Collecting login-specific information
1. Provide the following details about the problem:
- Version information for products involved:
- WebSphere Portal
- WebSphere Application Server
- Database
- HTTP server
- Time when problem originally began to occur as well as recent changes to the system.
- Topology of the environment including whether system is a stand-alone or clustered environment.
- Are you using an external security manager to authenticate to WebSphere Portal? Examples are IBM Tivoli Access Manager (TAM) or Computer Associates' SiteMinder.
- Are you using custom login classes or modules?
Recommendation: If you do not want to manually collect configuration files and tracing, you can skip the remaining sections of this MustGather by using the IBM Support Assistant Lite for WebSphere Portal Tool (WebSphere Portal->Security and Administration->Portal Login) to gather the requested information and provide it to IBM Support.
2. Enable login trace logging by setting the following trace settings in accordance with the instructions documented in the topic, "Trace Logging" in the WebSphere Portal Information Center:**=all:***=all:**=all:***=all:*=all
NOTE: Depending on how much traffic is hitting your server during trace collection, you may need to either increase the "Maximum File Size" or "Maximum Number of Historical Files" or both, so that your applicable tracing does not get overwritten.
For more information regarding logging and tracing in the portal, refer to the topic, Logging and Tracing, in the WebSphere Portal Information Center.
3. Collect the following files from the server during the time period that the problem occurs:
<WP_profile_root>/config/cells/<cellname>/nodes/<nodename>/servers/WebSphere_Portal/resources.xml (located in /clusters/<cluster_name> for clustered server)
<WP_profile_root>/config/cells/<cellname>/wim (including sub-directories)
- <WP_profile_root>/config/cells/<cellname>/fileRegistry.xml
Be certain to indicate the relevant details (date and time, test case, user ID, etc) to IBM Support in your communications, and use specific entries from the log to illustrate the problem reported if possible.
The dictionary defines a portal as a grand or imposing door or entrance; hence, that picture on the cover. In this book, you will learn why the word portal has become a major buzzword in the world of ...
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