         * 在当前插入点插入字符串
         * @param newText 要插入的新字符串
        public void insertText(String newText) {
                Dispatch.put(selection, "Text", newText);

        /** *//**
         * @param toFindText 要查找的字符串
         * @param imagePath 图片路径
         * @return
        public boolean replaceImage(String toFindText, String imagePath) {
                if (!find(toFindText))
                        return false;
                Dispatch.call(Dispatch.get(selection, "InLineShapes").toDispatch(),
                                "AddPicture", imagePath);
                return true;

        /** *//**
         * 全局替换图片
         * @param toFindText 查找字符串
         * @param imagePath 图片路径
        public void replaceAllImage(String toFindText, String imagePath) {
                while (find(toFindText)) {
                        Dispatch.call(Dispatch.get(selection, "InLineShapes").toDispatch(),
                                        "AddPicture", imagePath);
                        Dispatch.call(selection, "MoveRight");

        /** *//**
         * 在当前插入点插入图片
         * @param imagePath 图片路径
        public void insertImage(String imagePath) {
                Dispatch.call(Dispatch.get(selection, "InLineShapes").toDispatch(),
                                "AddPicture", imagePath);

        /** *//**
         * 合并单元格
         * @param tableIndex
         * @param fstCellRowIdx
         * @param fstCellColIdx
         * @param secCellRowIdx
         * @param secCellColIdx
        public void mergeCell(int tableIndex, int fstCellRowIdx, int fstCellColIdx,
                        int secCellRowIdx, int secCellColIdx) {
                // 所有表格
                Dispatch tables = Dispatch.get(doc, "Tables").toDispatch();
                // 要填充的表格
                Dispatch table = Dispatch.call(tables, "Item", new Variant(tableIndex))
                Dispatch fstCell = Dispatch.call(table, "Cell",
                                new Variant(fstCellRowIdx), new Variant(fstCellColIdx))
                Dispatch secCell = Dispatch.call(table, "Cell",
                                new Variant(secCellRowIdx), new Variant(secCellColIdx))
                Dispatch.call(fstCell, "Merge", secCell);

        /** *//**
         * 在指定的单元格里填写数据
         * @param tableIndex
         * @param cellRowIdx
         * @param cellColIdx
         * @param txt
        public void putTxtToCell(int tableIndex, int cellRowIdx, int cellColIdx,
                        String txt) {
                // 所有表格
                Dispatch tables = Dispatch.get(doc, "Tables").toDispatch();
                // 要填充的表格
                Dispatch table = Dispatch.call(tables, "Item", new Variant(tableIndex))
                Dispatch cell = Dispatch.call(table, "Cell", new Variant(cellRowIdx),
                                new Variant(cellColIdx)).toDispatch();
                Dispatch.call(cell, "Select");
                Dispatch.put(selection, "Text", txt);

        /** *//**
         * 在当前文档拷贝数据
         * @param pos
        public void copy(String toCopyText) {
                if (this.find(toCopyText)) {
                        Dispatch textRange = Dispatch.get(selection, "Range").toDispatch();
                        Dispatch.call(textRange, "Copy");

        /** *//**
         * 在当前文档粘帖剪贴板数据
         * @param pos
        public void paste(String pos) {
                if (this.find(pos)) {
                        Dispatch textRange = Dispatch.get(selection, "Range").toDispatch();
                        Dispatch.call(textRange, "Paste");

        /** *//**
         * 在当前文档指定的位置拷贝表格
         * @param pos 当前文档指定的位置
         * @param tableIndex 被拷贝的表格在word文档中所处的位置
        public void copyTable(String pos,int tableIndex) {
                Dispatch tables = Dispatch.get(doc, "Tables").toDispatch();
                Dispatch table = Dispatch.call(tables, "Item", new Variant(tableIndex))
                Dispatch range = Dispatch.get(table, "Range").toDispatch();
                Dispatch.call(range, "Copy");
                if (this.find(pos)) {
                        Dispatch textRange = Dispatch.get(selection, "Range").toDispatch();
                        Dispatch.call(textRange, "Paste");

        /** *//**
         * 在当前文档末尾拷贝来自另一个文档中的段落
         * @param anotherDocPath 另一个文档的磁盘路径
         * @param tableIndex 被拷贝的段落在另一格文档中的序号(从1开始)
        public void copyParagraphFromAnotherDoc(String anotherDocPath,
                        int paragraphIndex) {
                Dispatch wordContent = Dispatch.get(doc, "Content").toDispatch(); // 取得当前文档的内容
                Dispatch.call(wordContent, "InsertAfter", "$selection$");// 插入特殊符定位插入点
                copyParagraphFromAnotherDoc(anotherDocPath, paragraphIndex,

        /** *//**
         * 在当前文档指定的位置拷贝来自另一个文档中的段落
         * @param anotherDocPath 另一个文档的磁盘路径
         * @param tableIndex 被拷贝的段落在另一格文档中的序号(从1开始)
         * @param pos 当前文档指定的位置
        public void copyParagraphFromAnotherDoc(String anotherDocPath,
                        int paragraphIndex, String pos) {
                Dispatch doc2 = null;
                try {
                        doc2 = Dispatch.call(documents, "Open", anotherDocPath)
                        Dispatch paragraphs = Dispatch.get(doc2, "Paragraphs").toDispatch();

                        Dispatch paragraph = Dispatch.call(paragraphs, "Item",
                                        new Variant(paragraphIndex)).toDispatch();
                        Dispatch range = Dispatch.get(paragraph, "Range").toDispatch();
                        Dispatch.call(range, "Copy");
                        if (this.find(pos)) {
                                Dispatch textRange = Dispatch.get(selection, "Range")
                                Dispatch.call(textRange, "Paste");
                } catch (Exception e) {
                } finally {
                        if (doc2 != null) {
                                Dispatch.call(doc2, "Close", new Variant(saveOnExit));
                                doc2 = null;

        /** *//**
         * 在当前文档指定的位置拷贝来自另一个文档中的表格
         * @param anotherDocPath 另一个文档的磁盘路径
         * @param tableIndex 被拷贝的表格在另一格文档中的序号(从1开始)
         * @param pos 当前文档指定的位置
        public void copyTableFromAnotherDoc(String anotherDocPath, int tableIndex,
                        String pos) {
                Dispatch doc2 = null;
                try {
                        doc2 = Dispatch.call(documents, "Open", anotherDocPath)
                        Dispatch tables = Dispatch.get(doc2, "Tables").toDispatch();
                        Dispatch table = Dispatch.call(tables, "Item",
                                        new Variant(tableIndex)).toDispatch();
                        Dispatch range = Dispatch.get(table, "Range").toDispatch();
                        Dispatch.call(range, "Copy");
                        if (this.find(pos)) {
                                Dispatch textRange = Dispatch.get(selection, "Range")
                                Dispatch.call(textRange, "Paste");
                } catch (Exception e) {
                } finally {
                        if (doc2 != null) {
                                Dispatch.call(doc2, "Close", new Variant(saveOnExit));
                                doc2 = null;

        /** *//**
         * 在当前文档指定的位置拷贝来自另一个文档中的图片
         * @param anotherDocPath 另一个文档的磁盘路径
         * @param shapeIndex 被拷贝的图片在另一格文档中的位置
         * @param pos 当前文档指定的位置
        public void copyImageFromAnotherDoc(String anotherDocPath, int shapeIndex,
                        String pos) {
                Dispatch doc2 = null;
                try {
                        doc2 = Dispatch.call(documents, "Open", anotherDocPath)
                        Dispatch shapes = Dispatch.get(doc2, "InLineShapes").toDispatch();
                        Dispatch shape = Dispatch.call(shapes, "Item",
                                        new Variant(shapeIndex)).toDispatch();
                        Dispatch imageRange = Dispatch.get(shape, "Range").toDispatch();
                        Dispatch.call(imageRange, "Copy");
                        if (this.find(pos)) {
                                Dispatch textRange = Dispatch.get(selection, "Range")
                                Dispatch.call(textRange, "Paste");
                } catch (Exception e) {
                } finally {
                        if (doc2 != null) {
                                Dispatch.call(doc2, "Close", new Variant(saveOnExit));
                                doc2 = null;

        /** *//**
         * 创建表格
         * @param pos    位置
         * @param cols 列数
         * @param rows 行数
        public void createTable(int numCols, int numRows){//(String pos, int numCols, int numRows) {
//                if (!find(pos)) {
                        Dispatch tables = Dispatch.get(doc, "Tables").toDispatch();
                        Dispatch range = Dispatch.get(selection, "Range").toDispatch();
                        Dispatch newTable = Dispatch.call(tables, "Add", range,
                                        new Variant(numRows), new Variant(numCols)).toDispatch();
                        Dispatch.call(selection, "MoveRight");
//                }

        /** *//**
         * 在指定行前面增加行
         * @param tableIndex word文件中的第N张表(从1开始)
         * @param rowIndex 指定行的序号(从1开始)
        public void addTableRow(int tableIndex, int rowIndex) {
                // 所有表格
                Dispatch tables = Dispatch.get(doc, "Tables").toDispatch();
                // 要填充的表格
                Dispatch table = Dispatch.call(tables, "Item", new Variant(tableIndex))
                // 表格的所有行
                Dispatch rows = Dispatch.get(table, "Rows").toDispatch();
                Dispatch row = Dispatch.call(rows, "Item", new Variant(rowIndex))
                Dispatch.call(rows, "Add", new Variant(row));

        /** *//**
         * 在第1行前增加一行
         * @param tableIndex word文档中的第N张表(从1开始)
        public void addFirstTableRow(int tableIndex) {
                // 所有表格
                Dispatch tables = Dispatch.get(doc, "Tables").toDispatch();
                // 要填充的表格
                Dispatch table = Dispatch.call(tables, "Item", new Variant(tableIndex))
                // 表格的所有行
                Dispatch rows = Dispatch.get(table, "Rows").toDispatch();
                Dispatch row = Dispatch.get(rows, "First").toDispatch();
                Dispatch.call(rows, "Add", new Variant(row));

        /** *//**
         * 在最后1行前增加一行
         * @param tableIndex
         *                        word文档中的第N张表(从1开始)
        public void addLastTableRow(int tableIndex) {
                // 所有表格
                Dispatch tables = Dispatch.get(doc, "Tables").toDispatch();
                // 要填充的表格
                Dispatch table = Dispatch.call(tables, "Item", new Variant(tableIndex))
                // 表格的所有行
                Dispatch rows = Dispatch.get(table, "Rows").toDispatch();
                Dispatch row = Dispatch.get(rows, "Last").toDispatch();
                Dispatch.call(rows, "Add", new Variant(row));

        /** *//**
         * 增加一行
         * @param tableIndex word文档中的第N张表(从1开始)
        public void addRow(int tableIndex) {
                Dispatch tables = Dispatch.get(doc, "Tables").toDispatch();
                // 要填充的表格
                Dispatch table = Dispatch.call(tables, "Item", new Variant(tableIndex))
                // 表格的所有行
                Dispatch rows = Dispatch.get(table, "Rows").toDispatch();
                Dispatch.call(rows, "Add");

        /** *//**
         * 增加一列
         * @param tableIndex word文档中的第N张表(从1开始)
        public void addCol(int tableIndex) {
                // 所有表格
                Dispatch tables = Dispatch.get(doc, "Tables").toDispatch();
                // 要填充的表格
                Dispatch table = Dispatch.call(tables, "Item", new Variant(tableIndex))
                // 表格的所有行
                Dispatch cols = Dispatch.get(table, "Columns").toDispatch();
                Dispatch.call(cols, "Add").toDispatch();
                Dispatch.call(cols, "AutoFit");

        /** *//**
         * 在指定列前面增加表格的列
         * @param tableIndex word文档中的第N张表(从1开始)
         * @param colIndex    指定列的序号 (从1开始)
        public void addTableCol(int tableIndex, int colIndex) {
                // 所有表格
                Dispatch tables = Dispatch.get(doc, "Tables").toDispatch();
                // 要填充的表格
                Dispatch table = Dispatch.call(tables, "Item", new Variant(tableIndex))
                // 表格的所有行
                Dispatch cols = Dispatch.get(table, "Columns").toDispatch();
                System.out.println(Dispatch.get(cols, "Count"));
                Dispatch col = Dispatch.call(cols, "Item", new Variant(colIndex))
                // Dispatch col = Dispatch.get(cols, "First").toDispatch();
                Dispatch.call(cols, "Add", col).toDispatch();
                Dispatch.call(cols, "AutoFit");

        /** *//**
         * 在第1列前增加一列
         * @param tableIndex word文档中的第N张表(从1开始)
        public void addFirstTableCol(int tableIndex) {
                Dispatch tables = Dispatch.get(doc, "Tables").toDispatch();
                // 要填充的表格
                Dispatch table = Dispatch.call(tables, "Item", new Variant(tableIndex))
                // 表格的所有行
                Dispatch cols = Dispatch.get(table, "Columns").toDispatch();
                Dispatch col = Dispatch.get(cols, "First").toDispatch();
                Dispatch.call(cols, "Add", col).toDispatch();
                Dispatch.call(cols, "AutoFit");

        /** *//**
         * 在最后一列前增加一列
         * @param tableIndex word文档中的第N张表(从1开始)
        public void addLastTableCol(int tableIndex) {
                Dispatch tables = Dispatch.get(doc, "Tables").toDispatch();
                // 要填充的表格
                Dispatch table = Dispatch.call(tables, "Item", new Variant(tableIndex))
                // 表格的所有行
                Dispatch cols = Dispatch.get(table, "Columns").toDispatch();
                Dispatch col = Dispatch.get(cols, "Last").toDispatch();
                Dispatch.call(cols, "Add", col).toDispatch();
                Dispatch.call(cols, "AutoFit");

        /** *//**
         * 自动调整表格
        public void autoFitTable() {
                Dispatch tables = Dispatch.get(doc, "Tables").toDispatch();
                int count = Dispatch.get(tables, "Count").toInt();
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
                        Dispatch table = Dispatch.call(tables, "Item", new Variant(i + 1))
                        Dispatch cols = Dispatch.get(table, "Columns").toDispatch();
                        Dispatch.call(cols, "AutoFit");

        /** *//**
         * 调用word里的宏以调整表格的宽度,其中宏保存在document下
        public void callWordMacro() {
                Dispatch tables = Dispatch.get(doc, "Tables").toDispatch();
                int count = Dispatch.get(tables, "Count").toInt();
                Variant vMacroName = new Variant("Normal.NewMacros.tableFit");
                Variant vParam = new Variant("param1");
                Variant para[] = new Variant[] { vMacroName };
                for (int i = 0; i < para.length; i++) {
                        Dispatch table = Dispatch.call(tables, "Item", new Variant(i + 1))
                        Dispatch.call(table, "Select");
                        Dispatch.call(word, "Run", "tableFitContent");

        /** *//**
         * 设置当前选定内容的字体
         * @param boldSize
         * @param italicSize
         * @param underLineSize 下划线
         * @param colorSize 字体颜色
         * @param size 字体大小
         * @param name 字体名称
        public void setFont(boolean bold, boolean italic, boolean underLine,
                        String colorSize, String size, String name) {
                Dispatch font = Dispatch.get(selection, "Font").toDispatch();
                Dispatch.put(font, "Name", new Variant(name));
                Dispatch.put(font, "Bold", new Variant(bold));
                Dispatch.put(font, "Italic", new Variant(italic));
                Dispatch.put(font, "Underline", new Variant(underLine));
                Dispatch.put(font, "Color", colorSize);
                Dispatch.put(font, "Size", size);

        /** *//**
         * 文件保存或另存为
         * @param savePath 保存或另存为路径
        public void save(String savePath) {
                                (Dispatch) Dispatch.call(word, "WordBasic").getDispatch(),
                                "FileSaveAs", savePath);

        /** *//**
         * 关闭当前word文档
        public void closeDocument() {
                if (doc != null) {
                        Dispatch.call(doc, "Save");
                        Dispatch.call(doc, "Close", new Variant(saveOnExit));
                        doc = null;

        /** *//**
         * 关闭全部应用
        public void close() {
                if (word != null) {
                        Dispatch.call(word, "Quit");
                        word = null;
                selection = null;
                documents = null;

        /** *//**
         * 打印当前word文档
        public void printFile() {
                if (doc != null) {
                        Dispatch.call(doc, "PrintOut");

        public static void main(String args[])throws Exception {

                MSWordManager msWordManager = new MSWordManager(true);



package com.test;    

public class T {    

        public static void main(String[] args) {    
                // TODO Auto-generated method stub   
                     MSWordManager ms=new MSWordManager(true);    
                     ms.insertText("Test jacob");    



数据库依然是DB2 9.5 ,用户名db2admin 密码abc 表名admin
package com.dao;    

import java.util.List;    

public class Test {    
        public static void main(String[] args) {    
                AdminDAO dao = new AdminDAO();    
                List list = dao.findAll();    
                MSWordManager ms=new MSWordManager(false);    
                for (int i=1;i<=list.size();i++){    
                        Admin admin = (Admin)list.get(1);    


这就是Java利用开源工具jacob操作Microsoft Word,至于其他MS Office软件,我会在以后的文章中继续发布。
下次我们一起看看用POI操作Microsoft Word



    Java操作Microsoft Word主要依赖于一个名为jacob的开源库,全称为Java-COM Bridge,它提供了Java与COM组件之间的桥梁,使得Java应用可以调用Windows平台上的Microsoft Office接口,包括Word、Excel等。jacob库包含三...


    ### Java操作Word:Jacob(方法解析+环境配置) #### Jacob简介 Jacob是一个开源的Java-COM桥接工具,它允许Java程序与Windows平台上的COM组件进行交互。这意味着开发者可以通过Java来控制诸如Microsoft Word、...

    java操作word之jacob(jacob.dll + jacob.jar),绝对实用

    Jacob库为Java开发者提供了一个与Microsoft Office交互的解决方案,允许在Java应用程序中操纵Word文档。Jacob库实际上是Java和COM(Component Object Model)之间的桥梁,使得Java能够调用Windows平台上的Office API...


    Java操作Word-Jacob是一个主题,涉及使用Java编程语言与Microsoft Word进行交互的技术。Jacob全称为Java COM Bridge,它是一个开源的Java库,允许Java应用程序利用COM(Component Object Model)接口来调用Windows上...


    Java操作Word文档主要依赖于第三方库,其中"jacob.jar"是Java和COM接口之间的一个桥梁,使得Java程序能够调用Microsoft Office应用,比如Word,进行文档操作。在这个场景下,"jacob.dll"是Java Native Interface ...


    Java 使用 Jacob 库操作 Word 文档 Java Jacob 库是 Java 语言中的一种库,主要用于与其他应用程序交互,例如 Microsoft Office。通过使用 Jacob 库,可以在 Java 中操作 Word 文档,进行读写操作。 在以下的代码...


    Java打印Word文档通常涉及到对Microsoft Office接口的调用,而JACOB(Java COM Bridge)是一个Java库,它为Java应用程序提供了与COM组件交互的能力,包括Microsoft Word。JACOB通过JNI(Java Native Interface)技术...

    JAVA使用jacob操作MS word

    在Java编程环境中,有时我们需要与Microsoft Office应用程序如Word进行交互,比如读取、修改或创建Word文档。这时,我们可以利用Jacob库(Java COM Automation Bridge)来实现这一目标。Jacob是Java语言的一个开源库...

    java操作word 封装包+jacob +dll

    Java操作Word封装包结合JACOB与Office_Wrapper库,为开发者提供了在Java环境中与Microsoft Word交互的能力。本文将深入探讨这两个库的工作原理、使用方法以及如何解决在使用过程中遇到的问题。 首先,JACOB(Java...


    - **Java操作Microsoft Word之jacob2、3、1-Java频道-中国IT实验室.htm**:这些可能是详细的教程或步骤,解释了如何使用Jacob进行Word操作的多个阶段或不同方法。 - **Jacob基础语法说明_stevewangvictor_新浪博客....

    Java 实现word文件增加图片水印 jacob实现 用到的jar

    在本例中,Jacob主要用于与Microsoft Word交互,因为Word本身提供了COM接口,可以用来操作Word文档。Jacob库包含了一个名为`jacob.jar`的Java库和针对不同体系结构(x64和x86)的动态链接库(`jacob-1.15-M4-x64.dll...


    Jacob库是Java和Microsoft COM接口之间的一个桥梁,允许Java程序调用微软的Office应用,如Word,进行文档操作。 首先,我们需要了解Java中的COM(Component Object Model)技术。COM是一种组件对象模型,它允许不同...

    jacob 操作word 文档详解

    Jacob 是一个 Java 库,用于访问和操作 Microsoft Office 应用程序,包括 Word。它提供了一个基于 COM(Component Object Model)的接口,允许 Java 应用程序与 Word 进行交互操作。在本文中,我们将详细介绍如何...


    Java与Word接口Jacob_1.9是一个用于在Java应用程序中操作Microsoft Word文档的库。Jacob全称为Java COM Bridge,它提供了Java与COM组件之间的桥梁,允许开发者通过Java代码调用和控制Word的功能,如创建、读取、修改...


    Java-JACOB库提供了一种方式让Java程序与Microsoft的COM接口进行交互,使得开发者能够直接在Java应用中操作如MS Word和Excel等Office应用程序。本文主要探讨如何使用Java-JACOB来创建和操作Word文档。 首先,使用...

    java word转pdf 源码 jacob

    在Java中,可以使用第三方库如Apache POI处理Word文档,但要将Word转换为PDF,通常需要借助像JACOB这样的库。JACOB(Java COM Bridge)是一个Java到COM桥接器,它允许Java程序调用COM组件,从而能够利用Microsoft ...


    Java通过Jacob库操作Word是Java开发中一种常见的技术,用于在程序中自动化处理Microsoft Word文档。Jacob(Java COM Automation Bridge)是一个开源库,它允许Java应用程序利用COM接口与Windows操作系统中的Office...


    Java是一种广泛使用的编程语言,它在处理各种任务时表现出强大的能力,其中之一就是操作Microsoft Office文档,尤其是Word文档。在Java中,有一种名为JACOB(Java COM Bridge)的库,它允许开发者通过Java代码调用...

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