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My first app on Android Market -- 24-Game

Dears, let me introduce my amazing Android game to you all:

It's - <<<< 24-Game >>>>

A mathematical card game in which the object is to find a way to manipulate four integers so that the end result is 24.

And in this Android version, we play Single Game, Multi-player Game, and some else.


1. I get very very interesting Quest Repository, and in every level, the Repository define special symbols can be used,
   which means: you can't figure it out without these symbols, and, there must be at least one solution for each quest.
2. Thought we got the repository, but I haven't define each solution in app, cos the ANDROID will calculate each for you.
   And it's really fast, because.. Im a fan of 24-Game, had optimize my arithmetic for almost 3 years, it's absolutely not simple exhaustion.
3. Powerful Calculator: you define the quest, the symbols, the target the ANDROID tell you the answer.

4. Multi-Player: em.. It's not internet play, that's I set for multi-players(max 4) play on a single android device(G1/G2), enjoy.
   And I plan to implement play on internet and through blue tooth.
5. Kinds of symbols: more then add, sub, div, mul, try to find out more in Game. And I leave a easy to extend Interface in it,
   so if you have some idea of symbol, please kindly mail me know it.
6. A calculator-like input form, easy to use and had tips.

7. Support for English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, and maybe more in future.

At last, this game is the second android app of mine ( the first still in alpha), I love android, and I wish you love my game and
  post on market about it. Thanks.
The game is free, below is the download url, but recommend you to download from Market for update (app name: 24-Game).


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3 楼 raymondlueng 2009-08-04  
2 楼 graying 2009-07-25  
1 楼 raymondlueng 2009-07-22  
你好,我也做了款游戏,也注册了Android market,不过在收款这环节卡住了,没有外国的银行账户,请问你是怎么解决的呢?谢谢,游戏做得不错!



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